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Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

*finds on page 4*
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Erindor the Espeon:

Request List
Silver - Gardevoir Chisel
Lord Shyguy - yellow glow Ampharos
alonsyalonso - Chao and Data Gible

Mewtwo, are you doing Silver's request?

@everyone else: I also do Shadows.
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!


Darn, having filter trouble again. Can't wait to get my laptop back. I'm sure it'll look good though.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Hi Thats one Of mine. Erm could I join the sprite shop, i can't do really advanced since I only have paint but could I do little requests.I'll try to do anything, and I know how to do some pretty good styles.

Here are some of mine:-

Sorry they arent looking very good, I had to redownload them and imageshack, which made it lose its quality
I have loads of others and those arent my best I just thought its just another helping hand?
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Also if I could join could I add 3 more types of sprites, i'll do them all of course if you keep track of them
And WTF!?
Negative is just invert colours slightly edited to make it look better
Pika Ears is adding pikachu ears to any pokemon
And WTF!? is a splice of two random or odd pokemon awkward ones like say, porgon? they are fuzed together in the wierdest way possible and thats the finished result ive already got at least 1 of each
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Silver - Gardevoir Chisel
Lord Shyguy - yellow glow Ampharos
alonsyalonso - Chao and Data Gible

@alonsyalonso: I use Paint, and look at my sprites.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

woah really? well anyway i meant compared to Mewtwo's I'm still waiiting for a response...

I think PikaEars is a good idea, what do u think of Negative and WTF as well?
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I've got 3 more requests then i'll stop for a while
Gible Portal
Gible Pokeball
And 2 random pokemon numbers 360 and 239 they are...
Ooh! Wynaut and...Elekid Good luck
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Silver - Gardevoir Chisel
Lord Shyguy - yellow glow Ampharos
alonsyalonso - Chao, Data, Portal, and Pokeball Gibles
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Silver - Gardevoir Chisel
Lord Shyguy - yellow glow Ampharos
alonsyalonso - Chao, Data, Portal, and Pokeball Gibles

amazing mix, want another one?
37 and 211 they are...Quilfish and Vulpix, try that one...:talking:
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I mean on the Garchomp, and Magmar. They look weird... Though admitidly that might not be because of the colors used. And I'll try the Qwilfish and Vulpix, though I have no idea how that'll turn out... at least it's Qwilfish that came up as the base, or I'd just not do it.
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

actually i would love a red and black kabutops recolour as well, thanks then I 'll lay off
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