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knives alley hydra mafia


meh. i don’t really like this. i kinda doubt that individual members of a hydra have different alignments, so being able to kill individuals would mean that you just like... have an extra guy hanging out whose alignment you know. that seems pretty weird and not terribly likely to me.
it would be pretty useful to have an extra guy hanging out whose alignment you know, if that alignment is town! like, we'd need a way to prevent them from simply being nightkilled, but if we pull that off, yeah. not that I'm advocating lynching someone who is likely to be town just to accomplish that effect, but eh, as far as I'm concerned, the possibility of turning a mislynch into advantage is basically win-win, in that we get something whether we're right or wrong on the call

that said, I do think one of the likeliest implementations for this kind of thing would be players receiving new powers, and possibly new alignments, if their fellow hydrahead dies. in fact, I have to wonder if there's no mafia from the start of game, and we pretty much create the mafia by wrongfully lynching people... that'd be a sick ass twist, even if it'd require some amount of tinkering to disasterproof it.

for what it's worth, my PM -- and not necessarily all of y'alls, as has been stated -- says that a town win requires that all mafia players be dead. if I'm right about the self-created mafia assguess, that would mean we'd technically not win if there are no mafia players alive right now, but rather, that we'd need at least one to exist and then be dead in order to win. rari did say to expect structural/grammatic shenanigans, right?

(and last but not least, there's the couples thing -- which seems to confirm that all of the hydra slots are flavored as two distinct people. this does not necessarily mean much that can be intuited readily, being flavor, but I do think that such a flavor would be consistent with my theories!)
(also, for the record, my other-head is busy today, so it's going to be just me in this here EoD. incentive for me to try to suck less at EoD today I guess)
that said, I do think one of the likeliest implementations for this kind of thing would be players receiving new powers, and possibly new alignments, if their fellow hydrahead dies. in fact, I have to wonder if there's no mafia from the start of game, and we pretty much create the mafia by wrongfully lynching people... that'd be a sick ass twist, even if it'd require some amount of tinkering to disasterproof it.
yeah, admittedly this is probably just a huge disparity in outlook; it seems weird to me, even in a bastard game, to like ... conjure possible ways that a setup COULD be bastard and act upon that (e.g. voting) in ways directly counterintuitive to normal play (as opposed to playing normally, observing something weird happening, and then adjusting accordingly). the first pathway feels premature imho.

i mean, mech discussion is on balance better than not, and i’m fine talking these possibilities out — though i also find that distinct from tossing out a vote based on said possibilities. we kind of plan (weird shit pending) on hunting for wolves and specifically trying to sort things out for today’s EoD. we also aren’t really thinking much, if anything, of the role pm flavor for now ... in all likelihood they’re written that way because each slot *is* made up of two people.

- m
like in particular it’s kind of impossible by design for hydra heads to be playing independently at all right now, i think; all communications go to one account. and the “what about post-death” theory is like ... i just don’t really want to play in that world right now lol

- m
heyo just popping in on mobile from move-in shenanigans to drop my 2 cents on the ground here

- was talking to mf while catching up with the thread and mentioned that i wanted to test voting out one member of a hydra bc the raripost encouraging fucking around and finding out, and she was like "oh you got to that part where i said that?" and i said no, didnt even see that yet. So we're of the same mind on that bit. Theres gotta be some structural fuckery we need to poke around in and understand better. I think mechanic experimentation is gonna be important in this game and I really do think D1's yeet is a great place to do it. Get info on if it works or not as early as possible ingame, see if there are consequences, etc. I see this as a superior option to shot-in-the-darking a d1 toneread target, but thats probably because I naturally prefer mechanical play and I'm not super confident tonereading, especially only going off d1 posts.

There were probably gonna be more bullet points but my short term memory is 8 seconds long so they're gone now. Peace -h
i'm very much in favor of attempting to yeet one person, btw. it would give us a lot of setup info depending on whether it could be done or not. i'm still figuring out what i think / how i want to say it but i think any way it goes i'd still be in favor of trying that. -- sande
if y’all really want to test that, it doesn’t have to be in opposition to hunting down scum / it shouldn’t be a replacement conversation. as (i think) qz said. why not do that but from the pov of “who is wolf”
- m
yo yo yo it'sa him mario

so in-flavor stryke and i live in like an apartment with a crt tv and a painting of an erect penis on the wall (not joking)

however i only move while stryke is asleep. or at least while he says he is asleep idk he could climb out the window or some shit, but our combined role has me and only me carrying out the action

anyone else like this
if y’all really want to test that, it doesn’t have to be in opposition to hunting down scum / it shouldn’t be a replacement conversation. as (i think) qz said. why not do that but from the pov of “who is wolf”
- m
i'm not saying we should just pick at random to see if they can die! i definitely think if we can agree on a wolf-ish person we should yeet them. but i also think even if we can't come up with one we should try to vote out a single person anyway. (part of what i want to discuss with mera is "is it okay for me to volunteer myself in the case where we can't find a wolfy person, with the understanding that if it doesn't work the way i think it does, it would very likely just get us both killed" dhsjkdgndf.) but yeah, i don't think picking a person at random is the smartest thing to do rn, and i definitely don't think trying to get evidence for this mechanic makes it mutually exclusive with trying to get an actual wolf yeet.
(but yeah i think the best thing i can do for this game is help figure out the setup? i'm not confident in my own reads - in snomfia, where i was actually mafia, i nearly convinced myself that someone that i was gathering paranoid evidence against was mafia (despite, you know, me literally being mafia and making shit up). the most helpful i think i can be is volunteering what i think is going on in the game, and past providing my thoughts and potentially evidence for them with my body, i don't think i can be very useful. i signed up for this game on a lark and mostly on the idea that i could shitpost while my partner actually played - i don't usually play mafia bc i have memory issues that make it hard for me to have consistent reads or remember what's going on in thread, and i'm in the middle of a school quarter, so. i wasn't actually expecting to be useful. -- sande)
sorry jack if this kills you but eifie has literally said "lmao i'm not gonna share my read"
suppose for a second that they are actually just one slot and that the dual-alignment theory isn’t actually real. then what

eifie was expressly never going to seriously play the game
- m
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