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Open Maeror Astrorum

Alex's grin faded. "We never escaped; they just released us. Probably wanted to watch us struggle or somethin'." He pulled his hood back and stared into Saito's eyes. "And I've been in Goldenrod since they released me. It's awful not having an actual place to sleep. And people here freakin' hate my guts."

At least we're together.

He closely examined everything in the room. "No bugs."


"Sorry for lyin', Saito. And Blazy, you ok over there? You look kinda depressed."
"Sleeping on the grass or in a tree isn't as bad as the cage." Blazaria's expression was just as sullen as her demeanor suddenly was; her eyes were closed, almost maliciously, as if she was in a really bad situation.

Not that she wasn't.

"I'm fine, Alex." Manner of speaking, demeanor, and appearance had all changed. Her voice was, usually, radiant of childish abandon and gave off happiness. Her speech now hung in the air with a strong air of sorrow, and she spoke sharply and her words were well defined, unlike the somewhat soft spoken tone she usually used.

Saito took it in, careful to reveal her actual thoughts on the matter.

"O...K. Putting it together, that actually makes enough sense. Yes. Except for the part where the Scientists turned you to a primarily human form, and as to what purpose. I'm sure your abilities as a Pokémon are dulled in this state, sure you can converse freely and easily with humans, but it also makes catching you in Pokéballs impossible now, thus limiting how much control the Scientists have on you." Saito groaned slightly, the mental strain of actually accepting that this had happened and she was dealing with it was enough to begin giving her a headache. Staiz was suprised by the leaves exposed and attached to Mitch's arm, but made little action from moving from the door.

"I suppose it makes sense now why you were lying, revealing who you truly were in public could be disastorous. It would likely end up with the populace rioting against the Scientists, and honestly, we don't need this..." Saito sat on the armchair that the room had and pondered slightly. "There are likely more of you, but elsewhere, seperated. I assume that the fact that you three reunited was somewhat of chance, though Goldenrod is a common gathering place. I guess it would be best that you stick with me, but I'm not heading out to other regions, and actually I plan on returning to the Kanto region, as I had been doing something there. The tournement I was planning on attending doesn't seem like a good idea for the time being, so I suppose I'll miss that. And I need to notify my dad as to what's behind the 'strange people' he had heard about. I'm certain that he'll have an idea as to what to do. And there's the need for identification."
"I'm very sure that the rest of us have been split up, somewhere. There's no reason that we would be thrown out here and not Ciara nor Arcane or anyone else wouldn'tve been." Blazaria pauses to digest Saito's statement more. "I think we should, maybe, go to Kanto with you. There may be more of us over there."

Blazaria now rushed to spit out more of her story of how she had gotten here.

"I remember eating, and then I woke up inside this mountain. I found my way out, had to climb down" - she showed some cuts on her right arm - "and then cut through the wasteland between there and... Route... 45, what the sign said. I then cut though that forest, got attacked by a Charizard, and was forced to use a strong power of mine. I suspect you saw the white flash? I went on, got aid from an elderly couple, and then entered Goldenrod. I made my way to Route 36, and found you." She shuffled around the floor a bit.
"I know..." Mitch replied to both of them. "I know we didn't escape. How could we have escaped and all been seperated? Much less become human. But saying we did helps me. Helps my resolve. Let's me feel like I know what I'm doing." He almost laughed at their checking for bugs. "You know, their reach is far enough to go past simple bugs. For example," He indicated the fire alarm. He didn't know what it was, but he knew it looked important. "That could have a bug in it. But I doubt they'd know which room we'd end up in. So, what do they do? Put people like Saito everywhere, grunts who can moniter things personally for low pay. Not that I'm accusing you, Saito. Just using an example.

"No, in the end, I think all we can do is play their little game. Let them observe us. Let them create armies of us, for all I care. Know why? Because I think we're better than them. That's why they made us isn't it? To be better? It's why they'd observe us. To see if we have more potential as a threat than an ally, and it's why we were in a cage all that time in captivity. They were scared we'd destroy them, so they caged us, and kept us from as many resources as possible. They're afraid. They're just trying to determine how afraid they should be at this point."

He listened to Saito's talking, considering what she said. "I don't know the exact prupose either. We can blend among humans, and still have some of the abilities of pokemon. My first thought is that we'd make almost perfect assassins, though it must be more than that for all the trouble they went through with us. Whatever it is, it can't be good, and they certainly will already have more pokemon in their custody to continue experiments on by now." He pinched his brow, wishing he could be one of the people on the street, blissfully wondering about the tournament. "If you must tell your father about us, I suppose you should do so as soon as possible."

He directed his attention to Blazaria's story. He stepped closer to her, mainly to get her attention so she'd know he was speaking to her specifically. He spoke softer, though he didn't know why. The room still carried sound well enough for everyone to hear, so why speak quietly? Hell if he knew. "Blazaria, just so you know... Nobody left you. And I'm sorry for not telling you the truth when you found us because I was too paranoid of Saito." His tone ended up being dry, and dull, but he did mean it. Positive emotions, comforting, friendship... They were like an entirely different language to him. He'd never fully understand them like he did anger, sadness, and hate. And for that, he wanted to scream, but he didn't.
After rushing out of the Pokemon Center, Ciara had ducked into an alley to hide her tail under her skirt. Now she was wandering around the town, hiding in the shadows whenever she saw anyone who even vaguely resembled the woman from the Pokemon Center. As she past a store selling electronics, she marveled at a strange box that showed pictures that were moving. She read, with difficulty, some silver writing at the bottom that read, "Saito Kurohari in Goldenrod City for the Tournament" She looked back up and gasped in shock.

Mitch, Blazaria, and Alex were being shown on the screen. Blazaria's bangs were telltale Vulpix curls, no one could mistake the sneaky grin on Alex's face, and Mitch... just looked Mitch-like, really. The green streak in his hair helped. This must be some sort of news program, she thought, But what about? Maybe the general public has already caught on... and it's my fault, too!

Then she thought, Goldenrod City... that must be where they all are! I need to get to Goldenrod City... but how? Where is it, anyway?

"Thinkin' of visitin' the tournament, are ya?" A young woman was standing behind her.

"Yes. Um..." Ciara said the first thing that came to mind. "Some of my friends are participating."

"Well, maybe I'll end up facin' 'em, then." The woman smiled and started to walk away, "Well, wish 'em good lu-"

"Wait! You're-you're going to Goldenrod City?"

"Yep. I'm runnin' late, too."

"Could you take me? I was going to take the... the train, but I lost my..." What do they call it?

"You los' yer ticket?"

"Yes. My ticket."

"Well, we can' 'ave that, can we? Fine, I'll give ya a lift. She then walked to the other side of the street, and opened the door to a large purple pickup truck. "Hop in."

"Thanks!' Ciara said, and she got into the truck, trying to make sure the woman couldn't see her tail. She would have to sit on it for the whole trip.

"We'll be drivin' to Pallet Town - that's where I come from, and I've still got my boat there. We'll use that to get to Goldenrod. Just one little warnin':" the woman said as she turned the key.

"Hm?" Ciara couldn't think of anything that could possibly go wrong.

"I said I was late, righ'? Righ'. Well, to make up for that," the woman grinned again, "we're gonna have to go pretty fast."

Ciara squealed as the car took off down the road faster than she could have imagined anything could ever go.

(OOC: You guys triple ninja'd me. Triple. Ninja'd. Doesn't really make a difference, but WOW.
EDIT: Actually it was even more than that.)
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Blazaria, somewhat touched by Mitch's advance to her tale - she hadn't expected it to go noticed - sprang into action, jumping into his arms and clinging to him.

"Hm, maybe we shouldn't go to Kanto just yet? Maybe? What if there are more here, just maybe, and if we left, it'd be roundabout?" Blazaria thoughtfully stated, still hanging onto Mitch's shoulders. "Do you think that if they get more Pokémon that they'd release them like they did for us?" She yawned, and buried her face into Mitch, trying to hide it. She didn't want anyone thinking she considered this boring.

"But, we are going to wait a couple of days before heading for Kanto. I know how the media works by now, and if any news station even caught sight of me, they'd have filmed me, without my knowledge, and indicated that I'd likely participate in the tournament. There is also a likely chance that you three appeared in that clip. These clips will probably be broadcasting throughout the Kanto and Johto regions, so if any of your freinds recognized you on the broadcast, they'll likely to make an effort to get here. If that's the case I'd like it if we can give them the time to arrive." Saito replied, her mind pulling away from the strangeness of the three people before her and to the actual matter.

"I'm going to call my father now, the bathroom, where you do your, uh, bodily waste business is in the room to the left of the closet Blazy hid in. There should be food in the fridge, these places are often good at that..." Saito says, pulling out her PokéTech and tapping the speed dial.

"Hi Saito, what's up?"

"Hey dad, about those people you asked me to keep an eye out for. I'm sitting here with three of them in the room. Pokémon, transformed into humans, and able to retain a fraction of their abilities, as well as asome defining traits."

"Ah. Scientists' work then. Figures they'd do something as paranoid as that. Well I guess you should just stick with them..."

"Oh, could you get your freind Kevin to make some IDs for them, I'll send you available information to help the process." Saito pressing several keys on the device scanning each of them quickly and sending the information over the connection.

"Yep, he'll likely be able to send them tommorow, 'til then I suppose just sit tight, and do try that tourny, I'd like to see your skills on the big screen a little more often these days. After all, Alex has just beaten Burgh in Unova."

"Thanks dad, bye." Saito finishes dryly. "As if I care about his progress...stupid younger brother..." Saito thinks to herself, thinking as to what to do next.
Cold tiles chilled Arcane's bare feet as he pattered through the tunnel. He looked around interestedly; taking in the screen on one wall, with it's various images and photographs of the Village Bridge, the electronic ticker just above it, and the incomprehensible symbols that seemed to flow over the black surface, and finally focused on the bored-looking woman behind the desk. She was scraping something that looked like a flat cardboard strip with rounded ends over her nails, he noticed, and didn't seem to be paying attention to anything going on in front of her.

Instead, he focused on the heavily-built man in the orange jersey who was just polishing off a sandwich, and then padded through the almost-deserted tunnel. On the other side was a surprising vista; on either side of the road was a canyon with grass far below. It was not as impressive as the constant, thunderous roar that echoed throughout the area, however. Crossing the bridge that spanned the chasm as if in a dream, the grey-skinned, skinny young man passed a campervan and simply stared in wonder at the waterfall that roared down the nearby cliff. He dropped his bag against the parapet, walked over the short grass to the edge of the river, and raised his face at the wonderfully refreshing feeling of the cool air, filled with spray, that washed against his bare skin.

A hand suddenly caught at his bony shoulder, and he flinched away from the contact. He turned to look at the hiker with the forked stick and the backpack, and tensed, ready to run.

"Hey, buddy. Are you a trainer?"

Arcane just shook his head briefly and continued to glower. Behind him was the river, so the only way to go was past this irritating stranger.

"Are you sure? You kind of look like a Pokemaniac; love the Zoroark cosplay, by the way." The man shrugged uncomfortably under Arcane's unblinking, green-eyed stare. "Yeah. So. Are you camping around here?" Silence greeted the question, and another long stare. "Do you talk?" This time he got a cautious nod from Arcane. "So you're just shy? Hey, if you're headed towards Opel- HEY!"

Arcane, utterly repelled by the onslaught of words, had simply walked past him and grasped the top of his bag as he passed. He lifted the pack further, hugged his skinny arms around it, and carried on walking towards Opelucid. The waterfall, once a source of such delight and wonder, didn't get a second glance.

"You seem pretty impulsive for someone so shy." Arcane glanced to his right and grimaced when he saw the brown-haired, backpack-wearing trainer at his side. "Yeah. Almost made me think you were trying to leave me behind, or something." Arcane rolled his eyes and looked forward while he tuned out the seemingly-incessant chatter from his unwanted travelling companion; instead, he focused on reaching the green tunnel just ahead, and tried not to let the temptation to gently push the trainer off the edge of the canyon overwhelm him.

It was a pretty close call, all told.

It was rather a pity that neither of them paid attention to the scenery; the view of the forests stretching out all over the Unova region was spread out below the high cliffs between Village Bridge and Opelucid. It was something that attracted thousands of people to the region every year. Coupled with the rustic charm of Village Bridge and the old city of Opelucid the area was unique.

Despite his lack of attention, something in Arcane's mind noted the area in great detail; he'd be able to recreate the view in his illusions later, if he so chose.

After an interminable amount of time, most of which were made memorable to Arcane by the sheer intensity of the murder scenarios running through his mind, the pair reached the green tunnel of the link that lead to Opelucid. He even made a point of not looking directly at the man who was with him.

"...nd you're such a great listener." Instantly, Arcane tuned him back in. "I've never had someone listen to everything I've had to say before. I'd like you to have this." The ex-Zoroark looked at the man's face, and his earnest hazel eyes, then dropped down to his hand and the proffered golden lump cradled in his fingers. "It's something my Lillipup picked up a while ago. Maybe you can find some use for it."

"The-" Arcane coughed and cleared his throat, then reached out and took the lump of gold fromt he other man's unresisting fingers. "Thanks."

The hiker beamed. "'Sall good. See you later, Arcane,"

Arcane was too engrossed in looking at his new acquisition to reply. Abruptly he looked up and frowned at the hiker's retreating back; how on earth had that guy known his name?

He shivered suddenly, and wrapped himself in a shroud of illusion; watchers would have seen him suddenly vanish in a flare of red light, only to be replaced by a lillipup who scampered into Opelucid as if monsters were chasing it.

((I missed a day and came back to a page of replies, so you're not the only one, Little.))
"Ah, well, uh..." Mitch caught Blazaria awkardly, unsure what he was supposed to do. "Um... Yeah, what Saito says. Few more days, then Kanto." He kept hoping she'd let go of him, so he didn't have to feel so confused. Hadn't she just been brooding a moment ago? Unless she's aware of how strange this is to me, and this is how she gets her revenge... Dastardly. "You know, we're going to run the risk of a roundabout no matter what we do, unless we stayed in Goldenrod forever. Not quite my travel plans, of course."

And then Blazaria did the unthinkable to Mitch. She stuffed her face into him. Resisting the urge to shiver, he gritted his teeth. "Yup." He answered. He was having trouble thinking now. "I doubt they'll just let them out like they did for us, though. I'd think they'd do more lab tests, maybe, since we're they're- ugh- field data." He grunted as he stood up straighter. You are being quite the crafty little witch right now, I think, Blazaria. I just hope this doesn't happen again. Or that I at least have a little forewarning.
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She continued holding Mitch, genuinely unaware how irritated he was becoming.

"Are we sleeping here? Because I don't feel like walking any more tonight..." Blazaria yawned again, this time not attempting to hide it. "Where will we go?" she asked. She sensed vibrations as her post grunted. "Is it too dusty for you?" she inquired. "And how long should we wait for someone to come for us?" She sneezed over Mitch's shoulder. It was too dusty for her. Her nose twitched as she sleepily lay her head on Mitch's shoulder. Her eyes resisted the heavy urge to close, and they hung there halfway closed.
Mitch tried staring at the wall to distract himself from Blazaria's contact. "Yes, I think we'll sleep here, assuming that nothing urgent comes up. If what Saito said is true about our image being sent around with hers, we may need to move sooner than we'd like. It all depends on what the Scientists want, I suppose. Alex, Saito, you two probably know the city better than I do, and Saito, you certainly know the world in general. Where exactly do we go if things start going from bad to worse?"

Blazaria sneezed, thankfully not on Mitch. He didn't answer her question about dust. He skipped to the next one. "There's no telling how long until someone knows about us. Could be tomorrow, could be several months, years even." She rested her head on his shoulder, and he saw her fighting to keep her eyes open. He again resisted the urge to shiver, but still stared at the girl with confusion. I certainly don't remember her pulling this stuff when we were in captivity. And yet, he knew he was treating her different than most. If Alex tried this, he'd probably throw the little punk out the window, no questions asked. Even if Ciara, or Saito even, did anything half as bad as this, he'd drop them and let them suffer from minor concussions. ... It must be... Pity. Her sleepiness, I guess.

Despite the warmer aspects of Blazaria's act, he still couldn't help but feel that it was just too wierd. Jumping into someone else's arms was something you did with a friend. Mitch could barely stand himself, much less understand how anyone could bear him for more than a few minutes. Or be as comfortable as the one in his arms right now. The thought occurred to him that Alex's apology had done nothing to help her mood. Possibly because he offered her something shiny like she was two. Still, a simple apology from Mitch provoked this reaction. ... What do I do with her if she does fall asleep? Just keep holding her, or put her down? He wanted to scream again, but held it deep inside him.
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"If things do honestly get bad, we'll make the quickest trip to the Sinnoh region anyone's seen. My dad's ranch is about as safe, and secluded, as anyplace could be. Not to mention the fact that Holly Town doesn't recognize the Scientist's place in the government, and thus aren't influenced by them in any form." Saito replies, still lounging in the chair. "It should be fine for now, I think."
Alex felt guilty for the first time in his life, simply for hurting Blazaria's feelings. He stared at her as she fell asleep on Mitch's shoulder. I'm glad Mitch is here. He wouldn't hurt her. I'm the only one who would, but unintentionally. She probably doesn't trust me. I can understand that.

Shaking his head, he turned to Saito. "Well, the Department Store banned me and the Flower Shop lady hates me. That Whitney gal isn't too fond of me either. Bike Shop watches me with binoculars whenever I'm outside. And, uh, the Radio Tower hired security guards just to keep me out." Alex smirked and pushed up his sleeves. His red eyes shone in the dim light.

"Hey, Saito, do ya have a pass for the Magnet Train? I have an idea on how to get to Kanto in a hurry."
Zzzzzzz... shhh... zzz... zzz... The bland cream color of the wall swirled into darkness, and Blazaria lost the fight against sleep. "Zzz... mmzzmz... Goldzzzrod... zzz..." Well, hopefully she wouldn't fall off. That'd hurt, badly, certainly. "Mi... zzz... Al... mmzzm... Sai...? Zzzz..."

She pretty much dozed off as Mitch stated how long they could possibly stay.

Climbing down mountains, getting attacked by Charizard, and cuddling the stuffing out of Mitch made a Blazaria tired.

"You've been busy, to get all major businesses and landmarks to already be keeping an eye out whenever your around. Yeah, I've got a Pass, why?" Saito's response, somewhat suspicious of Alex's intentions. "It only costs 1000 poké to buy a pass, I have enough to ensure you each get one."

The clock beeps once, and Saito looks up to see that it's now 6 o'clock. "Hey guys, it's dinner, let's head down to the dining hall and get something to eat, and afterwards you can meet the other four members of my team, as well as proper introductions to Staiz and Zert. If Blazaria's asleep, then let's help her into bed so she can get some rest."
Mitch heard the word 'dining hall,' and immediatly realized just how hungry he was. Those nasty nutrition bars hadn't done it for him. But he looked at Blazaria. "Should we really leave her? I mean, what if she wakes up while she's alone? You know, just because she might find us and tear out our spines for abandonning her." It was meant as a joke. It came out more serious than he wanted. Go figure.

But... really. "I'll bet she's tired from not eating. Her story did seem to have a serious lack of food and water consumption." He wouldn't try to wake her until there was actually food, and he'd carry her all the way if she didn't wake up at the mention of a tasty morself on her own. Of course, her waking up certainly would be a luxury... He thought as he felt her breath through his jacket. Again, the urge to shiver came up, and again, he supressed it, gritting his teeth and sufficing with twitching his ankle oddly.

I should probably get into the habit of... Ugh, eating meat. But I'm technically human now, so it's probably necessary for sufficient energy. This won't be enjoyable.
Eyes closed, Blazaria's tails and ears raised up. "Foo... oo..." she mumbled. "Oo... oo..." she let her tails droop for a moment, before raising them again. "Food!" She quickly awoke with a bright smile, still hanging over Mitch's shoulder. "Wanna hear my dream?" she quickly asked. Not waiting for an answer, "What'll be there to eat? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
"Food, eh?" Alex said with a grin. "Although I'm pretty sure the dining hall doesn't really like me."

He leaned against the wall, pulling the coin out of his pockets. "Is this legal currency?"
Mitch was happy to see Blazaria awake. Not happy enough though, seeing as she wouldn't let go of him. She must hear things selectivly to a fault, if she picked food out of all the things we discussed. "Was the dream, by any chance, about food?" He wasn't entirely sure she could have had a very coherent dream in such a short time. But he didn't know much about dreams, so there wasn't much he could say about it.

Maybe she dreamed that she let go of me. I know I'll dream about it. He thought. His nose twitched. It was itchy. But his hands were occupied by the girl cradled in his arms. And this is when she lets go, right? Unlikely.
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