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Microwave meals

The add of nutrition, health benefits etc seems to make up for me for the extra time's worth of cutting up some onions, paprikas and boiling pasta/rice and cooking the meat and veggies...

I am not in a hurry anyways. I mean, have I really got something better to do?
I microwave soup, and ready meals when my baby brother eats my tea. I will only eat ready meals from waitrose, iceland and birdseye though. No tesco. >:(
After discovering instant noodles at camp, they have become a principle food in food-I-eat-when-I'm-too-lazy-to-fix-anything-healthy. Microwavable creamy chicken soup, however, has be my favorite microwave food; it tastes wonderful and leaves you with a warm feeling when you're finished. I am going to throughly enjoy college food.
College food sounds like a dream come true. I'd love to live in a world where all I have to eat is Top Ramen and Chef Boyardee.
College food sounds like a dream come true. I'd love to live in a world where all I have to eat is Top Ramen and Chef Boyardee.

I lived in a world where Chef Boyardee was a blessing because at least it was better than eating in the cafeteria. Ramen got old after the first couple weeks. Getting Burger King or something was wonderful because at least it was processed unhealthy shit that tasted okay. I was always at least a little bit queasy. My digestive system was probably almost done for by the end of the year.

Freshman 15? I lost 15 pounds my first year of college. Suffice to say next year I'm staying in the upperclassman dorms that have kitchens and am purchasing a smaller meal plan. :|
I actually really love making my own food at uni (mostly without a microwave, to be fair). I'm getting better at things I could cook before, and am learning how to make new things all the time. I learnt the other day that I can make good omelettes! :D

I can also now make sponge cake, bannana cake, chocolate cake, museli cake, lemon cake, apple crumble, rhubarb crumble and Mars bar cheesecake.

Although, I have to say - I do not understand how students can be expected to live without a kettle (the most essential of all cooking appliances). Apparently, most Americans don't have kettles? HOW??? How do you make tea and boil water for rice and pasta without it taking an absolute age?
Although, I have to say - I do not understand how students can be expected to live without a kettle (the most essential of all cooking appliances). Apparently, most Americans don't have kettles? HOW??? How do you make tea and boil water for rice and pasta without it taking an absolute age?

Sometimes, I boil the water in the microwave when I'm too lazy to wait for the kettle.

It takes my microwave 2 minutes to boil a cup of water, and 5 for the kettle, but I guess dorm room microwaves are really bad [I'm only in high school]
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