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Make a Fake (Pokemon)!

Dear pkmnlvr101, let me spell it right for you:

"You sneaky thief! Stealing is a very bad thing and in my humble opinion you should meet your fatality!"

Seriously, is it that hard to push the buttons "y" "o" AND "u"? AND push capslock/shift at the beginning of a new sentence? It's, to say the least, just as annoying as someone who steals art in my opinion. But I guess I can't demand that from someone I'd guess won't stay here in more then a week.
And don't get me started on adding a dot at the end of every sentence.
He's been banned. Hooray!

Also, art theft is a big no-no by me. If you're going to post a pokemon that's not yours, give credit where credit's due and get yer permission.
Name: Psorpoise
Element: Water
Type: Water/Psychic
Ability: Thick Fat
Description: Imagine a young dolphin...good. Now turn it blue....and add purple eyes
Inspiration: Vacation in Florida
Pokedex Entry: Psorpoise is a native to the tropical waters around and within the Gemstone Archipelago south of Orre*May or may not appear in fanfics* Pods of Psorpoise and Reephins wander the coral reefs, and will play games with the passing boats and swimmers. Their psychic powers can be used to calm rough weather
Legendary?: Nope!
Gender Ratio: 50/50
Egg Group: Water 1
Evolutions/Devolutions: Reefin, the Dolphin Pokemon, and *Name pending until I can think of something that doesn't sound as retarded as Psyorca* The Killer whale Pokemon.
^That's not yours, it was made by this guy.

Seriously Darkarmour, that was very bad, taking art without giving credits.

Oh sorry, it wasn't named, i'll credit it now.

In the meantime...

Name: Pikablu
Type: Water/Electric
Ability: Clear Body
Height: 1'2
Weight: 13 lbs
Location: Near water
Inspiration: the myth of marill when released.
Legendary?: No
Gender Ratio: Male: 40% Female: 60%
Egg Group: None
Base Stats:
HP: 31
Atk: 14
Def: 26
Sp. Atk: 21
Sp. Def: 20
Spd: 15
Mud Slap
Tail Whip
Tier: UU
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My go:

Name: Omnipod
Type: Steel/Normal
Ability: Arena Lock or Levitate
Height: 0'9
Weight: Levitates or 5lbs
Location: Following beldum
Inspiration: A baby beldum
Legendary?: No
Gender Ratio: No gender
Egg Group: Ground
Evos/Prevos: Evolves into Beldum at level 10.
Base Stats:
HP: 10
Atk: 11
Def: 9
Sp. Atk: 12
Sp. Def: 20
Spd: 15
metal sound
Tier: Not fully evolved.
Name: Stardust Dragon
Type: Dragon/Stardust
Ability: Comet Armour (increases def & sp. def when
Height: 9'9
Weight: 34lbs
Location: In a comet
Inspiration: Well...
Legendary?: Yes
Gender Ratio: Female 100%
Egg Group: None
Evos/Prevos: Evolves into Stardust Dragona at level 45 and holding usernamechange
Base Stats:
HP: 94
Atk: 120
Def: 60
Sp. Atk: 70
Sp. Def: 70
Spd: 80
Meteor Mash
Signal Beam
Zen Headbutt
Tier: Not fully evolved.

(Overpowered FTW.)

Name: Poppant
Type: Normal/Subspace
Ability: Scatter
Height: 4'1
Weight: 14lbs
Location: Skyworld and many other places
Inspiration: Subspace Emissary
Legendary?: No
Gender Ratio: Male 30% Female 70%
Egg Group: None
Evos/Prevos: none
Base Stats:
HP: 31
Atk: 29
Def: 33
Sp. Atk: 15
Sp. Def: 34
Spd: 50
Signal Beam
Body Slam
Tier: UU
Name: Blizzaceon (blizz-ay-shee-in)
Element: Ice and Dragon
Type:Supernatural Pokemon
Height:25 ft
Weight:970 lbs
Description: it is the third pokemon in a legendary trio (like rayquaza or giratina).
The other two pokemon represent physical power and mental power. This pokemon represents supernatural/divine power. Its name is a combination of "blizzard", "glacier", and "dragon". it is found imprisoned in an ice temple because long ago it attempted to overthrow arceus.
Pokedex entry: It was sealed away by arceus long ago. It leaves violent snowstorms i its wake.
Appearance: Blizzaceans body is similiar to rayquazas, but with a slightly different pattern. Its body is pearly, iridescent white, like an opal. It has 2 short, heavily plated arms with medium length claws. its head is slender and pointed, like a snake. The upper part of its head is plated with helmet like armor, And it has 2 slitlike, pupilless yellow eyes.
Gender ratio:Genderless
Egg Group:None
Base Stats;
Special attack:105
Special defense:65
Signature move: White Out (90 power, all other pokemon are unable to attack for one turn).
Tier: definitely uber.
Name: Revena
Element: Dark/Ghost
Type: Voodoo Doll Pokemon
Ability: Cute Charm/Bad Dreams
Height: '4
Weight: 1 LB
Description: It is a tiny, Skitty-like Pokemon with black fur and no face, except two huge red button eyes. Nightmare fuel-rific, but they never attack.
Inspiration: VOODOO DOLLS! Specifically, Lil' Eddie, not that anyone except Erindor know who/what that is. ;D
Pokedex Entry: A bizarre Pokemon said to be feared by even Arceus itself. They never appear to fight, however.
Legendary?: Yes
Gender Ratio: 50% Male, 50% Female
Egg Group: Fairy
Base Stats: Unknown, as they have never been seen fighting.
Attacks: Ghost Scream (Unlimited PP. Makes the other Pokemon too frightened to attack, like the ghosts in Pokemon Tower) This is the only attack that this Pokemon has been seen using; they always use it, then flee immediately after.
Tier: OU
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Ooo... Lil' Eddie might get scared himself!

Hm... I think I made a Jolteon evolution...

Name: Shockoreon (Meh.)
Element: Electric
Ability: --
Description: Much larger and more built for speed than the Jolteon, has a lightning streak along its sides. No more collar thingy. Has spikes (Or whatever you call them) coming of its ankles. Kinda vague, but...

Wouldn't really know the rest of them. I actually drew this at one point.
Name: Dragocune
Element: Dragon/Flying
Type: Mystical Pokémon
Ability: Pressure?
Description: Dragocune was a Pokémon that was made by some people who loved Suicune. When they tried to make another Suicune, they accidentally gave it features from other Pokémon.
Inspiration: I wanted to make a supersplice. I chose Pokémon that I thought looked good together. Dragocune's name comes from dragon and Suicune. Or maybe Dragonair and Suicune because I gave it Dragonair's head.
Pokedex Entry: Dragocune was found in the Dragon Forest after a group released it to there. It is a very powerful Pokémon, even though it was man-made.
Legendary?: Yes
Egg Group: No eggs
Signature move: Dragon Wind. This is a combination Dragon-and-Flying type attack. Dragon Wind comes with 120 power, 5 PP, and 95% accuracy. Dragocune flaps its Articuno wings, sending out a wind. Purple bits that carry Dragon damage are in the wind.
Tier: Uber?

Name: Megalow
Element: Normal
Type: Megaphone
Ability: Soundproof
Height: 2'10''
Weight: 33.7 lbs
Description: Same kind body type as Numel, only Megalow'a body is completely red and skinnier. Feet look like an elephant's. Toes are yellow. Mouth forms into the shape of a megaphone. There are two music notes on the right side of Megalow. Ears are small and pointed at the tip.
Inspiration: i had a freakish dream
Pokedex Entry: Megalow can suck up any kind of sound and blast it back at it's opponents. Usually, Megalow is slow and stupid. Scientist have found out that it's related to the Numel and Whismer families.
Legendary?: no
Gender Ratio: 50% m 50% f
Egg Group: ground
Evolutions/Devolutions: megalow @ 36 --> Blastfone. Megalow @ Ice Rock --> Freezfone
Attacks: Uproar, Howl, Tackle, Hyper Voice, Mimic, Growl, Focus Energy, Take Down, Screech, Stomp.

sorry bout the page-stretch
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Name: Kardas
Element: Dragon/Dark
Type: Umbra
Ability: Dark Screen. It makes him immune to supereffective moves against dark types
Height: 27' 6"
Weight: 1594 lbs.
Description: A similar body of a charizard, except that it is all black, has skeletal wings, red eyes, long, sharp claws, the tail now ends in a sharp point and has a giant, tooth-filled maw
Inspiration: In a different forum, I had once come up with a powerful dragon creature in a RP; it was used as a weapon by one faction. The name came from one of my usernames when I was at that forum
Pokedex Entry: Legend has it that this creature was born after the Distortion World was created. It has been said to emerge into the real world every thousand years.
Legendary?: Yes
Gender Ratio: None
Egg Group: None
Evolutions/Devolutions: None... yet
Base Stats:
HP: 150
Atk: 90
Def: 100
Sp. Atk: 140
Sp. Def: 100
Spd: 120
Signature Move: Dark Blast (PP 5.Essentially Dark Pulse with an attack power of 100 and High crit-hit ratio)
Tier: Somewhere between uber and OU
Name: Darkougar
Element: Ghost/Dark
Type: Lust
Ability: Bad Dreams/Synchronize
Height: 1'5"
Weight: 9 lbs.
Description: A cat-sort or Pokemon, like Mew, except it is black with green eyes, green paws, and an emerald-colored scarf like Shaymin's.
Inspiration: I dunno, I saw this thread so I decided to try xD
Pokedex Entry: This Pokemon appears to those who feel envy to others. It curses them for their greed. It is said that Murkitty is so strong, a Darkougar can only have one Murkitty egg in its entire life.
Legendary?: Yes
Gender Ratio: 70% male
30% female
Egg Group: Ground
Evolutions/Devolutions: Murkitty (breed two Darkougar, but Murkitty does not evolve into Darkcougar, like the Manaphy/Phione relationship.)
Base Stats:
HP: 170
Atk: 80
Def: 90
Sp. Atk: 160
Sp. Def: 120
Spd: 130
Signature Move: Envy - (Power: 90 PP: 6) The foe is hurt by a pulse of dark energy, making it jealous of Darkougar. Its power increases the more it is used.
Tier: Somewhat of an uber, but mostly UU because of its bad movepool
Name: Excidicium
Element: Dragon-Poison
Type: The Longwing Pokemon
Ability: Acidic Fangs- Every attack Excidicium uses has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy.
Height: 50 ft. (length), 100 ft. (wingspan)
Weight: 1249.7 lbs.
Description: A large, bluish-purple dragon with an incredibly long wingspan. Swirling gray markings cover its whole body. There are narrow opening in its fangs and talons so poison can be excreted. Bone spurs inside the mouth are visible sticking g out on either side of the jaws. These bone spurs allow the dragon to spit acid.
Inspiration: A dragon from a fantastic series I'm reading.
Pokedex Entry: EXICIDICIUM is renowned for it incredible wingspan, uncanny ability to spit acid, and its remarkable aerial maneuvering skills.
Legendary?: No, just extremely rare
Gender Ratio: 60% Male, 40% Female
Egg Group: Dragon/Flying
Evolutions/Devolutions: None
Base Stats: Excels in Speed and Special Attack. Lowest stats in HP and Defense. (Too lazy to fill out whole thing)
Draco Meteor
Dragon Dance
Acid Spit (Poison Type, 100 Base Power, 70% Accuracy, Special, 50% Chance of Poison)
Tier: Uber, Special Sweeper
Name: Obliterix
Element: Fire/Steel
Type: Destroyer Pokemon
Ability: Destruction (Attack and Sp Attack increase by 10% with each hit)
Height: 7'08
Weight: 43 Pounds
Description: A Pokemon with a flaming body shaped like an slimmed, inverted teardrop and no legs, its dome-shaped head is attatched directly to the body. It has eight eyes, arrayed in two columns of four, and attatched to its powerful arms by clasps at the wrists are two backwards-facing scyth-blades.
Inspiration: None at all. Just a random creation.
Pokedex Entry: These Pokemon live in a dimension different to ours, and are constantly searching for a way through the void. When one escapes into our realm, it can level entire cities in its rage.
Legendary?: No
Gender Ratio: Genderless
Evolutions/Devolutions: Has the pre-evolutions Blazix and Incendiarix.
Base Stats:
HP: 70
Atk: 90
Def: 40
Sp. Atk: 100
Sp. Def: 40
Spd: 60
Attacks: Leer, Ember, Metal Claw, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Overheat, Steel Scythe (a Steel version of Cross Chop) and a few others that I can't be bothered to think of right now.
Tier: Uber
Description: Same basic shaoe for an Eeveelution. It has wing-like ears. On the back of each of its paws is a small feather. Its tail is much like the one Pidgeotto has, just like a fan-out of feathers. It is also all white and it has sky blue eyes. It evolves from Eevee via level-up while holding a Shining Feather.
Type: Flying
Ability: Wind Veil: Raises evasiveness in a windstorm.
HP: 65
Attack: 130
Defense: 95
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 110
Speed: 65

1: Tail Whip
1: Tackle
8: Sand Attack
15: Gust
22: Quick Attack
29: Roost
36: Wind Slice
43: Reflect
50: Last Resort
57: Aerial Ace
64: Mirror Move
73: Brave Bird
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Name: Pupanic
Name Origins: Puppy and Panic for those inable to geuss...
Element: Dark/Fire
Type: Frightening Puppy
Ability: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Height: 3’ 5”
Length: 6’ 2”
Weight: 80 lbs
Height: 3’2”
Length: 6’
Weight: 75 lbs
Description: A short dog with somewhat demonic features about him, including stubby horns and spines running in three rows along his back.. He has moderate length fur, and a single hang-fang. If one were to be shaved completely, the skeletal structure of it would be very apparant, and show it's flame sack hanging in it's chest area.
Inspiration: I've had it for a while, no idea when or how it was inspired...
Pokedex Entry: Pupanic run wild in small packs. As their appearance frightens anyone they meet outside of their own evolution line they are a very seclusive species.
Legendary?: No
Gender Ratio: 47.5/52.5
Egg Group: Field (according to Pokedream it's ground though...) / Monster
Evolutions/Devolutions: Pupanic ~@25~ Onikami ~@45~ Houkaijuu
Base Stats:
HP: 40
Atk: 60
Def: 25
Sp. Atk: 60
Sp. Def: 25
Spd: 60
Level Up: Growl, Ember, Smokescreen, Quick attack, Poison Fang, Howl, Double Team, Flamethrower, Crunch, Shadow Claw, Heat wave
TM: 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 54, 63, 65, 70, 75, 79, 82
HM: 1, 4, 6, 8.
Breeding moves:
Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Faint Attack, Beat Up, Nasty Plot, Foresight
Tier: UU if anything...
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