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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Zulo didn't recolor anything. O_o
Infusions only work if you can see directly where the parts come together.
You don't have to do my request if you don't want to though.
Since nobody else is going to, I might as well...Here's my first scratch EVAR!
Umm, wrong shop...
Since nobody else is going to, I might as well...
As far as first scratches go, It's not bad. The colors are from D/P Raichu, an I correct? The outlines are shaky, and the arms look like they are attatched to the front of it's body. Also, The ears aren't Raichu's. Raichu's ears look like stretched crescent moons, while those look like Bananas. I'd also like to point out that where the tail attatches to it's tip, It should be smooth, rather than at an awkward angle.
My advice: Try to work on those shaky outlines, and when doing, make sure you have a reference. Take a look at mine if you must,, but no stealing.
wait a second he gets to but i dont oh well i dont really care anymore got my ownCongrats!You are now officially a worker!
And I don't know where the chao is hiding :P![]()
the gible pokeball!