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Motor Vehicles

What do you drive?

  • I drive a car.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • I drive a motorcycle.

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I drive something else (elaborate).

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I don't drive.

    Votes: 14 56.0%

  • Total voters
I've had a ton of lessons in cars including but not limited to a Mini Cooper, a Nissan Micra, a Citroen C3, a Vauxhall Corsa and a Pergeot somethingorother.
But I've never taken, much less passed my test. I am horrendous at driving.

I'm forbidden to ever think about driving a motorbike. My mother's amputated too many young people's legs to allow my sister and I anywhere near the things, apparently.
that feel when you can't afford driving lessons

but I can drive people up the wall
I've been driving since I was 15. I technically own two cars, but one of them is in the junkyard because I ..... killed it... but my current car, I love it and it only has 86,000 miles and it's a '95. Oldsmobile Achieva, it's red.
I'm going to get my driving license for cars soon. Had to wait until I became 18 before I could start attending driving school due to my country's laws, so people who live in countries where they can start to drive at like the age of 15 or so can consider themselves lucky.
I drive a green citroen picasso. It's actually my mum's old car that she gave to me when she bought her new one. It's pretty old, but it works fine.

I'd kill for a motorbike though. Love those things.
I just recently got a permit. Recently being last week. Because I'm over 18 I can just have Dad teach me rather than paying to go to driving school, and didn't need papers from a high school to get the permit. Which is cool.

So far I've been able to drive twice. Once in my aunt's Saturn, and once earlier today with Dad in his '94 Chevy truck that has 250,000 miles on it and the pedal sticks. I'll probably e using the truck more often than anything since I can't afford a car and Mom won't let me anywhere near her van with the intent to drive.

So yeah, I drive a car.
I would love to try to get a motorcycle license one day though.
I should drive, but I don't. I can get to work in less than 10 minutes by foot, and that's about the only place I go aside from my college, which is right near my mom's work so she gives me a lift in the mornings.

And that whole "being able to afford a car" thing...Yeah. Not happening for a while.
I live in Scotland.

We don't have cars that aren't set on fire within 14 hours of purchase. :(
I wanna drive a golf cart around my school. Supervisors ride around in them.

Why don't you want to drive a golf cart everywhere, Mawile. I thought you were better than that. :l

I don't drive and doubt I will for ages because we're not allowed cars at uni and even when I leave i'll be paranoid about killing everyone probably.
I would love to one day just be driving on the highway on a golf cart with people staring at me going wtf?
Motorcycles are hobby vehicles. They're hardly practical for day-to-day use with the lack of storage and covering.

That said, I drive a 2001 Mustang convertible.

Oh, and I piloted a Cessna 176 three times before even getting my driver's license B)
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Motorcycles are hobby vehicles. They're hardly practical for day-to-day use with the lack of storage and covering.

That said, I drive a 2001 Mustang convertible.

They are, however, great for running away from zombies, assuming they're not too shitty to go off-road.

that feel when you can't afford driving lessons


Our family currently has a... 2004? Oldsmobile Alero. Our only car. :(
My school supervisors drive golf carts too! It would be so fun to jack one and drive off.
i have a driver's license. i like driving. it's fun. :D

i still live at home and drive to college, so my parents needed to get a new car. they wanted to buy used, but weren't able to find what they wanted, which was something under $5000 with great insurance coverage and a fabulous warranty. so they bought me a new car. i have a 2010 toyota corolla. her name is henrietta and she's electric blue.


ain't she just a doll? :))))))
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