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Neither Here Nor There [Closed]


{Neither Here Nor There}

It is dark.

It is also wet.

It was very probably not wet (though probably dark) when you fell asleep. You also were...not in the middle of a forest clearing with a group of other people, all dressed only in simple white clothing, and no shoes. The sky above is twinkling with stars, and the trees around remain perfectly still, not a breeze at all, not a sound. The grass is short, soft, and damp.

There are several paths around you; at least two leading out from the clearing. There are signposts mounted at each path, through the words on each sign are written very small and cannot be read from a distance.

You have no idea how you got here, but...you really want to get home.

{What's this?}
This is a special kind of roleplay; based off of ones I do with my friends in chatrooms and IMs. Basically, You are exploring, the plot and world will unfurl around you the more you play. You investigate items, sounds, places, and people, and I provide the answers to you. It's much like playing a text-based adventure or tabletop game; I am the DM.

The first post is rather simple, and you need not provide too much information to begin with; we tend to base the player characters after ourselves, though this isn't necessary. The RP is all about the exploring, and the plot, once you can find it...

I tend to go for the gore/survival horror angle, just a warning.

-Don't be an asshat.
-If you type like a monkey I will eat you.
-No pictures for the form, damnit. The form is short, so TYPE something.


Squornshellous Beta/Jessica
Arylett Dawnsborough/Arylett
Blastoise/Bépya Greyson
Male Gardevoir/David
Zephyrous Castform/Azril
Zora/Shelly Valenti
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Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Name: Emlyn
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Appearance: Emlyn is a relatively tall underweight boy with brown normal-length hair. He usually has his glasses on constantly and has brown eyes. Emlyn usually wears a jacket of some sort.
Other: n/a
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Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Eh, never done one of these before. May as well, it sounds fun.

Name: Jessica
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: An average-height blonde girl with hair that reaches slightly further than her shoulders, she has bright blue eyes. She is mixed-race, though her skin is a tad lighter than it otherwise could have been. She wears a silver ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. She usually wears a purple shirt and a red skirt or dress, though not now I guess. She needs glasses to read.
Other: She's left-handed. I know you said no images, but here's one anyway since I suck at explaining.

(Why are we writing all tiny?)
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Ooh, I like this. This is totally, in no way, any character based on me. Really.*hums innocently*

Name: Ara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: A short girl for her age with medium brown hair that's cut short and messily just above her chin. She's fairly light skinned with green-grey eyes, and looks rather younger than she is.
Other: She has a massive splotchy birthmark that looks like a bruise on her right leg, going from above her knee to her ankle.
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Aaah, I haven't RPed in ages. Well, back into the saddle, I guess! Maybe this'll get me back into the scene. (Also, this character IS based on me, with quite obviousness.)

Name: Arylett

Age: 18

Gender: Female.

Appearance: She's quite short, reaching only 5 feet of height, and her most notable features are pretty much her long black curly hair, dark eyes, tannish skin, golden necklace with a small red ruby on it, and her glasses.

Other: N/A.
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Reserve? I'll have it up in a mo'.

Name: Bépya Greyson
Age: 15
Appearance: Bépya has dark olive skin and very dark brown eyes that are almost black. His teeth are a pearly white, although he's missing a bottom tooth from a fall a year ago. His hair is curly and brown-black, rumpled and uneven most of the time. Bépya's nails are longer than most guys', and his ears are elliptical and slightly larger than normal. Bépya is also quite tall for his age and a bit gangly, like he's grown too fast.
Other: yay a tasty original-format roleplay
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Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

looks...interesting, to say the least. I'll join.

Name: Adam
Age: 13 and a half
Gender: Male
Appearance: He stands at 5'9" and has an average weight, and usualy wears a cap with the Legend Of Zelda emblem, and wears glasses.
Other: N/A
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Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Kat did I mention that I love you?

Name: David
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: David is a scrawny boy, standing 5'5" tall, with pale skin, greenish blue eyes and long, messy hair that reaches down to his waist.
Other: N/A
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Got everyone added; probably gunna start this up later today/tomorrow morning.
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Sure why not?

Name: Tim
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Pretty average height 5'5''. Very thin, but some muscle. Short light brown hair and with the front spiked up on its own, with brownish gold eyes.
Other: Very intelligent with chemistry, and various other sciences.
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Curious. I may as well have a go!

Name: Azril
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Quite short for his age, with long, dark hair which covers his eyes, which are bright green. He is thin, with pale skin and wiry limbs. Despite dressing quite plainly, he does also always wear a long, colourful woollen scarf which he seems quite attached to.
Other: None, I suppose.
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Name: Chisai
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has long, silver hair turned into a bun. Her clothes usually consist of comfortable, pastel-colored shirts and sweaters and blue jeans or brown corduroys. Her eyes are a pale blue color. She has very pale skin and is about 5'5.
Other: Nope
Re: Neither Here Nor There [Open]

Name: Matthew
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: He's about 6'3", usually wears dark-colored pants and a gray shirt, and has a silver watch on his left wrist. His skin is extremely pale, and his eyes are a normal blue, and one of his legs is twisted to one side from the knee down.
Other: N/A
:3c we have one more joining us; Zora got permission from me and sent me a form via PM, so she will not be with you~ She'll be posting the form here too as well.
Zora LeAnn (ゾーラ) says:
...I shoulda joined anyway, damnit.
Big Red Cherry Bomb says:
DOIT i can let you in late
Zora LeAnn (ゾーラ) says:
Woulda shown them how it's done.

Name: Shelly Valenti
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark hair, pulled back into a long ponytail. Outfit is a black long-sleeved shirt and violet ruffled dress skirt (down to her ankles). She doesn’t wear shoes. Eyes are a cold blue. There are red marks on half of her face and along her arms., that resemble burn scars and are a striped pattern. Has a black cape, and a gold necklace with a pendant in the shape of an eye.
Other: None.
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