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Mafia Idea Center

The Mafia board was still locked/the Mafia hacks weren't finished then. Also Negrek ran them, iirc?
Only people in ASB were able to join, so Negrek figured it would be better to put it there. I was in one once; my idea isn't really "Pokemafia with flavor" which is what happened in my memory, but maybe something more interesting where we integrate active squads, have interesting mechanics, and maybe even have ASB prizes somehow.
RP mafia?- Yes

ASB Mafia- Yes

MLP-FiM mafia- uhh...if you havent noticed, i have a mafia sign up sheet for MLP FiM the return of harmony.

Okay! I'm glad there's so much support for RP Mafia! I'm not sure how exactly it'd work out, but obviously everyone would have to in character for everything to work and the special thing will be that everyone has or will get information every night. There may or may not be an inspector; I think that if there is then it'll be a conditional thing. People will be finding things out every day, after all!

However, if I'm hosting this then just remember I'm going to be the worst grammar nazi. :P Well, not exactly grammar; I probably make tons of mistakes myself. But, when I'm talking about a roleplay mafia I mean a roleplaying mafia. Double serious.
Thought of an idea... what about mafia awards? Like the ASB awards?

Some ideas:

Best player
Best new player
Best GM
Most helpful player
Best mafia win
Best alien win
Best lover win
Best innocent win
Most shocking win
Best original role
Best flavor text

You'd win this box of... adhesive medical strips.

And maybe you can...hmm....oh, i have an idea!

The winners of every category could be in one mafia game and whoever wins would be pronounced the BEST MAFIA PLAYER EVER!
The winners of every category could be in one mafia game and whoever wins would be pronounced the BEST MAFIA PLAYER EVER!

Best flavour text, though? (oh shut up dragon) In any case, that does seem sort of a cool idea! I'd say I'm in, but the chance of my winning an award when I've been back all of a month and a half is :P

If there are Mafia awards they should be on the anniversary of the Mafia forum's opening. I think that's some time around this time, anyways..?

I VMd.

I guess we could do it without the admin's consent. But I'd like to have it...

Also for rules wise, I'd say only things within the last year? OH LORD TV TROPES!
oh, here's another category!

Largest series of Mafia.

*points to VVS, and me and RK-9 should get credit if picked, cause he made the 2nd one*

Edit: Other categories; game with largest amount of members (host should be nominees), most deaths, made the most games in a short time, made most games in a long time, unexpected winner, unexpected loser, most wins.
So ideas so far...

Best player
Best GM
Most helpful player
Best mafia win
Best alien win
Best lover win
Best innocent win
Most shocking win
Best original role
Best mafia series
Best New GM (Not sure how this would work, maybe if you joined the players group later or something?)
Best New player
Best Mafia Game (singular or series?)
Best Experimental Mafia?

NINJA'D: Largest amount of players, TV Tropes already won that. Sort of pointless I think. Most deaths? If you're willing to count that out for every game and every player, go on ahead.

Best Win on D1
Best player
Best GM
Most helpful player
Best mafia win
Best alien win
Best lover win
Best innocent win
Most shocking win
Best original role
Best mafia series
Best New GM (Not sure how this would work, maybe if you joined the players group later or something?)
Best New player
Best Mafia Game (singular or series?)
Best Experimental Mafia?

Also Butterfree doesn't seem to care at all.
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Best Idea in Progress? There seems to be a lot of those a few pages back. Maybe most creative loophole finding, or most creative role abuse? I dunno if there've been enough games for those to be things, though.

spout all the ideas
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