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My Little Pony FiM: Winter's Advent

see ya

Welcome to the beautiful land of Equestria! Your adventure begins in Ponyville, a lovely little village where everypony works hard together to keep everything running like clockwork. They make the seasons come and go, maintain the growth of the plants and the changing of the weather, and for years, things have gone without a hitch.

Until one day, it got very cloudy, and snow started falling from the sky.

Now, this would have been a normal day on the job for the pegasus, but there wasn't a single one in sight. Indeed, they seemed just as confused as everypony else, especially considering that it was currently scheduled to be spring. Even after they tried to clear the clouds away, it just happened again. Soon after that day, more odd things started happening. Farmland became barren and useless, much to the dismay of the earth ponies, and flowers started to wilt.

Not taking this lying down, a brave group of ponies decided to band together and find the source of this disaster. Will you join in the search?

-Read these. Read them well. And please follow them.
-One pony per person, please.
- No, you do not know any of the six canon ponies (Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie). This takes place many years later. You also are not related to them, nor do you have any knowledge of them.
-I know this is My Little Pony and that there's really not much in the way of making it inappropriate, but still, just to say, try to keep things tame. No explicit sex, cursing is okay but don't abuse it, etc.

A little info on the pony races,if you need help deciding which to be. Remember that any pony race can be whatever they want to be, but this is a guideline on what they can and can't do:

-Unicorns are the only pony race that can use magic, usually manifesting through telekinesis. Unicorn magic does take effort, though.
-Pegasus are, obviously, the only ones who can fly. They typically work with the weather, and are very fast.
-Earth ponies are the closest to "normal" ponies, though they have a special tie to nature. They often have "close to earth" jobs, like being farmers or animal caretakers.

[B]Race:[/B] (Can be unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony)

[B]Appearance:[/B] (You may post a picture, but if you do it either has to have been drawn by you or drawn specifically for you. Pictures from the Pony Generator are okay. If you post a picture, please write a description anyway. Be creative!)

[B]Cutie Mark (And Meaning):[/B]



[B]History:[/B] (optional)

[B]Hobbies:[/B] (Not required, but it's fun!)

[B]Favorite Food:[/B] (Again, just for fun.)

[B]Favorite Color:[/B] (And again.)


Gentle Rainfall - Thorne Rainfall
Golden Silence - surskitty
Coloursfall - Coloursfall
Fire Lily - Arylett Dawnsborough
High Moon - HighMoon
Featherfly - Squirrel
Aerial Snaps - Zephyrous Castform

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Name: High Moon
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus

Appearance: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpspz4uELE1qeqaano1_400.png

Dark nay blue body with a silver mane and tail streaked with a lighter blue, her eyes are a deep brown and often found to either sport silver bangles around her hooves, on her ears or around her neck. When on the town, she carries a bag hung off her wing with mystery books and writing supplies, either looking for supplies to restock her tower or in need of food. On her flank is a silver moon cloaked in black clouds that cascades down to the bottom of her flank and will be found either wearing a neutral expression or one of deep thought when walking. When in flight, she can be seen with a peaceful expression and prefers her hair to be unrestrained and billow behind her like a sliver cloud set against the night sky.

On a closer look, one may see the faint smudges of ink on her hooves from slightly spills from her inkwell when writing her stories up in her tower and bags under her eyes when she is walking out in the day.

Cutie Mark (And Meaning): A silver moon cloaked in dark clouds. Upon acquiring her mark, she was flying the night skies over the village below when the night was at its darkest with the new moon. Cloaked in complete darkness, she found that she could navigate the sky with ease using the stars as her guide and the sounds of the night animals below to warn her of trees and water. Resting on a rock near a lake, she watched as the timid night animals made their rounds with little idea that she was watching them silently from her perch. It was upon that night that she reflected upon herself and realized her skills at night flight and slipping through the shadows of the world around her with little hint of her presence on others nearby.

Only when she returned to her cloud home did she see her mark on her flank in a mirror. Overjoyed with this notion, it didn't take her long to find a use for her night-based skills as the village watchmen to ensure none of the animals travelled to far into the town and caused mischief to the sleeping Fillies and Colts. She will often be caught staring at the sky above and watching the stars shift overhead when nights become slow and calm.

Personality: She is rather calm and often referred to as 'stoic' in nature, usually by those that only see her once in a while when she's either gathering supplies for her tower or when she talks a nightly flight over the sleepy village when she feels the need to spread her wings. To those however that invade her tower on a regular bases would see her more 'emotional' side and the flares of silliness that comes from her. She is quiet wise for her age and is one to give advice to those that ask for it, listen to their problems and comfort when it is needed. he loves to draw in her spare time and write stories in her tower of things she has seen and ideas that come to her in dreams.

Keeping to herself by choice, she often is lonely when watching the ponies below from her tower and finds herself prone to awkward shyness when faced with a group of ponies all at once that leaves her to come off as cold and talkative. Deep down she is quite friendly and has accepted that she may have to go quite a few cycles before finding the courage to trust anyone enough to show her true heart feelings.

Occupation: Night Watchmen officially, Astronomer and down-right telescope abuser un-officially. At times she also acts as a un-official council to Ponies that seek out advice and a calm ear to talk too about their problems.

History: Raised by a single mother, she grew up faster than most due to the added responsibility set on her shoulders. Working hard through her school and keeping an eye on her ever growing brother, she did what most eldest children would do to help their parent in times of stress. She may have not been the most organized filly, but she did have a knack of knowing where everything was in her chaotic mess that was her room.

Though she won't admit it, there was one lasting effect that stayed with her since a young pony when her father flew out on them. She has always been lacking in the 'trust' department, never wanting to let anyone get too close to start any sort of romantic connection, and even creating friendships were a task for her when she experienced a rough patch of fillies that would pull her around like a puppet on strings. After having enough of being used as a puppet, she cut herself free and would start staying to herself and merely watch the other young ones frolic with amusement. She would hide herself away in libraries to read fantasy and mystery books, playing games with herself and keeping herself at a distance to watch others silently like a shadow on a wall. When she did eventually make some friends, she was weary of them at first, slowly letting her guard down around them enough to allow herself to smile around them.

As she aged, growing more into herself and filling herself with more confidence with experience from her new friends, she would find herself partaking in some of their games, and was content to watch them being happy when they went out to find their way in life. After they all parted ways to do what they were meant to do, she found herself alone once more and fell back into a silence.

Little after her cutie mark appeared, she found herself a home on the ground consisting in a tower that was usually only used as a watchtower for those on shift. Taking over the job, she moved her belongings into the tower's highest room and made herself a home there. She can often be found asleep in the day and is rather...displeased when awaken from her slumber needlessly. There are those that could get away with this, but those ponies are few and far between.

During her time in the tower, she has witnessed many things in the village and prides herself on discovering the secrets of those she watches over when they pass under her tower window. With each secret she learns, a new twist in her stories is made under different names and appearances.

Hobbies: Likes to watch the stars, the town when it sleeps and listening to the gossip from other ponies as they walk past her tower. She also loves murder mystery books and displaying her knack for flying at night with barely a whisper of sound from her as she stalks through the shadows of the night.

She also enjoys playing games with her friends, from role-playing to table top and video games.

Favorite Food: Apples. She likes to eat apples, all of them. Every last one. Apples can be used to bribe her, gain her favour or to make her forgive you if you pissed her off.

Favorite Color: Blue, Purple and Silver.

Other: She has a younger brother by the name of Pure Strain and lived with him and their mother in their little cloud home. Her childhood was all that eventful when you ask her, and doesn't seem to mind being raised by a single mother after her father flew out on them at a young age. Her brother has a love for heavy beat music and rap, as well as the consumption of a certain type of plant.
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Reserving one of them Earth Ponies.

Name: Gentle Rainfall
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony

Rainfall looks like a very normal pony, and he places no effort in looking different either way. He is of average height and weight, and the only truly remarkably thing in his appearance is that his face is round and rather feminine. His body is coloured in a simple, stable grey; while his eyes, mane and tail are vivid violet. His mane is rather short and unkempt, brushed back as if to simply have it out of the way. His tail is very much the same, straggly and unremarkable. His face is seemingly locked in an expression of boredom.

An image created using the Pony generator, this is pretty much what I imagined.
EDIT: Aaaaand an image drawn by our one and only Coloursfall.

Cutie Mark (And Meaning):
A SNES gamepad. While video game consoles have not been shown to exist in Equestria, the Cutie Mark does not actually imply him being a skilled gamer. Instead, the gamepad symbolizes the ability and desire to control, plan and pace. Indeed, Rainfall is a tactician, and though he rarely wants to take the role, he has the brains required of a leader.

At first, Rainfall might just seem like the most downright boring pony in the world. He is short-worded, blunt and often unfunny, so this image is mostly justified. On the other hand, he is highly intelligent and very perceptive. He can tell if something he says is going to or has already hurt someone, and in such cases either keeps his words to himself or quickly apologizes. He is also very stubborn, for better or for worse. There are times when he lightens up, and can prove himself to be a much nicer pony than he seems to be.

Occupation: Rainfall owns a bookstore, and has a small tomato farm in his backyard but it is mostly for his own sustenance.

History: He lives a perfectly normal pony-life. THE END.

Reading. Rainfall loves reading. Any time he orders books for his store, he keeps a fair share for himself. Because of this he likes to write books as well, but since writing with hooves has proven a difficulty, he does not do this an awful lot. Of course he has friends as well, but he's not directly socially outgoing and much prefers to keep to himself.

Favorite Food: Fried tomatoes

Favorite Color: White.

Other: I can imagine Rainfall here being the straight man of the group, unless we get someone who is even more unfunny. I also imagine him sounding like this.
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Oooh. I'm reserving a Pegauses please, if you please.

Edit: Curse you, HighMoon, I was going to do an astronomer Pegasus!
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Uhuhuhu I'd better get started on my form o3o

Name: Sunflower Shine
Gender: Female
Race: Earth Pony

Appearance: Here's a picture. Certainly a bright and sunny-looking filly, with big brown eyes and a short but thick mane that has a tendency to get a little frizzy. She has a tail to match, and both her mane and tail have tiny streaks of green in them. Her fur is a vivid yellow. Her body is sturdy and a bit on the thick side.

Cutie Mark (And Meaning): A sunflower, of course, and it goes beyond just her liking flowers and her gardening skill. It also represents her optimistic nature.

Personality: Sunflower contrasts her bright appearance by being rather quiet most of the time. This is partially because she doesn't feel the need to talk unless there's something to say, but also because she's often scared that people won't care about what she has to say. Despite this, she's quite the optimist, truly believing that things will turn out for the best. When they don't, she has a bad habit of getting a little too deflated. Too much noise gets her flustered. On the plus side, she does seem to have a strong sense of responsibility, and is a hard worker.

Occupation: Not surprisingly, she's a flower gardener, and thus the effects of the disaster haven't escaped her at all.

History: Perfectly average pony life nothing to see here.

Hobbies: In her spare time, Sunflower loves reading, nature walks and hiking, and learning new things. She also sings, and rather well, at that, if her friends are to be believed.

Favorite Food: Anything with a strong flavor to it, especially minty or spicy.

Favorite Color: Pretty much every color, but especially green and blue.

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I wanna reserve a thing because I really am supposed to be doing something else so yeah
Actually, cancel my reserve. I REALLY can't think of a good character. NOTHING comes to mind.

Name: Golden Silence
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn

Appearance: Golden Silence is actually quite the pretty little pony (as long as she doesn't open her mouth and ruin it, of course). She's a little on the shorter side, but her legs and body are neatly in proportion and her muzzle has a cute little upturn to it. Her fur is snowy white and meticulously maintained - obviously, considering her talent and current occupation. She doesn't particularly enjoy taking care of others' fur, manes, and tails, but she does tend to her own with great precision and love. Her mane is long and blonde, with a side-sweeping fringe curling to the right side of her face; most of the rest of her mane is pulled up into an elaborate braided bun that lofts over her face, with a shorter curl hanging free around her left ear. There's a dainty silver tiara perched in the parting between her fringe and the rest of her mane, too. Silence's tail is also blonde and is curled, but left rather simple in comparison to her mane. Of course she isn't a blank flank, but we'll have to scroll down a little for that.

Cutie Mark (And Meaning): Four little golden bubbles. Because she is really awesome at washing and styling hair. She's also apparently quite a good pedicurist, but she only does that if you ask.

Personality: Golden Silence - Silence for short - isn't exactly the happiest pony in Ponyville, by any stretch of the imagination. She's short-tempered and flippant, and she doesn't seem to have any friends that stick around for more than five minutes. While she may claim she just prefers to be on her own, inside Silence is quite the sad little pony. But it is terribly difficult to feel entirely sorry for her, when she's out snapping at everypony who dares make a mistake within ten feet of her.

Mostly, Silence wants to be out there! She wants the big fame and city lights dazzling her until she goes blind or something! But she can't sing, she certainly can't dance, and she is terrible at masking her true feelings so acting is out of the question too. Maybe she should go in and try to be a hairdressing assistant or something? Well, you could say that, but she'll probably turn around and tell you that she most certainly does not want to be caught in something as boring as backstage work when she could be part of the main show! But of course, she's nowhere near good enough at any of the things that would actually warrant her a spot on the stage. So she sits and sulks her life away.

It's not all bad, though - Silence is quite intelligent and always does things to the best of her ability. She's a very determined and able (for the most part) young mare, and she sets out to make sure that everypony remembers who she is. They usually do, but certainly not always for the greatest of reasons. She is very talented at what she does, of course, but she has such a sour face on when she's at work that most ponies tend to rather dread coming into her business. If she had any friends willing to stick around even during her bad moods, they would find a fiercely loyal and tough little pony under the poofy mane and the irritable voice. But you know. Nobody likes a grumpy-gills.

Occupation: Hairdresser, in a little shop named Gallumph and Glamour! (It's a stupid name, Silence says.) Her boss is a sweet-natured stallion named Clock Spiral.


(the teenage years of Golden Silence. She is nothing like her name would suggest.)

Hobbies: Complaining, creating elaborate coiffures, re-organising her bookshelf in alphabetical order (or colour order, or size order, or any order she feels like that day), really, really wanting to get out of Ponyville

Favorite Food: Peaches

Favorite Color: Pink

Other: :D!
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Name: Coloursfall
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Hobbies: art of all kinds, dancing and singing (though she's rather bad at it), reading, playing Capture-the-Flag with her friends
Favourite Food: sunflower seeds
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Cutie Mark (And Meaning): seven-coloured splatters of paint, with drops training down her legs - represents her artistic nature
Occupation: Painter - she lives in a small barn-turned studio, which is painted white with many colourful paint splatters on the outside. The inside is filled with paint cans and canvases, the floor lined with soft hay and smooth wood, the walls painted like the sky at both night and day.

Appearance: [pic] Coloursfall is a slender pony, her coat a soft white and her mane and tail pale blue. Her eyes are grey, and she wears a gold band around the base of her tail. She can often be found covered in spatters of paint, from horn to tail tip, and it can be hard to tell apart from her cutie mark at times! She doesn't mind getting her hooves dirty with paint, as well, so her feet are often just as covered in paint from smearing on canvases in an attempt at less 'traditional' art.

Personality: Coloursfall is a happy and moderately outgoing pony, though she does like being alone to practice her art a lot. She is a bit clumsy and scatterbrained at times, but makes up for it in effort and her precise control over her magic. She loves to play outside, though, especially in dirt or mud, and loves bugs. Her favourite subjects for non-abstract paintings are birds and flowers.

History: Coloursfall was raised by her mother, and has two younger siblings. Her brother is only slightly younger, a dark blue colt with steely grey mane and tail and an anchor cutie mark named Deep Six, and he works far away on a boat. Her sister is very young still, a small filly with a snow white coat and bright pink mane and tail, named Sweetpea, who has yet to get her cutie mark. Her mother is a journalist, Words Unspoken, with a pinkish-white coat and a long pink mane with a baby-blue streak in it, and her cutie mark is a stylized pilcrow.

Other than that, though, Coloursfall had a wholly unremarkable childhood. She moved into her barn a number of years ago and now sells paintings and other art pieces from it for a living.

Other: May app Sweetpea if you allow 2nd charas later. Otherwise, her family can be NPCs

Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus

Cutie Mark (And Meaning):





Favorite Food:

Favorite Color:

Other: Yay completing nothing :D
Coloursfall: >:T Aside from your VERY CHEEKY GESTURE of ruining the perfect balance of my beautiful form, accepted. But you better watch your butt, mister.

Arylett: Accepted!
Name: Featherfly (If I can't think of anything better)
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus pony

Appearance: Featherfly has a honey yellow coat that she dutifully keeps mud and debris free, but hasn't had its clean, healthy shine for longer than she keeps track of.
She has a wavy, maroon mane that's cut about halfway down her neck and is slightly longer in the front. Her tail is a bit curlier than the mane and just barely reaches her hooves.
Featherfly is never without a brown bandana tied around her neck. She usually has other accessories, like bangles or tail ties, that change day to day to match whatever she sells.

Cutie Mark (And Meaning): A map with all of its colors slightly faded except for Ponyville, right in the middle. She earned it within her first day of being in Ponyville. It symbolizes Ponyville being her home and her love of flying around and exploring.

Personality: To say that she's scatterbrained would be generous. Featherfly is easily lost in thought and fascinated by odd things. She lacks a sense of danger and loves being on the move. In spite of this, she's still happiest being around other ponies. Her intelligence is average at best.
As a result of how she was raised, she doesn't handle stress well and in her worst moments, acts more like a filly than a fully grown mare. She rarely recognizes subtle changes in emotion and often appears apathetic to others' problems simply because she didn't get to spend enough time around other ponies as a filly. However, she is aware of this problem and does her best to at least put on an act or talk a lot less to avoid saying something careless if another pony is clearly bothered or sad.

Occupation: Storyteller and merchant of wares from places she visits. Featherfly can usually be found sitting on a treestump near Ponyville's town center with random objects spread out on a blanket in front. If given the opportunity, she could spend hours talking about those items and the wonderful town she got them from and how the food was and blah blah blah.

History: Featherfly spent her years growing up in Fillydelphia. She was raised a sheltered child by her nervous, overbearing parents and as she aged, began to see the gaps in knowledge, maturity, and lifestyles between herself and the other fillies. Soon after, Featherfly grew determined to leave Fillydelphia and see the world, spending any minute of time away from her parents trying to gain better endurance and flying ability.
She ran away a year later and spent the next two months in dozens of different towns before finding Ponyville. She shows signs of being an outsider, but they fade with time.

Hobbies: Charting maps (despite their inevitable inaccuracy), decorating (occasionally) flying as high as she can, talking, listening to stories and passing them around.

Favorite Food: Oatmeal (are you crazy?)
Favorite Color: Green
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