• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Hey there, I'm DarkAura, a Celebi and Charmander lover here! (I also like the pokemon Kyogre better than Groudon, that's why i got heartgold, X3)

Well, ova thar is the mafia games and anime style battling, two popular sections on this site. There are also forum games, roleplays, writing, and Pokemon discussions!

Would you like some Tea and cod? How about coffee and salmon? Soda or bass? Milk or Halibut? How about Orange juice and.....magikarp?

Anyway, have a nice time on here! =D
Who the hell is sending invites to here around Pokeboard? >.<

I'm not exactly bothered by it, but you need to be active in both forums or else I'll get banhammered. D:
Well, Cypher...It's mostly me. xD
But I left PB, so I suppose it doesn't matter. Welocme to TCoD, where it's better than Peanut Butter. xD
this is how I feel right now

All joking aside, welcome to TCoD. I don't know how they do things where you're from (actually I do) but here we can have as few characters in a post as we want and have immediate access to everything ever. Except like admin stuff. But still.

The ASB stuff I was talking about is here..
Hello Kyogre. *Swivels around in his chair*

Riddle me this. What has rivers with no water, land with no greenery, and cities with no people?

*Pets imaginary cat*


Welcome to TCoD, Kyogre.
Seriously, its like PB threw up all the decent members into this forum. XD
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