feh the owl
owl slep. slep good.
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- they/them
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alma lonesome is what I call it when--... lonely T_T
(I should also say that I hadn't been scumreading him at all to this point, so the latter is seeming more likely to me atm)My best guess is that either he's lying (which possibly doesn't match up well with him correctly identifying bruh moment's action on N0? need to think about that a bit more) or that someone else is interfering with his results.
To my knowledge, aside from this claim that you have a night action as well as yesterday's day action, no hydra so far has had or claimed to have multiple roles (please by all means correct me if I'm wrong there). So the immediate hypothesis that jumps to mind here is that your role is actually some kind of role thief, and you learned our role on N0 with the ability to use it on D1. And that's why you burned your apparent oneshot on D1 - you knew you weren't going to get to save it for a later day. Am I right?fwiw we were not aware of being visited n0. can confirm that we left together that night, though, and visited quetzal.
Uh, for the record, I was already a little bitHe also gave us a bunch of association reads that he said were making him suspect kyeugh and Zori were scumbuddies, although obviously that turned out not to be the case.
anyway this is very cool that vm is flavored as the one carrying out the action but jack saw qenya do things. so one of you is or has been lying or otherwise fucked up your info at some pointWell now this is an interesting idea, thank you sande
Thank you especially for the information that actions definitely can target only one head of a hydra
Don't have time to issue thoughts in full now, but, full disclosure: My and VM's role is flavoured as him carrying out the action. However I did explicitly check with rari and can confirm that, mechanically, either of us is allowed to be the one to perform it
i mean, rari certainly does seem to really like neighbourisers; can't speak for how much of the thread you've read-either rari really likes neighborizers or i did not actually read most of the thread
yes, you’re right. we spy through a window each night and try to live the lives of the inhabitants the next day. we can confirm that your power is as you say, and also that (to our knowledge) you don’t have any other ones. we asked rari if we’d be able to see single-headed actions and she said we can “watch what we can see through the window,” whatever that means. so we think if you had one that we would have seen it, but can’t really be sure.To my knowledge, aside from this claim that you have a night action as well as yesterday's day action, no hydra so far has had or claimed to have multiple roles (please by all means correct me if I'm wrong there). So the immediate hypothesis that jumps to mind here is that your role is actually some kind of role thief, and you learned our role on N0 with the ability to use it on D1. And that's why you burned your apparent oneshot on D1 - you knew you weren't going to get to save it for a later day. Am I right?
hi everyone in this post we learn i cannot read.anyway this is very cool that vm is flavored as the one carrying out the action but jack saw qenya do things. so one of you is or has been lying or otherwise fucked up your info at some pointWell now this is an interesting idea, thank you sande
Thank you especially for the information that actions definitely can target only one head of a hydra
Don't have time to issue thoughts in full now, but, full disclosure: My and VM's role is flavoured as him carrying out the action. However I did explicitly check with rari and can confirm that, mechanically, either of us is allowed to be the one to perform it
-- sande
please nodo we think there are third alignments?