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Kitty Needs A Name!


Uh, I didn't do it.
Here is the backstory-

I work overnight security at a plant here in Minnesota. It was raining heavily at around three in the morning when I was relieved (got off early for holiday) and the rainstorm was quickly becoming a full throttle thunderstorm, it had even begun to hail. I ran to my car which was alone in the large empty dirt lot. I got to my car and started fumbling for the key when I heard a sound from underneath my car. I got out and looked underneath and saw the source, a small grey kitten had sought shelter underneath my car. She was obviously scared and very young and covered in muck and wet. I coaxed her out and picked her up, she was scared at first, unsure of what to do I put her in my car and took it home. Having had numerous cats before I was able to conclude she was healthy, and I decided to bring her to the pound in the morning. I washed her up, gave her some food and water. In the short time I had her she was the sweetest kitten I had ever met, and I immediately became attached to the poor thing. But I also rationally thought that she could belong to someone, so I brought her to the pound as I had decided earlier.

As soon as I came home after dropping her off I felt guilty, the police most likely said she was stray and that they deal with abandoned kittens quite often. The next day I gave in and went to the pound and asked if they had a fostering program. I was told that if the kitten wasn't claimed in five days it would be put for adoption, if not adopted within a week she would be put to sleep. They had a program where I would foster the kitten for the five days and if not claimed she would automatically become mine. I jumped at it, and was able to take her home immediately.

It's been five days and now she belongs to me, and is a happy lovey little kitten... but since there was a chance that somone could have owned her, I never bothered to name her... Now she needs a name.

I was thinking a Doctor Who based name...

Any suggestions? I would also consider any other geeky names- I just am trying to think of a name, good, evil, I don't care.

It's a female grey and black tabby cat about 8 weeks old


Sitting on my lap.
Just come home from the Pound
Flying kitty!
She insisted upong sleeping next to my dog, who was so old he didn't seem to care much.
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name her stormy. because i have a gray-and-black she-cat in one of my Warriors fanfics named stormpaw. 8D *shot*
Hmm, I have afew ideas...

-[insert cat-based Pokemon here]
-Mew (Not the Pokemon, but the sound kitties make~)
-Fluffy (if she is)
-You could name her after a flower~
-Hello Kitty (I'm sorry--I couldn't help myself...)

That's all I can think of right now. D:
my god this is the sweetest thing ever. Charizard2K, you have got a heart of gold. and that picture with your kitty and dog together is adorable.

'storm' would be a cool name. like, storm of the x-men with her weather-based superpowers! I can't think of any female weather-based deities, sadly. maybe you could name her thor, pretend it's a gender neutral name like alex?
I'd suggest Max or Angel or Nudge, seeing as I'm obsessed with Maximum Ride. Or, something to go with your dog's name which is?
Name her Shoe. :D

Maybe Rhoda or Angel, like many people have said. How about Cassandra?

Also, cutest story ever. :3
I have three other pets, two dogs Goldberg (the one in the pic) and McGraw, and a siamese cat named Maggie (legal name Maggie May :P)... My other cat recently died (like a month ago) his name was Sam (Legal name Sam I Am, we mostly called him Sammy)

I am on GallifreyBase, another forums for Whovians, some of the things they came up with for Doctor Who names

Novice Hane
Dalek Kitteh
Pandorica (Pandora for short)
Madame de Pompadour
or you could even shorten it to 'panda'! which is an adorable nickname but might give her species confusion issues.

*laughs* Sorry I've already had a cat named Panda, and I think she did have issues, that was one fat cat.

Storm might work cause of the conditions I found her in, but her personality isn't "Stormy" she's too laid back for that.

LSD.... uh... sorry... I think I would end up explaining that to people for a while.... "Oh that's my cat, LSD" *looks at me funny* "You had fun in college!"

Had a cat named Angel too...

Shoe I don't think would work, "Has anyone seen my shoe?" "MEOW!"
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Well, with the fearlessness of her cuddling up to your dog, I'd go with Donna. Also she looks a bit like a ginger :D

When ole_schooler mentioned 'Ginger' I remembered a book I read, and there was a sequal to that book called 'Pinky-Pie', and she was a grayish kitty cat. :D
Aparently this is a family tradition. My father worked for the same security company, and one night when he came back from his rounds he found a kitten at his desk eating his ham sandwhich. He took her home too, named her Chloe. She was black and white, best cat ever, she died a year later.
Wow, really? I'm sorry about the kitty, though.

So, you could name her Chloe in honor of the other kitty, right? That would be really sweet, and your dad would love it!

Plus, Chloe is an amazing name, in my opinion.
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