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Mafitalia [INNOCENT WIN]

Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

We can organize this somehow! Maybe! England can secretly heal America for today and Norway is on a rampage so it doesn't matter for today. Since England doesn't seem to be dead, it should be fine.

and also, it's canon

But there are two detectives. And by announcing who is going to be healed that night, we're putting a big fat target on everyone else.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

But there are two detectives. And by announcing who is going to be healed that night, we're putting a big fat target on everyone else.

But Norway is still alive, and he can do whatever he wants; he can either revenge kill or heal. It's probably better if at least one detective stays hidden, just so the Mafia doesn't know who he is and thus have a smaller chance of killing him. And, as much as I hate to say this, it's in the better interest of the group for a few innocents to die if it means that we can flush out all the mafia members before all the innocents die.

I'm so horrible at wording my thoughts, someone's bound to turn that paragraph against me somehow...

Also, does the fact that Denmark was killed by two bullets has anything to do with the number of people who tried to kill him?
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

Another reason why lynching inactives is bad - Some people are participating in NaNoWriMo and just don't have time to check in here and post every five seconds =/
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

I am in favour of lynching...people have talked about looking back for clues but what do we have? Aobaru, BRCB and sreservoir both being very pro-lynching at certain points in the game, while the majority of us want to lynch but are hesitant to pick a name.

EDIT: Screw it, random lynching go - Aobaru.
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

The meeting finishes slightly later than usual. Like every other day beforehand, there was a lot of discussion about whether or not to lynch, but still not enough action. The nations retreat to their rooms for the night.

No one is dead. You have 47 hours for Night Actions.
I'm sorry for the lateness, I was caught up with homework. You get an extra day as I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on the forums at around the usual time tomorrow.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 4]

I know it's night action time, but...

Another reason why lynching inactives is bad - Some people are participating in NaNoWriMo and just don't have time to check in here and post every five seconds =/

Quoted for truth.
Re: Mafitalia [Night 4]

The sound was becoming way too familiar for all the nations.
Another noise, but it sounded more like an explosion than a gunshot.
Canada was awake instantly. The second bang had come from opposite his room. But where did the first one come from?
Suddenly, someone screamed. Canada left his room and received a huge shock.
The door to Estonia’s room had been completely blown off. Estonia, or what was left of him, appeared to have been exactly where his bed would have been if there wasn’t a huge explosion. The air around the room felt off, it reminded Canada of when he used to live at England’s house as a child. That time when him and America got lost in England’s ‘fairy garden’. Could the explosion have been caused by something supernatural? That can’t be right. Magic doesn’t exist, does it?
He considered asking England or possibly Norway about this, but his thoughts were interrupted.
“Where’s Liechtenstein and Norway?” Japan asked, “They should be awake by now.”
Norway’s room was a few doors down from Canada’s. Japan tried to open the door, but surprisingly, it was knocked. A faint “Go away...” could be heard from inside.
Liechtenstein’s room was around the corner, next to Switzerland’s. A few of the nations, Canada included, made their way around to check out if everything was all right.
Judging by the open door and a small trail of blood, it wasn’t.
Liechtenstein was laying face-down on the floor. While it was hard to tell, it appeared that she had been shot in either the neck or chest.

It’s always heartbreaking seeing such innocence lost.

Griffin and Crazy Linoone have been killed. Both were innocent. Norway cannot participate in the discussion today. You have 48 hours for discussion.
There's been a couple of people who haven't sent in a single night action. From now on, I'm introducing the 'three strikes and your out' policy. if you don't send in a night action three times, I'm going to have to kill you :/
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

More dead innocents? This isn't good.... maybe we should think about lynching today.
...The second shot sounded more like an explosion? I wonder if that means anything.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

[I'm sorry for not participating, it's been my first NaNoWriMo and I've had a lot of personal stress come on. *guiltguilt*]

Seeing as we've lost a detective now, the Mafia really seems to have a lead at the moment. Since I agree that lynching inactives isn't such a great idea, I think that the ones who have been very pro-lynch are quite suspicious. Yet for now, I'll abstain until further clues come up.
And it seems like the second shot - the one sounding like an explosion - was Estonia, as Liechtenstien was simply shot while Estonia was blown up.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

The explosion seems to be a clash of magic...so it may have been an accident with both healers targeting the same person (Estonia).
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

Hmmm, that's probably right, too, Shocktail. It does sound like a healer clash, now that I think about it.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

It could also be Norway's revenge kill, while the mafia targeted Liechtenstien, as Norway is capable of magic.
Though it does sound a lot like a healer clash, Norway is not participating today, so it was probably the revenge kill.

[uwagh. first mafia game]
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

Gaaargh. I hate how we're not doing anything. We're all afraid to name names or nominate anyone for lynching, but the truth is, if we just sit on our arses we're all going to get killed.

So, I realize I'm putting a huge target on my back by saying this. I'm the kidnapper, I'm innocent. Of course, you don't have to believe me, and I don't expect you to.

I've read through the thread, and made a decision on who to lynch. I'm going on a very slight suspicion here, but, hell, it's better than nothing.

I vote to lynch Big Red Cherry Bomb.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

I vote for Aobaru, since we're getting down to lynching. For now I'll keep the reasons for the suspicions I have quiet.
Re: Mafitalia [Day 5]

The nations returned to their rooms after another day of being quite unproductive. The usual strategy of throwing various names of people to lynch occurred, and someone’s role was revealed. Perhaps more action needs to me taken, innocents are dropping like flies.

No one has died. You have 48 hours for night actions.
Will be away for most the weekend, so you get extra time~
Re: Mafitalia [Night 5]

Japan had woken up a lot earlier than usual. He could definitely feel that something bad was going to happen. His room was next door to Romano’s, and occasionally he could hear a group of murmurs coming from behind the wall. Tonight he couldn’t hear anything other than the usual slam of the door.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Someone was knocking on his door. Should he answer it? It could be one of the killers, or perhaps a friend seeking refuge.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The knocks were getting louder and louder. Whoever is on the other side of Japan’s door must be desperate. Shaking away the thoughts that it could be one of the killers from his head, he got up and opened the door.
Big mistake.
Japan was ‘greeted’ by South Italy, who had already held a gun to his head.

France woke up almost immediately after the gunshot. He scrambled to the door to find out who the victim was. It couldn’t have been his lover, could it? He left the room and raced down the corridor to his lover’s room.
It was him.
Japan, the one he loved and chose to protect throughout this whole ordeal. He was now dead, lying on the floor with a fresh gunshot wound in the centre of his forehead. Whoever had killed him was nowhere to be seen.
“It’s not fair... We were meant to live together as soon as we left this horrible building! If the world will not let us be together while you were alive, we shall be together in death.”
Japan’s katana was always kept close his bed. France walked into his room and grabbed it.
“I’ll see you soon, my love.”
In one swift action, France stabbed himself through the chest.

When the other nations arrived at the scene, all they could see were two lovers, together for all eternity.

Big Red Cherry Bomb is dead. He was innocent. Werefish5 is dead. He was innocent. You have 48 hours for discussion
I seriously cannot write emotional/romantic scenes D:
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Re: Mafitalia [Day 6]

Haha! I knew it! :D One mafia down!

So, was BRCB Japan or France? It doesn't really make sense that the Mafia would kill one of their own, but France is innocent, so BRCB couldn't be France, right? In that case, why the hell would the Mafia kill one of their own? o.o
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