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Closed More Than Human

Lizzie nodded. "I'd hate to see them after Abijah got through with 'em," she replied, wincing as thought of it. However, she was snapped out of her thoughts by a tapping by the window. A small Dragonair floated outside the window, looking in.

I think I've seen her around before. "Sure!" she said, though she comforted one of her pups as he stirred.
(( Brock, please do not godmod. You cannot dictate my character, only yours. ))

Jacobin stared at the lucario, mind going blank. What was it talking about? Who was harming him? Was the lucario harming him? Maybe it was. Maybe the lucario wanted to hurt him. Maybe... maybe...

His thoughts were disturbed by the spiritomb he was using as a perch throwing a fit. Jacobin released his grip on the spiritomb as the ghost flung itself around; he jumped off and landed a short distance away, right behind the persian who was leading them. He then proceeded to ignore the ghost, most likely forgetting it. Whether the will-o-wisp it intended to use against him hit their leader, Max, or not, was of no concern to him.

His thoughts instead turned to food. He was hungry. Food was nice. "I want eats. Let's go to forest. What we look for? I want food."
((you minor god-modded me by hitting me))

As the Spider lept away, Spectre halted the Will-O-Wisp, as it would hit Max. "What the hell man?"
What? Getting up so soon?

Kamai yawned, and felt like just grumbling and rolling over, but knew what the consequences could be. Even though she sat up and stretched before walking over to the weird half-brown Persian, she hoped that he, and everyone else there, was aware that she was not a morning person.
Skycutter, despite his docile nature, was very startled by the fight; Poison- and Fire-types did not agree with him. To him, these attacks were fearsome. But he had to hide his fear... it was for the sake of the Empire. He didn't want to look weak now. He was able to keep himself from crying out, and showed nothing more than a shudder and a bit of sweat at the fire. He glanced over at the Ariados and Spiritomb nervously, but then turned his attention back to Max, expecting to hear some sort of yowl for attention and bracing himself appropriately by crouching over a little. What in the world just happened?!
((you minor god-modded me by hitting me))

As the Spider lept away, Spectre halted the Will-O-Wisp, as it would hit Max. "What the hell man?"

(( My landing on you had no affect on you and you could have chosen to avoid it. If I had landed on the ground, my post would not have been any different. God-modding is controlling other characters, not touching them. ))
Max looks with mild amusement on the conflict before him, frowning slightly. So disorganized, so low-class. He hated having to deal with the lowly ones, but he needed to do it to gain power and rank, and then he could do what he liked. If only the could just shut up and listen to him for a little longer, then he would show Abijah he was worth.

"Alright! All of you shut the hell up, let's get moving! No use fighting with each other, we have a job to do, now off your lazy asses, let's go!" He growled, before getting to his feet.

The feline started back towards the forest again, his stumpy tail waving rather amusingly behind him and ears flicking. His paws tapped softly on the smooth road out of town. The forest loomed in the distance, green and quiet. Max smirked. He would find those humans even if he lost a few of his team. He needed to get ahead.


The man on the floor growled at David, straining against his bonds. He was new, defiant, and Abijah was amused by this. The new ones always screamed the best, and after a while they stopped so much. It was boring when they did that. The Ninetales curled one of her long, flowing tails around one of her hind paws, and her back lips curled into a grin.

"Come on human, you know you can't get free. You're stuck here in our tower until we are bored with you or you give us what we want. And you will give us what you want."

Abijah frowned and stopped her little speech when she noticed the Slowking, her forehead scrunching up a bit. Crazy old bat, what was he doing here. The Ninetales snorted as she observed him speaking to her slave. The girl didn't respond, but tensed up a bit; she was trained to not speak to any but her masters and those she was permitted to speak to by them.

The frown faded right away when Amber entered, and her large ears perked up. The Raichu was one of her favourites, even if she was too nice to the humans for her liking. Abijah nodded at her words.

"You may work on him if you like. I want him to tell us where the humans are hiding, or I will let you have the human's pups," Abijah purred, face pulling into a silky grin.
Mika managed to look scornful as the fight erupted, all the while cautiously watching in case she could benefit from it. Another flutter of her wings to try and unnerve Max - there were blades threatening to nick his muzzle, after all - and then she decided to get onto business, eyes glinting. "Once in the forest, would you have me fly, or waddle along with everyone else?" she asked the Persian, trying to emphasize how much she would hate having to walk for this tiresome mission. Flying in the forest was bad enough - if he wanted the Skarmory to walk she would slow everything up as much as possible and cut him if he protested, she vowed. He wasn't any good with fighting - she was confident that she could best him. A pity bloodshed was only brought if she followed along with his orders...


Karae nodded as the Espeon allowed her to enter. It was easy to find a suitable entrance, and she got in with her usual ease, aided by the fact that, stunted as she was she still possessed the natural grace in flight that all Dragonair had. Settling onto the concrete, a polite distance away, she inclined her head. "I am Karae." It was rare to be recognized out of battle, really, and neither of them - and definitely not the pups - looked like they ventured onto the battlefield often. The Empire had many, and healers and supporters were needed for the Cause as much as warriors and weapons, and she had no illusions about where she fitted in.
Alice snapped to attention at the persian's angry yell. She didn't do anything, but it still scared her slightly and she didn't want to anger him. She then remembered the order, and decided to ask if her powers were needed.

The Lucario went up to Max, steadying her mind and concentrating so that she would be able to sense the humans. She wondered if she would be used, or if one search using her aura was enough. It certainly was enough for her, but to hinder the Cause was treasonous. She faced Max, hoping she wasn't about to embarass herself terribly.

"Should I use my Aura to try to locate them, sir?" She asked timidly.
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Honestly, Skycutter was glad that Max had quite forcefully gotten the Pokemon back in order. The Persian's yelling was preferable to fights between Poison and Fire type Pokemon that could potentially pose a big danger to Skycutter. The Breloom immediately began following the gold cat, keeping his eyes fixed on the forest ahead. He treated it as a place of peace; hopefully the humans wouldn't intrude on it as often as the city. But he couldn't pin his hopes on that; humans did whatever they wanted without consideration to anything else. Skycutter gave a slight frown, narrowing his eyes. That was the reason he had joined the Empire in the first place.
Fanagg chuffed in amusement seeing Tanya topple over, put trotted to her side to see if she was okay.

"You alright, Tanya? Jeez, you've got to have about a million bruises on you since you're - what? - falling head over heels for me?" He jokingly laughed, again. "But seriously, be more careful. Anyway, we're going back to the forest since Max is scared that Abijah might get grumpy at him for messing up this mission. Want to come with, if you don't have anything else planned? It'd be nice to have someone to talk to."


Jowki continued walking, and even though it was a slow process he found himself at the exit of the Radio Tower. Maybe he could find someone to talk to, someone who wasn't torturing a human. He noticed the team that Max - oh, that Max was something else, too, just like Abijah - had returned, but then started to leave again. Since he was already here, why not go outside and get some fresh air? That was always good on an old timer like him.

"Oh, what do you think about this weather?" He asked out loud, again not able to tell whether he was talking to himself or to whoever was listening.
Tanya blushed when Fanagg said "falling head over heels" but when he laughed, she knew he didn't know... or did he?

"Anyway, we're going back to the forest since Max is scared that Abijah might get grumpy at him for messing up this mission. Want to come with, if you don't have anything else planned? It'd be nice to have someone to talk to." She heard Fanagg say this.

"Oh, sure!" she said, almost falling again. Be more careful...
His eyes softened as he looked at his childhood friend. Dang, these were very confusing feelings. He tried to push them into the back of his head before also asking Max a question.

"Max, is it alright if Tanya comes along with us? The more the merrier."
"The weather is delightful. Is the weather bothering you, Jowki? Are you gravely injured?"

The doors of the tower slid closed behind Twitchy as he came flying out at an uncharacteristically calm pace. He came to a halt, hovering quietly next to the much taller Jowki, head tilted upwards - and at a slightly disturbing angle that would have broken his neck, if he'd had one (fortunately his head simply floated above his body completely unattached, which, admittedly, didn't make it any less disturbing) - patiently awaiting a response. In his mind, Twitchy quickly retrieved and organized all the information he had on the old Slowking; it amounted to his age, his gender, his being friendly and of higher rank, and something he had once mentioned about clothes that Twitchy could not quite comprehend, but had disregarded as most likely unimportant.
"Twitchy, the weather is wonderful, you are right. I just wanted to know someone else's opinion on it. But I am very healthy, other than just being very old. Now, do you know what's going on with young Max and his group? There's no way this is their first time leaving, they must have come back and decided to leave again for some reason." The old Slowking sighed. "I don't understand young ones."

Turning to look down at the data-composed Pokemon, he grinned. "Have I ever told you about the time when computers first came out? Why, those prototype computerized Pokemon were very very different than what you are today," he rambled, seeming to forget the question he asked.
Twitchy found himself rather unsure of which topic to pursue first, but decided to sort them from most recent to oldest and work from there.

"Earlier Porygon models were inherently flawed. I am superior in a vast number of areas, such as aesthetic appeal" - upon saying this he launched into a brief spastic fit, with limbs vibrating like hydraulic jackhammers and soft buzzing sounds emanating from his body - "and medical knowledge. I have also had my programming corrected to better serve humanity's interests."

"As for General Max, he is leading a second search of the forest. His team is... his team... his..."

Twitchy's voice trailed off and his disembodied head floated ever so slightly closer to Jowki's face, inspecting it closely. A few uncomfortably silent seconds passed before he spoke again:

"Are you certain you are not gravely injured? I have detected a hostile creature attacking your head. It would be highly advisable to remove it before any harm is done."
"My, my," Amber said, strolling over to the man. "That's not much of an incentive for me to make him talk, now is it?" Though she was calm, her tail whipped behind her. "I don't get nearly enough human pups to play with. They break too easily, or they do the sensible thing and agree to work with me. But I've always wondered how long I can make a pup last - cracked, fragile, but not broken - and how spectacularly its mind would shatter when I so choose."

She stopped by the man's face. She knew the shackles had an insulator in the right place to keep anyone else from being shocked, but that wasn't why she was (as some might see it) stalling. Rather, she liked this part. The talking. Pain meant nothing without context, and here she was, making one.

"But it's not nearly as wonderful as watching a different kind of pain, one I can't inflict directly, when I make their loved ones watch." Amber leaned in close. "Do you love your children, human?"

He spat on her cheek and snarled the harshest curses in his native tongue. Then, "Don't touch them."

Amber wiped the spit off with her paw and spread it on the man's own cheek. "If you really want them safe - and I can keep them safe, I promise, if I take them in then no one will touch them - you will tell me where the humans hide."

He just glared, like he was paralysed between the two choices and blamed Amber, because after all, Amber was the one holding a dagger to his children's throat with one paw and a bomb over his people with the other.

Amber didn't really mind.

"If I make the choice for you," she said, "your children won't be saved. Not by me. They might have a chance if they surrender, yet... we hear stories, sometimes, of the most perverse minds, and their strange affection for human pups."
((Meh I guess. Sorry for any trouble.))

The Spiritomb sighed. What was point of doing it again. He hoped the Persian would take tghe Lucario's offer so he would have to drag his burdensome stone around for a few more hours. Oh how he hated that thing. Sometimes he wished he had never attacked humanity. No. Humanity MUST be wiped out for their wrongs. They were the reason for my stone. The cause of my tiring lugging. He almost screamed at the thought of them and his stone being associated. His two worst enimies. Combined. But he didn't scream. He did not want to retake the Psyche Exam. How he passed the first time is still a mystery. Just like Jowki.
"Max, is it alright if Tanya comes along with us? The more the merrier."

Tanya almost fainted at the cool calmness of his voice. She turned away quickly to catch her breath, and looked forward at Max, waiting for the answer.
Jowki chuckled softly, not bothered by how close the Porygon model was to him.

"No, Twitchy, I'm in no danger. This creature on my head is natural for every Slowking. A Shellder bit my head, causing me to evolve and it also became this creature, kind of like how a Shellder bites the tail of a Slowpoke it becomes a Slowbro, or how when three Diglett come together they become a Dugtrio. Besides, ol' Quinlan," he patted the shelled creature, calling it by its nickname, "has had his teeth embedded in my head for so long, it doesn't hurt or bother me anymore."
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