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Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [ASSASSIN WIN]

Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

I'm inactive right now because I'm sick, and have been since Sunday. I post whenever I get one, which has been like everyother day. Um, sure, kill me? Yeah, like the rest of you, I have nothing.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

*Bored* If I was Kinged today, I would have executed P-S already.

That...is actually suspicous you would say that. There really is no great rush to kill him...you know what, Execute LS and I hope I'm not wrong.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

After a suspicious comment, the acting king decides to execute Legendaryseeker99. As the citizens drag him to the guillotine, he struggles and kicks until the blade comes down.

Of course, another voice descends from the heavens.

"This victim is not an assassin."

Legendaryseeker99 is dead; he was not an assassin.

Night time. 48 hours for night actions!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 3]

The citizens wake up again, and of course they are uneasy. This is a very uneasy town, it seems.

The remaining five villagers walk to the square to find a mangled dead body. A strange out-of-this-time-period machine is found, with some kind of sharp chain on the outside of a metal plate. The villagers christen this object a "chainsaw", and they determine that first she was tortured by having her leg sharpened by this "chainsaw", then she was stabbed to death.

Squirrel is dead. She was not an assassin.

Quite an inefficient death method, they agree. However, as usual, a voice "appears" clearly:

"Today's king shall be Wargle."

48 hours to convince Wargle whom to execute!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Oh hai guys I'm queen today what should we do??

And what is with these recent brutal deaths? not right at all.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Yeah, I still have no idea who to lynch. This will probably be our last chance to get an assassin, though. Should we maybe actually go for Pig-serpent this time?

Hm. Well, there are two assassins left. Wargle could in fact be one of them, which would not be so good. :( Out of the five people we've got, we have two assassins, one Kingmaker, and two innocent non-Kingmakers. (I am an innocent non-Kingmaker. Therefore there is only one more.) The Kingmaker is definitely innocent and can't pick him/herself as king, right? That means Wargle isn't the Kingmaker (since he is today's king). If Squirrel wasn't the Kingmaker (in that case a new one would have been randomized after her death), that would mean Twilight Sparkle isn't the Kingmaker either (since she was king yesterday). Maybe we could take a chance and go for Twilight Sparkle, then, since we are able to execute her today and she has less of a chance of having an alibi than the rest...? Of course, Squirrel could have been the Kingmaker, in which case Twilight Sparkle could possibly be the Kingmaker now if she's innocent.

I am not asking for the Kingmaker to claim, of course, since that'll get them modkilled, but I asked Seri and we are in fact allowed to claim not Kingmaker! I would like to ask that the other innocent non-Kingmaker speak up (Kingmaker, keep quiet!) so that will help us narrow it down a bit. Of course, an assassin can lie and claim innocent non-Kingmaker, but in that case we'll have more than one claim and we can rule out the others who didn't claim as such.

Anyone else have any other ideas?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Just wondering, so we have to have an assassin dead by the end of today or else assassins win right? Anyway I claim non kingmaker innocent.

Yeah, today it's either me or twilight sparkle really.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Just wondering, so we have to have an assassin dead by the end of today or else assassins win right? Anyway I claim non kingmaker innocent.

Yeah, today it's either me or twilight sparkle really.

Yes, that's correct, I think. I thought there might be a very unlikely scenario in which the innocents could still win, but now that I've thought about it a little more, I don't think such a possibility exists.

Hm! Anyone else want to claim non-Kingmaker innocent?

EDIT: I would especially like to know about Wargle! Wargle, are you a non-Kingmaker innocent! :o
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Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Yeah, I still have no idea who to lynch. This will probably be our last chance to get an assassin, though. Should we maybe actually go for Pig-serpent this time?

Hm. Well, there are two assassins left. Wargle could in fact be one of them, which would not be so good. :( Out of the five people we've got, we have two assassins, one Kingmaker, and two innocent non-Kingmakers. (I am an innocent non-Kingmaker. Therefore there is only one more.) The Kingmaker is definitely innocent and can't pick him/herself as king, right? That means Wargle isn't the Kingmaker (since he is today's king). If Squirrel wasn't the Kingmaker (in that case a new one would have been randomized after her death), that would mean Twilight Sparkle isn't the Kingmaker either (since she was king yesterday). Maybe we could take a chance and go for Twilight Sparkle, then, since we are able to execute her today and she has less of a chance of having an alibi than the rest...? Of course, Squirrel could have been the Kingmaker, in which case Twilight Sparkle could possibly be the Kingmaker now if she's innocent.

Well, pig-serpent hasn't been king yet... so he could be the kingmaker, because I know for a fact that I'm the other non-kingmaker innocent.

But, Pig-serpent did ask about the winning conditions as they stand so that strikes me as a little suspicious. This is perplexing...

I say Twilight Sparkle.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Okay, you know what? I'm not patient enough to see if Wargle's going to take my bait. :(

If Wargle is Mafia, we have already lost. I did say that if an innocent dies today, we lose. (The Mafia kills an innocent tonight, then either executes the remaining innocent tomorrow if an assassin is chosen as King or kills them the following night if not.) If we have a Mafia king today, there is absolutely no reason for them not to just go ahead and lynch an innocent without waiting for anyone to speak. It would be impossible for us innocents to win in that case. If we want to have any chance of winning, we must assume that Wargle is not Mafia. (Wargle, if you're Mafia, you may as well go ahead and end the game. :c There's no reason to keep us waiting!) Therefore, Wargle must be the other innocent non-Kingmaker. Pig-serpent and Chief Zackrai have both also claimed as such. First of all, this clears Twilight Sparkle, who must be our Kingmaker. (Seri, this doesn't count as the Kingmaker claiming, right?) Second of all, this leaves Pig-serpent and Chief Zackrai as our Mafia!

Wargle, if you're on our side, Pig-serpent and Chief Zackrai are your two best targets! (If you are not, then... sigh, how sad. :c) Kingmaker, if Wargle does kill an assassin, she and I as the two other innocents would be the safe choices for tomorrow's king. (If you don't trust me, put Wargle as your first choice!) Then we can kill the remaining assassin tomorrow!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

One issue with that. Twilight Sparkle has been Queen. If she is the Kingmaker, that shouldn't have been possible. You and Pig-serpent haven't been King/Queen yet, leaving one of you as Kingmaker.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Why are you assuming that one that's been king/queen can't be kingmaker? Seri never said it didn't work like that, and I find Cheif Zackrai suspicous for even stating that in the first place. And Seri said pretty much anyone can become kingmaker. (just saying)
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

One issue with that. Twilight Sparkle has been Queen. If she is the Kingmaker, that shouldn't have been possible. You and Pig-serpent haven't been King/Queen yet, leaving one of you as Kingmaker.

I was king on the first day. Squirrel was likely Kingmaker before, with Twilight Sparkle being picked as the next one once Squirrel died.

(Also, only one issue with that? Are you admitting that you're an assassin?)
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Why are you assuming that one that's been king/queen can't be kingmaker? Seri never said it didn't work like that, and I find Cheif Zackrai suspicous for even stating that in the first place. And Seri said pretty much anyone can become kingmaker. (just saying)

I was under the impression that the kingmaker couldn't make themselves the king/queen.

@Applebloom: Well then, you changed your name. And no, I am not saying I'm an assassin, which I'm not, It's just that was the matter I chose to address. I still think that Pig-serpent is Kingmaker, though.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

I was under the impression that the kingmaker couldn't make themselves the king/queen.

@Applebloom: Well then, you changed your name. And no, I am not saying I'm an assassin, which I'm not, It's just that was the matter I chose to address. I still think that Pig-serpent is Kingmaker, though.

They can't. But if the Kingmaker dies, a new one is chosen. The new Kingmaker could be someone who was chosen as king previously. Also, Pig-serpent claimed not to be the Kingmaker.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

The kingmaker cannot make himself/herself king.

However, if a kingmaker dies, he/she is replaced by another villager. I'm not saying necessarily that a kingmaker has died, but if any kingmaker did die, than another villager takes that place. It's a possibility that may or may not have happened in this game.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

so did you, and so did I. Also, if he had claimed Kingmaker, he would be dead now.

Exactly. There's no reason for the Kingmaker to have claimed not Kingmaker when the Kingmaker is innocent-aligned, and doing so would really mess up their side's chances of winning the game. The real Kingmaker would just not say anything about their role at all. Thus everyone has been eliminated as a potential Kingmaker except Twilight Sparkle.
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