• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


I have to introduce myself? Fagg0t move. Well, let's see.
My name is Nillort.
If you can't figure out my gender from my username, something must be seriously wrong with you, or you're a Troll.
If B then, I am a girl,.
Sure, I like Pokemon, It's fun enough, but I hate nerds who obsess.
By the way, Not all Pokemon fans are ugly.~
Just Joshing. Most are.
What else am I suppose to put now?
I wish I could bake a cake out of rainbows and unicorns, I wish we could all get along. Wouldn't that be great?
So yeah,
In order to avoid awkwardness, I'm going to copy-paste this one...

Hello! I am Superbird, one of two people who offers Beverages and fish to newcomers to the forum. Pastries are also available. Would you like some? And can I take your baggage?

Anyway, this is the TCoD forums. DO NOT wipe your feet on the carnivorous welcome mat, no matter what anyone may tell you. Other than that, please enjoy yourself.
My name is Nillort.

Or, it could be Terry. Even though we haven't seen him for a while... but she clearly states she's a girl, so all suspicions of mine are erased.

Hello Trollin Nillort
Well, since I've never really seen a troll (besides Terry but he doesn't count), I wholeheartedly welcome you to tCoD. I hope you enjoy your short stay. :3

I wish I got to see Turbo. :V
Turbo tries to pass himself off as someone else sticking up for him. He also double posts like shit and never uses emotes, so I doubt he's this chick.
Or, it could be Terry. Even though we haven't seen him for a while... but she clearly states she's a girl, so all suspicions of mine are erased.

Hello Trollin Nillort

What's Terry's latest account? I saw his old thread under Terry T. in the Advertising forum.
Well, since I've never really seen a troll (besides Terry but he doesn't count), I wholeheartedly welcome you to tCoD. I hope you enjoy your short stay. :3

I wish I got to see Turbo. :V

Read some of the locked threads from the last 5 pages at least, to read about him.

And you know what, I've been waiting for Turbo to come back. It's BOARING. Eh, he might've killed himself because of the events in the latest thread of his. It's just annoying that he was banned for a reason, and that he keeps getting banned because he won't give up. (Stabs free Turbo Voodoo I got)

@St. Chris: Good point. But you never know. *shot*
Um... welcome to the cave.

I would say my usual stuff, but I decided to just greet you and leave.

The greeting part is over, so now I leave
...Your introductionary thread has scared more people than the moderators. Nice job. And not sarcastically either.
Um... hahaha? Am I supposed to laugh?

Yeah, welcome, I just joined myself.
If you love Latias I will love you forever, because Latias fans are awesome.

...Or maybe I'm being too joyful over myself.
Oh yeah, don't step on the carnivorous welcome mats. One almost bit off my toe. I think you already have been warned.
One almost bit of your toe? Check out the bite marks on my ankle *Pulls up jeans*

Hello, I am Pichu Chris, resident Pichu-loving RPer and milkshake hand-er-out-er

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