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Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups


disaster pigeon
I obviously spent waaay too much time on this and put too much thought into it, to be disappointed when nobody joins :<

*ahem* With various aspects stolen from various RPs.
It takes a lot of time and effort to write a story, or to retell the story of others. However, when the stories are told, details are missed, things are blown out of proportion, real occurrences become rumours, rumours become reality. After a while, you'd think nobody would know what to believe, or what is right or wrong. You can have people telling tales of turning into a Pokemon, of Pokemon and humans becoming one being, or the story of Pokemon with odd powers that they should not have. All these are just that, stories. The real big stories, the legends, are the stories of people and Pokemon, of real life. If you look back, life is like television, except without stunt doubles or safety nets. Everything is real.

There is a forest to the far north of Hoenn, where no humans really go. Of course, this is the real untamed wild, not your sissy tame forests that you can cross without any real hiking involved, not a flat square of land with a tree here and there, and short grass underfoot. This is a one hundred sixty thousand (160, 000) square kilometre chunk of land, though our story takes place in a small portion towards the eastern end. Winters are hard, colder than one could even imagine and lifeless. The snow is almost two feet deep and will quickly suck away a Pokemon's body heat, so if you don't have a thick fur coat, hibernate, or store up food, you will die. Predators are everywhere, and if you are injured badly enough, something will find you and you will die.

Between the trees are dirt, roots, branches, predators, poisonous plants and undergrowth up to a human's waist, not some grass and pretty flowers like it is in Hoenn or any region. The rare lake smears the trees, and these are valuable gathering places, life sustaining and protected for all Pokemon, by all Pokemon. Rivers, not the weak trickles of streams or shallow ditches roar through the forest at seemingly random. Crossing, or trying to cross has cost many their lives. A few live in these fresh water deposits, being aquatic Pokemon. Any scent of blood or meat will attract them, so cutting yourself on a sharp rock while fording a river could cost your life.

This is the Fifth Forest.

Life is not easy here, for the few Pokemon that populate the Fifth. Most have to avoid predators or groups of stronger Pokemon, the groups of stronger Pokemon and predators have to avoid the all too common forest fires, sickness and the occasional Trainer who comes by. These Trainers are nothing to laugh about, only the strongest or stupid come this far north, into uncharted lands. If you can manage to live past six years of age in the Fifth, real life will begin, and you may grow into a powerful hunter, if the humans or the day to day hazards don't get you first.

Those who've lived here long enough have fallen into the rhythm of life, eat, fight, drink when you can, and sleep lightly. Danger doesn't stop the kits and hatchlings from being any less playful, however, or the flying Pokemon to occasionally fly through thunderstorms and heavy rain to test their bravery. If you can defend yourself and your friends or family, you're more or less fine, and skill comes with age.

Lately, more humans have been venturing to the Fifth, whether it be for lumber, Pokemon, poaching, or what have you. They are disturbing the delicate balance of the already broken Fifth, with them capturing some of the necessary hunters of prey Pokemon, clear cutting large lots of land, and some even daring to make a home in the Fifth. For whatever reasons, the Fifth is being overturned with humans.

Not many venture far enough into the Fifth to get to where we are, however. Still, with their machinery and uncontrolled fire, they affect all of the forest. Pokemon who have lived in the clear cuts lands to the south move north, or fan out east and west. Packs or large groups continue to immigrate to the Fifth, more Pokemon than ever before filling the eastern lands. Life is becoming even harder for those that know how to make their livings, or have lived in the Fifth since birth. Stories of a pack of merciless hunters cross the land, and from what can be gathered, they are moving quickly, from west to east. Together, this makes for a living hell for those who live in the Fifth, and there's nowhere to run. Can you survive the Fifth?

This is Algonquin Park, in Ontario. No, really. :o

You play a Pokemon, obviously, who lives in the eastern lands of the Fifth. Living is rough, and humans, sickness, death, injury and survival are more than problems, they're life.

Hope you read that big chunk of text up there and below. It's some kinda important.

The eastern lands are mostly trees, of course, being in a forest. The lands are basically determined by being to the east side of the Fifth, since the entire border would take too long to scent mark or scratch symbols into. Altogether, the entire eastern part of the Fifth is about forty thousand square kilometres, but we'll be RPing in a small portion of that closer to the southeast of the Fifth, about ten square kilometres.

In the northeast corner of where we are is a good chunk of the second largest lake in the Fifth, three rivers run down and across from that through the section, each ending in a smaller lake which branches off into small streams that lead everywhere. Across, the main rivers are about five or so metres, so jumping across is not an option, unless you can jump five metres. Flying Pokemon have the easiest time, obviously.

In the east and center of the section is a clearing about a quarter a kilometre square, large enough for everyone in the section to gather if need be, though that would never happen, no one trusts everyone enough. A maple tree that stands a good five or so meters above the tree line stands at the center of the west end, though it's inhabited by lots of different Pokemon. In the very center is a cave where a good bunch of evolution stones can be found, if one investigated it thoroughly, they would find there is actually a cave system under the section that is also inhabited, but could be a faster way across the land for a strong Pokemon.

If that's confusing, tell me and I'll make a map. :<

tl;dr: You are a Pokemon. Living in a giant forest. Life is hard.

Rules/General things you should know
-If anyone's interested, I have the most of the plot thought out, from beginning to a bit in the middle, and from a bit after the middle to just before the end >_<
-Your character may or may not die. If he/she does die, come make a new one here :o
-This can be as violent or peaceful as you want, post however you like.
-Type legibly. Or die. Don't use smilies when you're IC (in character), or *use these for actions*
-Levels, and evolution, are tied in to age. Here, a Pokemon's level is x2 their age, so a Charmander would evolve when it is eight, and again at sixteen. So nobody can have a character over 50, none would live that long anyways. Happiness/item/move/location evolutions can be their second forms at eight years of age, at the minimum.
-To prove you've read the rules, there are no secret words or anything, since you should be reading this anyways. Congratulations.
-Try to post at least three or so lines a post, don't just post '"Here you go," she giggled.' That will get you attacked. By a Ratatta with malaria. Go into detail about the ground and what's around you, talk about what you look like, walk around where you're standing, stall for post space.
-Don't just post three OOC words, add some filler substaaaaaance~ Talk about how you can't see the sky, running into some poison ivy, fill your post with filler!
-I, and possibly anyone I appoint are alone in charge of the plot, so don't try to advance it yourself.
-Sentences start with a capital letter, and end with punctuation(!?.). When a character talks, you use "quotation marks," and start a new line. Remember that, now.
-Suggestions, comments, rants related to this RP=good.
-No godmoding (being invincible, always landing attacks, dodging absolutely everything, etc.), sudden time or location jumping unless you're alone or me, controlling other people's characters without permission, or intentionally moving away from the plot.
-Two living characters per person, please.

We'll be starting around the evolution stone cave, so you'll want to be there, heading there, or near it. It's about late summer, like it is right now, and has rained recently, so the ground is soggy and nasty. It's a few hours before dawn, and so, is pretty cold but bright, you can almost see your breath. Beware of mosquitoes and high rivers.

So here's your form, 'cause you know you want to join~

[b]Name:[/b] Can be anything from John Doe to Ebony Raven Dementia Dark'ness Way. Hopefully not the last one, and last names aren't necessary unless you're related to someone.
[b]Approximate age:[/b] Explained far above. You can't be under ?? years of age, the age that you must be before the real hard stuff begins. To fill in those question marks, read the chunk of text above~
[b]Species:[/b] What would make at least some sense to be living in a forest? This is a Pokemon RP so you can have stuff like Charmanders in a forest, but no mechanical Pokemon, like Magnemite or appliance Rotoms.
[b]Gender:[/b]Male, female, or hermaphrodite? This is just filler space, really, since you'll be using 'he she or it' in your personality and bio, but whatever.

[b]Personality:[/b] This is one of only two 'long' parts of your form, so please take some time on this! Again, go into detail, and at least four lines, plzthxbai.

[b]Appearance:[/b] Any small quirks your character has, like a different eye colour or an extra claw, or a missing claw, can go here, too. Note 'small', since your character shouldn't be anything too different from the basic appearance of his or her species. Meaning your Jumpluff can't be neon red with rainbow stripes and have a Charmander tail that burns a purple and brown flame.

[b]Bio:[/b] Optional, but it doesn't have to be long, it could be two or three sentences for all I care. Just say a few things about your character's life, or whatever.

[b]Other:[/b] Anything else?


Here are Dragon's forms:
Name: Storm
Approximate age: 26
Species: Salamence
Gender: Female

Personality: Storm could simply be described as trigger-happy and pessimistic. She is rather adamant on whatever she decides, and does not like to take orders from those younger and/or weaker than her, though she will willingly accept the leadership of one who defeats her in battle. Storm is protective of whatever charges, allies or friends she has at the moment, and doesn't think through things much, living in the now and a few days from now. She relies more on strength than brainpower, and so, relies on Rose to think things over.

Storm is rather mistrustful, so being under her care is a rare privilege, as you probably have to give her a good fight to get there. She always sees the dark side of things, everything, and knows she'll die someday, along with everyone else, so why not help everyone else along? To Storm, anything smaller than her is potential prey, unless they can help her or Rose out somehow.

Appearance: Storm is a pretty large quadruped, at 4'11" at the shoulder and mostly a light, sky blue, except for her red wings and white, shelled underbelly. Her feet end in claws, and she has a thick, red and blue tail. On her head are two red ridges, behind those are a kind of pointed crest, with three prongs on each side. Storm's wings are red and bladelike, only just large enough for her to fly on.

As you'd expect, a Salamence living in a forest does not camouflage at all, with blue and red against brown and green. Storm is no exception, but is usually covered in dirt and muck from trying to squeeze through spots too tight for her anyways. This, coupled with only rarely washing it all off, leaves a faded blue, almost grey Salamence with more brown than red wings, who always has a twig or leaf stuck between her claws and a bunch of scrapes and scratches on various parts of her.

Bio: Storm and Rose are distant relatives, cousins, actually. They won't tell you about it, however. Storm's mom was a Salamence, her dad was a Serviper, and Rose's mom was a Jolteon, and her dad was the same Serviper. Uhwellyousee. After some rather violent drama, Storm and Rose have found each other, and have started across the Fifth, in an effort to see as much of the land as they can before their deaths.

Other: Haaaywaitasecond
Name: Rose
Approximate age: 23
Species: Leafeon
Gender: Female

Personality: Rose is more logical, more calm and thoughtful than her Salamence counterpart. She's still rather childish, always making trouble and joking around. Rose is often practicing battling with Storm, or grooming, never having nothing to do, like most of the Pokemon in the Fifth. She's also rather modest. She likes to act a bit crazy or just dumb sometimes, but is holding back a lot of intelligence that no one has ever really seen. Rose cares extremely for the environment, though whether this is because she's a Leafeon and it comes naturally, or it is actually important to her is another question.

Rose is very friendly and agreeable, both when it is convenient and not. She seems to have a thick skin to insults both for her and Storm, returning them somewhat easily with a smile. Nothing can get to her emotions, and though she is pretty convincing at times, Rose rarely raises her voice, which helps and hinders her, to be unnoticeable. At sad times, she still has a kind of smile on her face, and something about how calm she is can calm others down at times, depending on how well, they know her.

Appearance: Rose is a quadruped, and about 2'11" at the shoulder. Most of her body is covered in light brown fur, though it darkens around her paws. Her tail is flat and thin, and seems to turn into a leaf at the end. Rose's ears are like this as well, and turn into leaves at the tip. On her chest is a leaf-like piece of fur, and similar ones stick out of her forehead and near her paws. All of these are green.

It's a fact that Leafeons use photosynthesis to clean the air around them, and Rose seems to have been working on this, or has perfected it. Rose's leafy parts are a darker, more healthy looking green than most of the members of her species, and the brown parts of her are somewhat darker, as well. Her paw pads are more worn and callused than a Trainer's Leafeon, obviously.

Bio: Storm and Rose are distant relatives, cousins, actually. They won't tell you about it, however. Storm's mom was a Salamence, her dad was a Serviper, and Rose's mom was a Jolteon, and her dad was the same Serviper. Uh. After some rather violent drama, Storm and Rose have found each other, and have started across the Fifth, in an effort to see as much of the land as they can before their deaths.

Other: lol, incest :DDD

List of people who win
-Dragon=Storm/Salamence and Rose/Leafeon
-Twiggy for victory=Scazzer/Garchomp
-FMC=Rinna/Umbreon and Edward/Persian
-Male Gardevoir= Hexagon/Mismagius
-Crazy Linoone= Pike/Smeargle
-Sunset the Espeon= Seraphim/Gastly
-Chaon= Alone/Flareon

Are you still standing here? C/p that damn form and sign up already! >:/

I just lost the game.
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Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Sounds interesting. Ugh, I cant quite decided what pokemon I want to be. After all, there are pokemon who I would never evolv,e meh. Ah! Now I've got an idea...

Name: Scazzer/Dan(iel) Scythedrag. (Two first names, one second name.)

Approximate age: 24

Species: Garchomp

Gender: Male (please)

Personality: Scazzer(main name) is a garchomp most pokemon cant understand- first, he thinks only about eating, and creating a pack(and (minor though) mate, meh).
Thats something most garchomps do- however, unlike others, he eats everything- be it pokemon, plants, rocks or anythnig else that he could digest. He is not very agressive, and will not respond to mocks. Also, unlike most flesh eaters, he doesnt take dirty oppurnities to get easy food- if he finds a nest of baby pokemon, he would rather eat the babies parents and raise them himself than eat them. In addition, he doesnt attack wounded pokemon, expect when the wounds are minor or his hunger overcomes him.
Scazzer is not one to flee, but is smart enough to know when he has to flee.

Appearance: Unlike most male Garchomp, Scazzer's back fin is complete. the reason is that until the day he became a gabite, he ate only plants, and always hid undrground, not fighting ast all. When he became a Gabite, he started fighting. Therefor, he has a full fin. His skin is quite light, almost the colour of a gible. He has exordainly long 'wings'. He also has a small scar, which comes from a rattata he once fought - his only fight as a baby- and defeated as a gible.
It is located on his right leg, and has the simple form of a scratch mark.

Bio: However unlikely it is, Scazzer was rised by a male dragonite. He was teached that fighting isnt the only solution, and several more things.
His 'father' left him when he was 20, saying him he is ready to live alone.

Other: Nothing at the moment.
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Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Just a few nitpicks.

Most pokemon think that scazzer is a female for noe reason

You should probably change this; our characters can make whatever assumptions they like.

Name: Scazzer/Dan(iel)/scythedrag (First name, second first name, and the name mos pokemon who used to know him call him)

So.. his name's Scazzer Daniel?

Just clear these up and, uh, yeah.
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Fair enough- its just that the fin on the back indicates(most of the time) wether its male/female.

Second thing- he's called both Scazzer and Dan, like soe persons have thee names- first name, second name, third name(third anme being the families name, that is.)
Thats Scazzer's case.

...Can you follow me?

And Im gonna delete the 'think he is femalefor one reason' then.
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Name: Dorothy/ Dot
Approximate age: 20
Species: Plusle

Personality: She only sees the worst in Pokemon, because of her childhood. She doesn't trust others that much. To other Pokemon, she seems cold and distant. This is a cover fo her actually being afraid.

Appearance: She has one pink and one purple eye. She has a scar over her right eye. She also has a scar all down her stomach. This is from having to fight predators.

Bio: Her parents were killed by a gang of Houndoom when she was just a few weeks old. She was somehow spared. She's been taking care of herself since then.

Other: Nope...
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Personality: This is one of only two 'long' parts of your form, so please take some time on this! Again, go into detail, and at least four lines, plzthxbai.

Appearance:Describe a Jumpluff. Any small quirks your character has, like a different eye colour or an extra claw, or a missing claw, can go here, too. Note 'small', since your character shouldn't be anything too different from the basic appearance of his or her species.

Wanna try that again?
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Name: Dawn
Approximate age: 11
Species: Ariados
Gender: Female

Personality: Dawn has a very calm nature, and it helps when she’s hunting, since she doesn’t rush. Very sneaky, she is intelligent and tricks her enemies if she needs to. She doesn’t accept help much from others, as she knows that it could be them tricking her, even though life in the Fifth is hard. Even though she’s normally relaxed, she battles furiously, often aiming to poison her opponent. It’s hard to earn her trust if you’re not friendly, but if you are polite, maybe. She can be arrogant sometimes, but it helps to know everyone’s rank and intentions, hehehe…

Appearance: Ariados is a large arachnid that is three and a half feet in length. It is a pale but bright red, with one white horn on its head and powerful jaws. Its eyes are black, except with purple rings like irises. On its body, it has two wide, black stripes. Its legs are yellow and purple-striped. Two of the legs are actually on the second stripe on its back, facing up.

Bio: She has been living in the Fifth Forest all her life, surviving on bug Pokemon that landed in her spider web. Intelligent, she always chose places where the web would be hidden but where there were many bug Pokemon, such as in the high tree-tops. In the past, she has gotten thin, but the bugs that swarmed after winter helped her stay alive.

Other: Anything else? Nope.
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

WTHlongplotlotsofdetails -asplodes-

Name: Ariel

Approximate age: 15

Species: Murkrow, although she hopes to evolve within a few years.

Gender: Female

Personality: Ariel is the type who loves to see the dark side to things, and often cheerfully points these things out to whoever she's talking to. Seeing misfortune of others is entertainment to her, and she loves to trick Pokemon into doing the opposite of what they wished. She doesn't really have friends, more a group of allies that she sees every once in a while (a Honchkrow and his Murkrow cronies/allies). She has no tact whatsoever, but doesn't go around insulting Pokemon. She has a very sarcastic nature when she is annoyed, which results in several prods and jibes, but nothing cruel.

Appearance: Ariel is a winged bipedal Pokemon. Her feathers are dark and shiny, providing good camouflage, and there is a little 'hat' of feathers sticking up on top of her head. Her legs are a bright yellow, thick, ridged skin ending in four toes/claws; one facing back and three facing forwards. Her beak is the same yellow, ending in a slight hook, and her eyes are dark brown.

Bio: Ariel was raised by her mother, a prideful Honchkrow, but they often got separated in the air due to flying predators, and one day Ariel couldn't find her mother after such an occasion.

Other: Not really. ^^
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Twiggy, I don't think Dragon likes that you're constantly posting and posting without much of a significant reason… -shuts up-
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Twiggy for victory:

good for you

Could you hold off on the posting 'til y'know, the RP starts? Please?

Flareth, you serioulsy have to learn the difference between:
"She has one pink and one purple eye. She has a scar over her right eye. She also has a scar all down her stomach. This is from having to fight predators"
'She has a scar on her stomach from a wild houndour that attacked her once. She hardly managed to flee, but was slashed in her stomach. She also has a scar over her eye, one which she got from a hungry swallow that attacked her. The swallow made her lots of wounds, but also left a permanent scar over her eye."

See the difference?

Twiggy, you seriously have to learn the difference between:

'She has a scar on her stomach from a wild houndour that attacked her once. She hardly managed to flee, but was slashed in her stomach. She also has a scar over her eye, one which she got from a hungry swallow that attacked her. The swallow made her lots of wounds, but also left a permanent scar over her eye."
'Dot has a scar on her stomach from a Houndour that attacked her once. She managed to escape, though with a gaping wound in her stomach. Over her right eye is a prominent scar, from a Swellow that attacked her when she unknowingly stole prey from its territory. The Swellow left her with a good few scratches, but the one over her eye is the most obvious.'

See the difference?

If you keep ignoring me, I'll kick you. Out.

Accepted, Blazie~
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

I reserve because I don't have the time to write right now.
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

(18 people watched this thread yet only 4 joined it. The idea is good, but not many seem to like it.))
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

And I went >:( Is it because of the text dump? :< I swear it wasn't that long when I wrote it ;_;

Uh, fine, be that way then. MG, once you get your form in we'll start though anyone else who joins gets a cookie
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

Will the RP start (if at all) when a certain number of players or characters will be reached?
Re: [Open] Legend of the Fifth OOC/Signups

No. 'Just trying to get as many people as we can.
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