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League of Legends


Greetings, my fellow tCoDians!

Some of you have played League of Legends already, and I’m always looking for new additions to my friendlist. If you know what you’re doing, go ahead and add “Furiianda”, if you want.

For those of you who don’t know about this, allow me to explain.
LoL is a free game for your PC. It does require a slightly good machine (nothing too astounding, I assure you!) to play… and Windows. It’s about a 400MB download. You’ll also probably want a mouse, and uh, pro skillz?
More to the point it’s one of the “successors” of DotA, and it’s very similar in many ways, however the interface is built to suit the playstyle and the champions are (probably) a lot cooler.

Anyway, if you happen to not know what DotA means, basically League of Legends is… kind of like a cross between a RTS (real time strategy) and RPG (I’ll assume you know what that stands for). A real time RPG, perhaps? The play style of this genre became very popular very fast and spurred many companies to try and produce similar games, most likely including WoW, and some random game my friends play at LANs called Demigod (which really sucks)!

You pick a champion for each round/match – which tends to go for 30 minutes to an hour, so be prepared for long playing sessions, (leaving midway nets you a lot of penalties) in 5v5 or 3v3 teams! Champions vary quite a lot; there are all the usual things… mages, archers, gigantic monsters that eat people, healers, rogue/assassins, warriors, tanks, whatever you like. Anyway, they’ve all got 4 usable abilities unique to them, as well as a passive. You level up as you fight in the match, and purchase an item set (up to 6) to boost your stats, and try to break into the enemies’ base, past their defensive turrets and minion/creep waves to destroy their Nexus. (It's a big shiny purple thing that spawns each team's minions) It’s generally a PvP game, though there are some AI/bots, with a pretty good matchmaking system – you have a level attributed to you that grows as you play more matches, and you’re paired with people of a similar level. Finding games usually takes about half a minute!
If this doesn’t quite make sense to you, you’d probably spend your time better finding some videos rather than getting me to explain.
Anyway, if you’re interested or are a new player, I’m happy to help out anyone with what I know. This, admittedly, isn’t too much. There are tonnes of online resources as well and a pretty comprehensive in-game tutorial.

I would love if some more friends or acquaintances of mine would join. I don’t like queuing for games on my own, as in any PvP game, you run into a lot of jerks. As well as co-ordination and planning (and voice chat) making things much easier for a team, which is a bit harder with strangers.
If you’d like to play an online, competitive game without spending a lot of (or any) money, League of Legends is a great choice! I would say it’s a lot of fun, and there’s no harm in trying, right? It’s a lot easier to get into if you have friends with you, too… just the nature of the game. ~
You can download the game at http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ . They also try to force you to watch a shiny trailer when you go to the website, so don't be shocked when you see one of those "Skip this ad" page fronts.

Anyway, moving on from the blatant advertising, please contribute your screen names if you play and I’ll compile them or something. Feel free to discuss, or argue, or peacefully share your opinions or experiences of the game.

Summoner Names
ArtsyAlraune (Alraune/Spike)
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Eeee! This game. My Summoner Name is ArtsyAlraune. :v

This game is surprisingly a lot more fun than I thought it would be (hella fun vs pretty amusing). I wish I could've gotten to play Kog'maw some more before he was rotated out... :C He was my favorite because he totally looked like a little zergling or something! And he exploded like a baneling, or something. Guess I better save up my IP so's I can unlock him permanently.
Well, my brother and his friends have been into this game for a few months so far, so I ended up trying it out and I love it. Unfortunately, I am incredibly bad at it, possibly because I'm new and possibly because I'm just really bad. I'd love to find other people who play this though, aside from my brother since I think he's beginning to get a bit irritated. I was actually thinking of making this thread a while ago.

My username is Blaziking, simple as that. The only champion I've actually IP purchased and use somewhat well is Viegar, but I've played others that I'm okay at.
Well, I'm incredibly bad too! :D I just logged out for the night and can't be bothered to boot it back up but uh... I'll definitely add you next time I get on. :3 And we can be incredibly bad together! Well, Furii's not incredibly bad but... hrmyes

D'awr, sure I am. You should have seen when I tried Udyr. :o
Anyway, Blaziking, I totally know what you mean. Since my friend who told me about the game is a level 30 super pro and well... makes the enemy team froth with rage. Usually about 20-30 kills each match... ahaha and the enemy team starts yelling at him for being OP. (Said friend, Alraune, and I all played a few matches just now)
Anyway, Veigar is pretty solid! Good stuff! Unfortunately though I also have another (IRL) friend who seems to be playing Veigar every match :B hnng. (don't worry, he's not on much, heh heh) Personally I enjoy Fiddlesticks more than Veigar but I can totally see why some people like him! Why did I draw that comparison just now?!
Well once my laptop is up and running again I'd definitely be glad to start playing again. I used my brother's computer the other day and I must say, I'm liking Fiddlesticks and Sivir since I'm kinda good with both of them.
Well once my laptop is up and running again I'd definitely be glad to start playing again. I used my brother's computer the other day and I must say, I'm liking Fiddlesticks and Sivir since I'm kinda good with both of them.

I like Sivir when playing against bots, but I just have such bad reflexes it's hard to hit players that know not to stand still when you're close enough to use the boomerang. >; Soraka's getting to be more my thing... I always like being supporting roles in online games, even though there's a lot of pressure at first because I'm still learning how things work. I haven't tried Fiddlesticks yet though. In fact there's a lot of them I haven't tried...
I installed this game yesterday and played it into the wee hours of the morning instead of sleeping.
I regret it, but not as much as I should, because it was fun.
I'm Honalululand because some dork took H-land.
I dunno man, I think I'm gonna stick with plain old DotA. Unless there's some really good reason why I shouldn't?
WELCOME ABOARD, H-LAND! Too bad about it -- the name -- being taken though. (Man, the nerve of that person...)

I dunno man, I think I'm gonna stick with plain old DotA. Unless there's some really good reason why I shouldn't?

LoL is basically an interface update. IT ANNOYED ME IN DOTA WHEN I DESELECTED THE CHAMPION ): (this doesn't happen in LoL)
Oh yeah and they... uh... don't like denying, I guess... but you can practically deny them anyway by pushing them away further in your lane.
It's more pleasant to work with LoL, from my experience! There are also some... random features... I couldn't tell you accurately what every difference is, but I think that the LoL website goes into detail about it (there's a section called "DotA and League of Legends").
I'm not sure why you'd want to stick with DotA when what is essentially an upgraded version (or several) is(/are) available, but hey. Friends? LAN capabilities? I don't know how often they update the map!

Also, I don't have the impression that DotA has anything to offer by the way of matchmaking, well, other than marking the game title or something... automated stuff is cool... iunno.
If it's a simplicity thing (as in, stick to it because you have it already) I'd say, why not try League? The download isn't too astounding and you get a game that is, uh, purely DotA oriented (as opposed to this RTS interface with random hotkeys and stuff).
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Hrrm. Well, in my experience, DotA and its clones are very, very unwelcoming towards newbies - learning everything there is to know about every hero and item takes a while, and you're not finished even then. And during the time you suck, you're not enjoying yourself as much. Fair enough though, I might as well give it a try when I have some time to spare. Don't expect me to stick around when Dota 2 arrives, though!
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