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Misreadings and stuff

Another "and stuff".

So I was texting this girl. (My cousin's girlfriend) And I guess she's not the most... intelligent person? So my Aspies started showing cause I was literally unable to understand most of what she was typing.... example:

Girl: cause I love *name* alot amd we work it out than it seem he let *name* tell him to break up with me
Me: I am sorry but that message didn't make any sense.
Girl: i love *name alot *another name told him to break up with me and he did thsn we workout and than he left me today
Me: Yeah, I got nothing out of that.... but if you talking about *name telling *name to break up with you. I want to avoid confrontations. It's not my business, nor do I intend it to be. *name had his own reasons for talking to *name, but that's of no interest to me.
Girl: I understand. but I mite be prego by him im cool though.
Me: Wait, you have mites in tomato sauce that are cold? That made no sense.
Me: I'm sorry I can't seem to understand you.
Girl: I mite be pregnet by *name it ok i understand he dot care noways.
Girl: im sintive
Me: You're what?
Girl: sintive
Me: That's not a word.
Girl: Bye.
Me: OH you mean 'sensitive'.

Life in my world... but damn was she just stupid?
In Numeracy today, on the back of a dictionary. Don't blame me, I can't read very well without my glasses.

I misread "Give Yourself A Head Start!" as "Give Yourself A Butt Kick!".

"Do you have cookies?" as "do you have cancer?"
*thinks about Slowbro's user title*

o_0 Slowbro's user title would now be "Do you have cancer for me?"
I have repeatedly misread "Eragon" as "Aragorn" and vice versa.
So, my brother was making up weird stuff that could happen in Homestuck, and something like this happened:
Him: Captchalogue shurikens. Captchalogue boss... I mean box. Shoot shurikens at yourself.
Me: What would Rose think?
Him: She would captchalogue the boss and shoot him at someone.
Me: You know what I'm referencing!
Him. I know. You're referencing the eye.

(in case you don't know, we were thinking about a certain boss from Terraria)

Another thing:
Me: Well, Dave is in the Fire place and... I mean, on the fire planet.
Him: That was a good one. In the fireplace!
(he knew that it was a mistake)

Fargo as Faygo

And today, in one classroom at our school, there were some random foreign words on the blackboard. One of them was "mythos." I didn't misread anything this time, I just got weird associations.
Not a misreading, but my brain now thinks random househod items are Victini.

Dark colored hat=Victini
Tv that wasn't even on=Victini
DBZ kai opening squence=Victini.

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Not a misreading, but my brain now thinks random househod items are Victini.

Dark colored hat=Victini
Tv that wasn't even on=Victini
DBZ kai opening squence=Victini.


If the TV had V-shaped antennas, I understand that part.

I have something similar with tentacles. Not so frequent, but sometimes I just think that something looks like a tentacle.
And when I was typing the thing about the TV, I almost typed "tentacles" instead of "antennas."
^ That's... Kinda strange. 00"

Edit: Did I mention that yesterday I thought your name was "Funky" instead of "Spunky?"
It's not funny anymore...

"Trust" as "Trunks" and a picture of the ocean as Victini.

The ocean...Victini?
You and your Victinis. x3

So.. I read the title of this Homestuck personality test, "Homestuck: What Is Your Blood Color?". It was written by someone called "Vaina". Cue me mixing it together and reading "What Is Your Blood Vagina?" Um... I don't think I want to know? Considering what "blood vagina" likely means...
Worst Username Ever...
Your siggie is confuzzling >~<"
"...with 10 glasses of orange juice" as "...with 10 glasses of orangutan juice."

In a text from cheesecakelover: "HOLE MOSES" as "HOLY OSMOSIS".
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