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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
This is pathetic. The government trusts this person? After he wrote that?
The real payoff comes when one discovers that Dale M. Courtney is NOT in fact a 12-year-old, and apparently has the President's ear, giving his opinion on topics as diverse as the Iranian protests, healthcare, space exploration, globalization, and more, each with the same bizarre prose and mastery of creative capitalization.
I hope he doesn't Omit quotation marks for No Reason.
..but i can't help but laugh because things like this and my immortal exist. at least i know my writing could be worse.
the retard who wrote this craptasm said:I sed stup flaming ok ebony’s name is ENOBY nut mary su OK!
No way.
Why does this piss people off? I think it's pretty funny.
that was probably the most expensive trolling ever done. :PLIKE I SAID HE PROBABLY DID THIS ON PURPOSE