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Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

@Terry T and Lord Shyguy: I'm working on them!

I was bored, so I did this:

Anyone can use this, just give credit to ULTIMATE PIKACHU!

Request List
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles. Pachirisu/Riolo (TAKEN by Mewtwo) and Groudon/Metagross Splices (TAKEN by Zulo)
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)
Lord Shyguy - 2-D Dusknoir (TAKEN by pikachu629)
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Here's the fusion-



Can I do the 2-d? If not, I'm off to go play in the random sprite generator!

Request List
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles. Pachirisu/Riolo (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)
Lord Shyguy - 2-D Dusknoir (TAKEN by pikachu629)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Here's your sprite Lord Shyguy:

Request List
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles. Pachirisu/Riolo (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)

Who's gonna do the Chao and Pokeball Gibles?
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I tried the pokeball, but it failed. As for the chao, no-can-do on that either. Sorry!

Request List
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles. Pachirisu/Riolo (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Then we'll wait for Mewtwo to do it.

Request List
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles. Pachirisu/Riolo (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Finally,after a long wait,Pachilu!

alonsyalonso - Chao(what pose do you want?) and Pokeball Gibles.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Request time!

B1 Espeon
B2 Umbreon
B3 Eevee

Espeon, Umbreon, Eevee.

If that's too many requests, I mostly want the Espeon ones.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Here are you sprites Terry T.

@Mewtwo: I won't be able to do sprites until tomorrow. See ya!

Request List
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Erindor the Espeon - B1 Espeon, B2 Umbreon, and B3 Eevee Chaos. Espeon, Umbreon, and Eevee Pokeballs.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

I'll try Erindor's requests... but, they'll most likely take awhile, and their quality isn't promised.

alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Erindor the Espeon - B1 Espeon, B2 Umbreon, and B3 Eevee Chaos. Espeon, Umbreon, and Eevee Pokeballs.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Okay. Here's the updated Request list:

alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Erindor the Espeon - B1 Espeon, B2 Umbreon, and B3 Eevee Chaos. (TAKEN by Reventhas) Espeon, Umbreon, and Eevee Pokeballs. (TAKEN by Reventhas)

Here are some sprites I have done for fun. Please feel free to put them in your sig or as you avatar.

Just give credit somewhere to the Ultimate Pikachu.
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Reventhas, are you sure you don't want me to do the pokeballs? Those are a lot easier then the one I failed, so I am 100% sure I can do them.
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Sure. It gives me less I need to do at least.
EDIT: I've done the Espeon Chao.

alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (Taken by Mewtwo)
Erindor the Espeon - B2 Umbreon, and B3 Eevee Chaos. (Taken by Reventhas) Espeon, Umbreon, and Eevee Pokeballs. (Taken by Zulo)
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Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Finally,after a long wait,Pachilu!

alonsyalonso - Chao(what pose do you want?) and Pokeball Gibles.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (TAKEN by Mewtwo)
Terry T. - Shellos/Shellos Splice (TAKEN by pikachu629)

I would like a D10 please. Look Mewtwo, have you read my message ? it ight be on the previous page just plz read it and consider it.BTW tHERES 2 OF THEM so plz read both

The Groudon/Metagross Mix is amazing and the pachiriu/riolu one rocks! thanks.
Also last thign could I have a surprise? i know you dont get that many, all i know is that I want it to be quite a big one and bulk, thanks!
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

@alonsyalonso: What are you exactly asking from Mewtwo?

alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles. A Surprise.
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (Taken by Mewtwo)
Erindor the Espeon - B2 Umbreon, and B3 Eevee Chaos. (Taken by Reventhas) Espeon, Umbreon, and Eevee Pokeballs. (Taken by Zulo)
Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop!

Erindor's Umbreon:

Will do the Eevee tommorow, since I have to go to sleep now.

Edit: Alonsy, your sig has notified me that you like Squirtles. Based on that your (not so) suprise sprite is:

A yellow revamp of Squirtle.
alonsyalonso - Chao and Pokeball Gibles
Hikari Nijino - Chisel Milotic (Taken by Mewtwo)
Erindor the Espeon - B3 Eevee Chao, (Taken by Reventhas) Espeon, Umbreon, and Eevee Pokeballs. (Taken by Zulo)
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