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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
..That was a rhetorical question >_> And it's not so much a Mary Sue as not allowed, and not possible.
Unless you want to explain that more, write two more lines in personality, and explain who the hell Lars is since he doesn't exist.
and when fighting, it becomes.
Name: Lenoard Blastsuper sexyFireSoul
Approximate age: 27
Species: Charizard
Gender: Male
Personality: Leonard focuses on gaining unfair advantages, using every trick that he can reach- be it jumping out of mud, firing focusblasts from above, or simply
by creating a subtitute and attack from behind. He is a sneaky guy, but mostly attacks prey to press information out of them. He is half vegetarian, but has less self-control than Scazzer when it comes to controlling hunger. He believes in the arts of stealth and 'kill or be killed', which he learned from Keylle the red Tyranitar.
He always team-works with Scazzer, although he is the one of the two that focuses on supporting rather than on direct damage.
Appearance: leonard is a big, orange lizard with a light yellow belly, long neck and blue bat wings. He has long theeth, a quite round belly, like any Charizard, and a long tail with a flame on its tip. Leonard often uses dig, and most of the time, before doing so, he smears himself in some liquid- be it water, a sticky liquid, or the substance left on his body after he licks it troughoutly. Then, when being underground, the mud and sand sticks on his skin, along with some grass when he comes back to the surface. When its rainy, he simply goes underground, gets smeared in the mud, and then rolls on the grass, making him become 'Leonard LeafSoul', and that for one reason: that he looks like a brown, leaf covered charizard, creating the illusion he is a grass/earth type with the ability to fly.
Bio: Was rised by the grumpy Tyranitar Keylle, and learned survival is about being clever.
Other: Leonard is a mysterious pokemon, even to Scazzer. They are hardly sighted near each other.
*sigh* I'd seriously, really, really rather not, but since there's nothing to nitpick on except your spelling, I will very reluctantly say accepted.
Can you take your time posting maybe? You seem to know how to spell stuff and spell well, though if you're rushing you'll make a lot of spelling mistakes. Keep that in mind while you post; there's no rush to do anything. Good thing about forums is you can take a few hours to respond to things and no one will complain.
Not that I'm saying you should take a few hours to respond. Don't.