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Motor Vehicles

What do you drive?

  • I drive a car.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • I drive a motorcycle.

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I drive something else (elaborate).

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I don't drive.

    Votes: 14 56.0%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
So, in about a year, I'll be getting my driving permit. Every single person I know drives a car, but I was more interested in motorcycles. Driving a car gives me this sense of OCD because the steering wheel isn't at the middle of the car, and I won't be needing the extra 3-4 seats in a car for a while. Cars also pollute more than motorcycles, apparently. Motorcycles also look cooler and more fun yay.

So what kind of vehicles do you drive, TCoD? Also, does anybody know how to get a license for motorcycles? I live in California, U.S. if that helps.
I should be able to drive alone in a manual car in six months, but I can also drive a quadbike and I'd love to drive a motorbike because they're awesome.
I have my driver's license, but I don't have a car of my own. I used to just drive either our shitty old-as-hell van or my dad's red Chrysler Concorde, but now I'm living in a different state for college and am stuck with public transit (which I get for free with my college ID, so it's not too bad of a deal). Aaaaand my parents decided to trade in both the Concorde AND the shit-van for a BMW and I'm not sure my dad will ever trust me to drive said BMW around.

(no, really, it's fine, I'll just sit over here with my crushing student loans and you enjoy your fancy car. :<)
Well, I can get my permit in TWO YEARS. This is what i hate about being in high school at thirteen- driving a year after all my friends do.
Well, I can get my permit in TWO YEARS. This is what i hate about being in high school at thirteen- driving a year after all my friends do.

T_T Me too... I skipped a grade so all my friends already drive. Or they have their permit, at least.
I already have a provisional license, which I *think* entitles me to drive a car as long as an adult with a full license is present. I did a few informal test drives in a cark park with my dad over the summer, but I never got round to booking lessons. It would be too much hassle, and atm there's no real reason to learn: driving in London is a painful experience, especially with the world-class public transport system available.

Maybe next summer, when I have literally nothing to do for three months except sit on my arse and wait for results day, I'll get my full license.
I'll be able to start learning by June, but to be frank I wouldn't trust myself with a vehicle. Not yet, anyway.
Plus to motorcycles: They look cool, they're fun

Minus to motorcycles: If you need to drive someone else you can't, you look like a jerk to a lot of people, if you get in a crash your chances of surviving are slim to none.
My half-brother's awesome so he taught me how to drive when I was eleven.

... who needs a license?
...you look like a jerk to a lot of people...

This was also one of the main reasons I wanted a motorcycle. So when there's traffic on the highway I could be like "HAH SUCKERS" and just drive past xD

And to the one person who voted for motorcycle, could you please explain the process for getting a license for one? Is it the same as for a car?
I don't drive, and even though everyone around is either getting their provisional/learning to drive/whatever, I genuinely have no interest in learning how to. I probably should at some point... I'm going to learn how to next year, but not buy a car for like, five years or something. 'S not like I'll need one at uni.

To be honest, motorbikes look much niftier. :3
So when there's traffic on the highway I could be like "HAH SUCKERS" and just drive past xD

this is another reason why I want a motorbike. :D
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