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Meta Knight or Kirby?

Which is cooler? Meta Knight or Kirby?

  • Kirby

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • Meta Knight

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • I couldn't possibly tell

    Votes: 9 19.1%
  • Hate both of them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who are Kirby and Meta Knight?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You suck

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kirby's cuter IMO.

I had an :3 expression the whole time I was playing Kirby's Air Ride because it was so damn adorable XD
I believe the poll is about who is cooler, not cuter.

Off topic, Air Ride was and is still a fun racing game. Come on Nintendo, we need more Air Ride!
Meta Knight. He's much like Kirby except he flies rather than floats and is capable of talking in sentences.
I'm still with Meta Knight, so much cooler, anyone realise hes the only one in Brawl without his own series.
Yeah but Meta Knight isn't a baddie either, hes more of a rival, like Shadow or Silver, kinda, but unlike them, Meta Knight is an outsider.
Yeah but Meta Knight isn't a baddie either, hes more of a rival, like Shadow or Silver, kinda, but unlike them, Meta Knight is an outsider.
Well, first of all, King Dedede is just as much of a rival-rather-than-baddie character as Meta Knight is.

And secondly - I'm not sure what you mean by "outsider", but you might have noticed that he likes bringing his entire posse of Meta Knights with him every now and then...
I like Kirby better as a character, but Meta Knight is my fighter of choice in Brawl.
If I had to choose between the two It would have to be Kirby, but it is a very close call and a I mean a very close call.
guess, go on, i dare you to

kirby is just super special awesomesauce, but meta knight is really close, the next sig i have will probably be him
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