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Level Up Your Adoptables

Drifloon Rocks

Honey, please don't eat the rancid dung.
Just post here if you want your adoptables leveled up. Make sure to level up others' as well!

MODEDIT: please put your adoptables in your posts :|
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Just post here if you want your adoptables leveled up. Make sure to level up others' as well!

Good thing I saw this I was about to make this thread
let's all lv up each others adoptables !:grin:!:grin:
And please click my draggy eggs!!
They need it!
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Mine need leveling. I clicked on all the adoptables I saw but I'm not sure if the dragons went up. I clicked them but after that have no idea what I was supposed to do.
Here's a thought, How about we all add this page to favourites and click our and each others adoptables once a day to help them lvup/ grow :grin:
I just got another four eggs. I can't stop taking them, it is so addicting!!
But the hatchlings will die in .26 days, so please click on them if you haven't already!!

I'm going through the thread again and re-clicking everything.

EDIT: Well, thank you for your help. It paid off with one adult dragon. I am sorry to say that the other hatchling died and could not be revived. CURSE MY POOR MAGIC!!
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