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Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [ASSASSIN WIN]

Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

So, what you're saying is then is that we're back to square one on who to lynch.

No, that's not what I've been saying at all. What I'm saying is that if Wargle is Mafia, then either you or Pig-serpent is Mafia, but that wouldn't matter then because the innocents would lose anyway. If Wargle is not Mafia, then both you and Pig-serpent are Mafia. We'll know once Wargle looks at this thread, I guess!

ETA: Or square two, sure, but with five players and two Mafia that's a pretty big step!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Gah. Stop editing. 'Tis not... incredibly trustworthy. Not that I don't want to believe you're innocent, but it's difficult not to point at whoever edits and say "Guilty!"[/hyperventilating]

Anyway, I wasn't saying it was a bad thing, but it's less progress than what we had.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Waiting for Wargle to come in.
Um, yeah, I'm innocent. Not sure really what else you want me to say.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Out of seemingly nowhere, Applebloom is ordered to be executed by Wargle. She struggles, but eventually gives up. "Goddammit. :(" she says angrily, as the guillotine blade comes down on her neck.

Applebloom is innocent.

GAME OVER. Assassins win.

Details will be revealed soon!
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

DERP. Applebloom, it looks like we were the remaining innocents, and
Wargle and either Twilight Sparkle or Pig-Serpent (but I'm leaning towards Twilight Sparkle) were the assassins.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

I wasn't assassin!! Got turned into kingmaker the night before :(
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

... really? then why didn't Wargle kill the player we actually lnched? So you know, Sparkle, you.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Wargle: Assassin Leader
Pig-serpent: Assassin Accomplice

Squirrel: First Kingmaker, Night 0 to Night 3.
Twilight Sparkle: Villager, became a Kingmaker after Night 3.
Jack_the_PumpkinKing: Hero

Applebloom, Blastoise, Chief Zackrai, Flower Doll, Legendaryseeker99, Mai, OrngSumb - all Villagers.

My comments:
- You villagers should've executed Pig-serpent! That one suspicious comment...
- I was kind of sad that the Hero feature never kicked in.
- Squirrel's death (leg sharpened with a chainsaw then stabbed to death) was actually in the PM Wargle sent me:
Wargle's PM said:
Kill Squirrel by using a chainsaw and sharpening her leg and stab her ot death with it.

Does anyone think we should try another Kingmaker setup game?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

I would join that. Maybe add some roles.

I'm not so sure the Kingmaker setup is conducive to many powered roles, but perhaps an inspector would be nice. I'd love another Kingmaker game, it's a nice variation of pace.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

I wanna be assassin leader again if we do another kingmaker lol it was fun.

What does hero even do?
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

Hmm sorry bout offing you first. I felt it was right.
Re: Kingmaker Mafia (second thread) [Day 4]

It is all Twilight's fault we lost >:(
But I think we should do this again, with maybe two heros.
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