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Mourning for English Grammar

Yeah his style sucks but writing with weird grammar rules isn't unheard of in classics, like in some James Joyce and some others I can't be bothered to remember. Though they just used no punctuation or anything instead of capitalizing random words.
Could be a vanity press. :p

The real payoff comes when one discovers that Dale M. Courtney is NOT in fact a 12-year-old, and apparently has the President's ear, giving his opinion on topics as diverse as the Iranian protests, healthcare, space exploration, globalization, and more, each with the same bizarre prose and mastery of creative capitalization.

Anyone can make an account there. I just made one now.
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given how likely it is that i'll become an english teacher with the degree i may or may not obtain in college, this kind of makes me sad.

..but i can't help but laugh because things like this and my immortal exist. at least i know my writing could be worse.
I hope he doesn't Omit quotation marks for No Reason.

He doesn't use quotation marks, period. He distinguishes who's talking with parentheses.

(J.T.) Like this.
(Bob) Hey Jack.
(Jack) Sup.

Also, yes, it's self-published, according to the SA thread.
^ I refuse to accept that the girl who wrote My Immortal could be anything but a troll. Or that it's actually an elaborate parody.

For the lucky ones who don't know what My Immortal is, TV Tropes~ Trust me you don't want me to link to the fic itself.
for some reason, i think tara gillespie is legitimate. but sometimes her behavior is a bit too good to be true.. i still hold out hope.

related to the topic, i actually wouldn't mind reading this. i survived my immortal, and shoddy writing while i was in yearbook.
Read some of My Immortal. I have never seen anyone butcher such a great series so horribly and ruthlessly. Oh god.

There is no way this is real.

the retard who wrote this craptasm said:
I sed stup flaming ok ebony’s name is ENOBY nut mary su OK!

No way.

Agreed. I read a snippet of the crap and was just like "what the hell is this shit."

Back on topic: When I saw the title of the topic, I assumed that that was the name of the book and the book itself was a parody. I was saddened deeply when I found out it was real. D:
hopefully people realise the guy is probably completely self-aware and being a prick on purpose

well yeah sure, there's no other reason

but wasting all that money on publishing a book that'll probably only be heard of on the internet.

there's cheaper ways of trolling, y'know.
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