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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Connor smiled and gave a little laugh. "What's with that look?" He asked. She was looking at him like his nose was slipping off, as though she was just waiting for it to dribble off like water droplets hanging from a leaf. Connor thought for a moment about everything he knew of Celest. It wasn't much, really. He knew that she certainly didn't enjoy her own family as a conversation topic. What, then, to talk about? Well, this would almost certainly lead to her confidence issue, which would in turn lead to her family, but he figured this had to be talked about eventually.

"How long have you been singing?"
Celest blinked, her eyes widening the slighest sliver. "Oh, nothing," she answered truthfully as Connor asked her what was with her gaze. "Sorry; I was... thinking." She looked back at her feet, still shaking, but felt a bit better knowing the cart was nearing the ground now. She closed her eyes again forcefully, trying to keep her mind blank and empty, but the thought of falling or dying because of the ferris wheel kept pushing its way in. It made Celest squeak quietly in fear.

However, she opened her blood red eyes again as the Fire Carnie spoke. He asked a simple, seemingly innocent question: how long had she been singing? Though she felt as if it shouldn't bother her as much as it did, the Lucario morph felt a bit dismal at the thought. It had been back when her mother actually gave a damn about Celest's well-being, long before she fled with other men and abandoned the Fighting Carnie with her abusive "father." She taught Celest how to sing "Frére Jacques" at the age of five, and her voice was fairly good. Over the next year or two, her mother gently pushed her onward to improve her voice, and even after she left, Celest continued to build up her singing when she ever had the time to be alone. However, instead of telling all this to Connor, she simply shrugged. "I guess it's natural," she replied nonchalantly.
Annie, from over Logan's shoulder, asked him two things. First, if she did anything stupid, and second, she asked Logan to dispose of the alcohol. He went to do so, while saying, "Well, not anything stupid," he started to blush a little, not that his rocky skin could really show it, "Not that I think, anyway." Without letting her off his shoulder, as per her request as well, Logan picked up the remaining beer packs and went out back. Here, he dug a hole about two feet deep, and continued to throw each individual bottle into the ditch with a satisfying crash. When Logan has done this with all of the bottles, he filled the hole and went back into the tent with Annie still doubled over on his shoulder.
Annie nodded and hummed an "okay" when Logan said she didn't do anything stupid. And then her head shot up when he said, "Not that I think, anyway." Still slumped over his shoulder, she grabbing hold of his opposite shoulder with one hand.

"That means I did something that could potentially be viewed as stupid. What did I do? Eat dirt? Get high? Did I get pregnant? Tell me!" When she said, "tell me," She slid back a little and arched her back, pushing herself up on his shoulders and staring at him intently from a hair's breadth away.

She began to get concerned. Was it just her being stupid? Or was it something that Connor or Logan did? Celest wouldn't do anything; she was too timid. Connor would think it was funny, though. And Logan, hah! He was probably still trying to be smooth.
Annie looked at Logan intensely, from approximately zero inches away. She had demanded to know what she did while she was drunk, and Logan swallowed hard as she looked at him.

God she was scary.

"Well," He started, "It was nothing, really, you just... well, how to put it... You gave me a speech about how I should just ask out the next girl I see, so I asked you out. And you kind of said yes." He flinched, despite the fact that he knew she couldn't physically hurt him. He just, he didn't want to disappoint her.
Annie could only continue to stare at Logan while he explained himself. She what? "Logan..." She started with a slight growl. She actually pressed her forehead and nose against his with a scowl on her face, speaking through her clenched teeth. "You are such a bastard. I would so pound your face in the dirt for taking advantage of a drunken girl if it would actually affect you." She backed off, but made no effort to get off of him. Though she must have weighed little to nothing to him, it would still be an annoyance.

At this point her anger outweighed the hangover, to the point where she felt fine. "You're just lucky I keep my word, even if I was drunk at the time." She mumbled, slouching over his shoulder again. It could be worse, though. After all, Logan wasn't too pushy, given how desperate most guys would have become in this godforsaken place by now. Most guys would probably be talking about repopulating the earth by now. But Logan flinched at her despite that she could not hurt him. It's a good man that listens to his woman.

"Whatever. If I have to go on a date with you, then whisk me away, o Prince." She flapped her hands up and waved them to illustrate her sarcasm. Not like Logan could see it. "If you try to kiss me, though, it's your ass."
"Well, If you don't feel well..." He swallowed again, this time only partially because he was afraid, because he was getting thirsty. "I'd really only want you to go somewhere with me if you were feeling up to it. So if you're too hungover right now it's fine."

He really wasn't sure where he was going with this, because it did not portray his real desires at all. Logan really did want to spend some alone time with her, and true, while he did want it to be while she was happy, he did not want to wait at all. The truth was, he was kind of desperate. Mostly for positive attention, but the way Annie made him feel, even when she was angry with him, it almost made it worth the wait. Almost.

While he was contemplating this for a brief moment, it hit him: she could easily be offended further by what he just ended with. So, trying to save his skin, he said, "Not to try and make it sound like you get drunk a lot, which I'm sure you don't, I was just trying make it more worth your while when the time comes for our date," God I am an idiot, he thought, and then continued, "I just want you to be happy."

Well, at least he was trying. It's not like he's said anything that actually pleased her before anyway, so it wouldn't surprise Logan if this didn't start a trend.
Annie stared at the ground behind Logan while he blubbered his apology, or whatever he was doing. She examined her fingernails, using her thumb to pluck a bit of the mud out. "God, why do always apologize or try to correct whatever you just said?" She asked. "You need to just relax. I can tell you now, you're too wired for any kind of date."

She stopped, and puffed a strand of hair out of her face. "And for the record, I'm perfectly capable of doing whatever I want right now. Even if my body wants to drop dead and sleep for forty hours, I have to get ready for a date. So I'll be fine." She glanced left, then right, then twisted her head around to look at Logan's head. "You can put me down, now, by the way."
Annie told Logan to let her down, and he did. She stumbled a little, so he stabilized her with his hands, trying not to touch her in a way that could be perceived as pervish. "Alright," he said, "Whatever you say."

After this, he went over to the popcorn machine he plundered, and examined it thoughtfully. He was wondering where they would get power for it, or if they would just get Connor to hold his hand underneath it for a while. As he looked at the container, he noticed for the first time that the glass cover was cracked the slightest bit, near the bottom. Disregarding this, he moved onto the part of the cart used for storage and power. It had a faded label that simply read "Buy Popcorn". He dusted it off and saw the design surrounding it. There was nothing special, but Logan enjoyed being able to admire something.

He looked up, and remembered that he wanted to clean his cage. Logan went over to his cage to investigate on the condition of their patient, and also to do some tidying.
Annie flattened her dress a bit, then followed Logan. When she went into the tent, it didn't seem as though their two little friends had moved much. She silently took one of the hats of water, and moved to another tent nearby.

She set it down next to the open tent flaps, and stared down into it. She stiffened. She didn't remember looking so bad since the last time she was visiting her Grandparents. She quickly undid her hair, and pulled back into it's usual nice shape. She cleaned off her glasses, and picked her teeth as well as she could manage. She exhaled into her palm, and could smell the alchohol on it. It went away a bit after she rinsed her mouth with the nasty rain water.

"This is miserable." She complained under her breath, pulling off her shoes to examine her toes. She got the dirt and grime out from them, as well as her fingernails, and ripped a palm-sized shred off the bottom of her dress. Nothing too noticeable. She dunked it in the water, and wiped her arms, legs, and face.

Maybe she wouldn't have been caught dead with Logan anywhere else, but she was stuck here now. She had drunkenly agreed to a date, and even if it was with Logan, she wasn't about to let that excuse her from proper preperation. She emerged from the tent, clean as any person could be in this situation, and set the hat outside of Logan's Cage-Tent. "I don't know that I would drink from this one, but if anyone plans on cleaning up, here it is." She folded her arms and looked at Logan, then the sky, then Logan again. "What time is it, anyway?" She asked him. the dreary clouds that still lingered in the sky were concealing the sun from her view.
Annie asked for the time. "Um, I don't know, to be honest. I'd be surprised if it weren't getting late, though. Why do you ask?" He said this without looking at her, contemplating the corner he had previously inhabited. Logan heard her say something about using this one hat for cleaning, and he grabbed it. Logan wasn't sure what to do with the hat, though, because he had no scrubbing method besides his hands, and that wouldn't be too effective, considering it would make his hands smell like blood, like that was attractive.

Logan didn't really have anything to do to prepare, because he didn't have hair anymore, and his only clothes were some baggy jeans and a now sleeveless shirt. He might tuck it in, eventually, but Logan didn't see the need to do that right now.

He continued to contemplate his scrubber problem, but nothing was coming to him. He could use his shirt, but then he wouldn't have anything for later tonight. He could possibly use his pants, if he could get everyopne else to vacate the tent, but Logan thought that might bring up a similar problem. He really was at a loss, when it occurred to him that he might be able to use one of the sacks the popcorn came in. That would have to wait until Connor got back, though, if the popcorn was to be useful.
"I ask," Annie said simply, twirling a strand of hair. "Because I need to know how long to avoid falling in the mud and dirt. I wouldn't be caught dead dirty on a date, and just because I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, mutated, and the date sounds boring, I'm not going to lower any of my standards." She pulled the strand back behind her ear, and took off her glasses, whirling them in circles with one hand while the other rested on her waist.

The word mutated was almost like bile. She hated the word, especially now. She was a failure at even that, apparently completely inept at accessing her psychic abilities. She probably wasn't even changed. Those masked freak-shows probably just dressed her up for kicks and giggles. She knew they had at least changed her underwear. They were even more perverted than Logan.

She doubted she'd ever buy a dress again. Except when she got married. If she got married. But this whole carnival might ruin good shoes and clothes for her forever. She just wanted to go home and put on her favorite jeans, one of her cute tops with a jacket, maybe a little jewelry, and go get some fast food. And maybe buy a bike. She had always wanted to show up at a place with a bike, take off her helmet and everyone be like in the movies, like, 'oh my gawd, it's a beautiful woman under the helmet!' while she flipped her hair around.

"... Logan, do you like motorcycles?" Hey, if he had one, he might not be a bad choice after all. If he didn't, then... Well, she couldn't be so unfair as to blame him.
"You know," Logan said, "I've always wanted to have a motorcycle, but I never thought it would suit me. Not really the rough and tumble type, you know? But hey, if I end up stuck like this, I think a motorcycle would definitely be a step in the right direction." He was refferring to his new muscular physique and bald head. Not that Logan was a wimp or anything in his normal state, he just... wasn't this herculean. The tail was definitely new, too.

At this point, Logan had given up in his endeavor to clean, and he turned around and leaned on the cage, all cool-guy like. He looked at Annie, and said, "About our outing, though. I think we could get away with leaving at just about any time, as long as we get back before tomorrow. But before we go, would like to eat something? I mean, I dont think we are going to get food unless we eat what's there right now. It's up to you, but we need to make a descision."
Annie had figured as much. Logan was a bit of a softy for a bike, but it had been worth asking. "I see more mid-life crisis guys with white beards than tough guys on bikes." She shrugged. She tried her best to ignore his rather ridiculous look when he leaned on the cage.

He brought up that they could leave anytime, but they should eat first. She stared at the food they had gathered. Hot dogs. Popcorn. That was pretty much it, other than the booze they had gotten rid of. "Oh, joy. Raw hot dogs. My favies." She snatched a bag between her finger and thumb, and examined them closely before ripping off the seal. Similarly, she took one between her finger and thumb, and stared at it for a minute.

"... You know what, humans can live without food for a while. I'll be fine." She dropped it back into the bag and left it on top of the popcorn machine for Logan. "I'll just wait until we see Connor again."
"Allright," Logan said, " Would you like to go now then? I mean, it's not like we have much else to do here now." He stood up straight, and walked towards Annie, saying, "Shall we?"

[Bluh short conversation post is short]
((OOC: Begone, writer's block!))
Connor raised an eyebrow. Celest claimed her singing was natural. "Well, nature must have given you plenty of practice time." The wheel was halfway down, and Connor peeked over the edge. What a desolate place... Can't wait. He hugged Celest, then slowly sat up. He kept one arm tightly around her shoulder, should she become nervous, and craned his neck over to kiss her as the wheel came closer and closer to the end.

"Once we get out, I'll take your straight home. No detours. We'll buy you some clothes, set you up for a transfer of schools... Definetly have to get you into Choir. You know what... I'm really excited." He laughed.
Annie stared at Logan after he asked her if they should simply up and leave now. And she stared. And stared. And stared. She finally lost all the hostility in her glare, and shrugged with a simple, "Sure, why not." She spun on her heel, an impressive trick in heels she had learned as part of a painful dare several years ago, and folded her arms with a shudder. Her cardigan was somewhere, probably wet and dirty, but she still wished she had something for her arms.

She hoped Logan wasn't expecting some chick-flick style date where she giggled and laughed at everything he said, and was head over heels for him. She was only going on a date with him in the first place because one, there was nothing else to do, and two, she wasn't the type to go back on her word, even if it was a slurry drunken word. "Well, Logan, if we're dating, then maybe I should know more about you. So spill it, tell me about yourself. Were you always a skinhead? Why is it that you're so interested in me? I mean, aside from the fact I've got legs up to my neck." She gave a little laugh at her own comment, thinking in the back of her mind that it was rather concieted, but in the end she was alright with that, because Logan would probably just agree with her on the matter.
[ I suffer from the horrid writer's block as well. But I have beaten it! For the most part. Huzzah!!! :3c ]

Celest was lost in a trance after she felt Connor plant his lips on hers, and her face flared up with a bright blush as she felt the warmth from his body become the slightest bit more reassuring and comforting to her. She kept her eyes closed for a while, yearning to stay like that forever, but they soon opened again as Connor promised that, as soon as they got out of Masque, he would take her home, no questions asked. The Lucario girl sighed as he stated he was excited by all of it, and she looked at the spikes on her hands. They were stained with blood- her blood, no doubt- but she didn't pay that much attention. She just needed something to keep her from looking up at Connor as she had a thousand thoughts running through her mind.


But Celest didn't have the time to finish her sentence as a loud, creaking noise moaned from the old ferris wheel, and it squeaked and squeaked to a sudden stop, causing the cart to wobble. The Fighting Carnie clung to Connor's shirt out of pure fear they were going to fall, and she forcefully closed her crimson eyes. She bit down on her teeth tightly as she felt herself whimper quickly. "Oh, God, oh, God," she squeaked, barely audible through clenched teeth, "Oh, God. We're going to die. We're going to die. We're going to die." She was painfully unaware that the cart had reached the bottom, however, for she hadn't the courage to look over the side to see how high up they were. "I knew it. I knew we were going to fall. Oh, my God."
Connor blinked at the wheel's groaning and shuttering. It was grinding along the bottom, almost at a standstill again. He looked at Celest raising an eyebrow at her assurances that they were going to die. "... Hey, Cel?" He nudged her with his elbow. "We're at the bottom." He opened the door with his free hand, the other one around her. "You can relax now." He laughed a little, stood up.

She was funny. Maybe it was wrong to think that when she was fearing for her life, but he couldn't help it. "You know, maybe you should come with me next time I go to an active park. Get you used to some of the rides. It's just a ferris wheel, Cel, and even if it had fallen, I'd have gotten you out. Alright, now its your turn. What do you want to do?" He asked, clicking the "OFF" switch, and halting the horrid grinding of the wheel.
[ GM powers of doom to revive threads gogogo ]

Celest sighed deeply in relief as Connor flicked the switch to "OFF," and stared at the ground underneath the cart, her eyes a bit fearful. It was just the ground. The ground. That was the most stable thing on the planet, if one pondered over it, but why did the Lucario morph hesitate, then? It was the ground, for God's sake. There was nothing at all fearful about it... well, not counting if it had been concrete, and that would've hurt if she felt and scraped her knee or elbow or something, but Celest was about sixty percent sure the ground was soft from the rain and not hard enough to cause injuries. ... Hopefully.

Gingerly, Celest stepped out of the cart, thanking her lucky stars when the ground decided to stay stable and not fall out of place like it did in her horrid visions made by thousands of "what ifs" and second-guessing. She looked up at Connor as he asked her what she wanted to do at this point, and she didn't reply for a moment. After a full minute, Celest shrugged her shoulders, though it wasn't easy to tell she hadn't the slightest clue what to do. It was almost as if she rolled her shoulders forward instead of lifting them up to signalize a shrug, but Celest didn't notice. "... I guess... food. Or... something associated with that. I'm... not really sure."
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