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Nerds VS Socialite?


Yes We Can!! Obama Wins!
Who do you think wins in the long run. Every time one of the popular tries me saying something about not having good pants or something and always doing my work I always secretly think to myself "Let's see where you are in 20 years with those jeans of yours" or something like that but it's not always true. So what do you think? Nerds or Socialite? And which would you rather be?
Guess who came up with all of the things you use today.

Computers, the Internet, television, fancy-ass graphing calculators, cars, anything that uses electricity in your house, hell - even electricity generators themselves!

Hint: Not the guy with the nice jeans.
Of course people who bother with their intelligence are going to end up better in the long run, unless this "socialite" ends up being a moderately successful actor or musician or something. You don't necessarily have to be a "nerd" to succeed in life. There are different definitions for success for everyone so you shouldn't really judge. :|
It depends, I guess. On the one hand, "nerds" are probably going to get into a better college, maybe get a better job, and, like #100 said, maybe come up with an invention or be a great scientist or something... just as long as they don't end up a 30-year old virgin who spends his days and nights leveling up his WoW character. Then, there are these so-called "socialites", who may or may not, in the long run, be happier, with more friends, better love life, better social skills, etc. That is, if they don't spend the rest of their lives reliving their high-school memories over and over, desperately trying to cling onto their youth. :|

And to be honest, unless someone is absolutely retarded/prodigal, both types of people will probably have some sort of boring corporate job, whether they are a "nerd" or a "socialite" in high school.

Anyway, there's no rule saying you're not allowed to be intelligent and have good social skills... so...
Definitely nerd. They have Fire-types a lot of the time :D

Socialites, no offense, aren't that different from each other.
You don't necessarily have to be a "nerd" to succeed in life.

True - but being intelligent will get you farther in life than having a nice pair of pants.

That is, unless your job happens to be doing modeling for pants advertisements.
True - but being intelligent will get you farther in life than having a nice pair of pants.

That is, unless your job happens to be doing modeling for pants advertisements.

In most cases, yeah. But there are always going to be people of average intelligence that make it far. Or at least make it far enough.
well at least there aren't too many passive-aggressive FUCK THE SOCIALLY ABLE FFFFF posts.
I wouldn't mind being either really, because good social skills can get you really far in some industries (especially dealing with direct contact with people and such). I just want better social skills above all else.
I'd probably rather be a nerd... I would probably have a more successful life. Socially-able people can have successful lives too, so...

I'm not really sure.
I wouldn't really call myself either... either.

I'm not a nerd. I'm not a socialite. Honestly, if you asked me to pick one, I couldn't do it.
Why can't someone be both?

Out of the two, though, I'd definetly say socialite because spending time with my friends makes me happy, and the reason most people want a good job is (and correct me if I'm wrong) "good work=good pay=happiness", so it's a bit like a different (and easier) means to the same end.
I've never been social, but never been smart enough to be considered a nerd. I'd probably prefer to be smart though.

Being social doesn't always mean appealing through looks anyway. You can be nerdy yet still have good social skills.
You guys are right, but I just realized, when I was referring to the socialite, I was kind of referring to those loud, rude, people who don't give a crap about their education and then when it comes time to read in class, they stumble on the silliest of words.

Not the socialites that are somewhere in the middle being nice and frustrating like they are bi-polar. I mean the straight up rude people. (I'm not talking about the school God's who's smart and cool, I mean the dumb cool people who think they are gonna get into the NBA when they grow up).

Usually this time is when I hope karma exists.

Man do I have a lot of things to say...
I don't know which of the two I am. Probably more nerd, thanks to some leet memory skills. I can socialise allright these days though...pretty much where you end up in life, is what you make of it...how much effort you put into your life determines where you get. It's not just who you are...
People consider me as nerd, thx for my darn good memory that helps me a lot wuth the tests, but they also consider me as siciable cause I don't spend that a lot of time studying and have a solid social life ;p.
You guys are right, but I just realized, when I was referring to the socialite, I was kind of referring to those loud, rude, people who don't give a crap about their education and then when it comes time to read in class, they stumble on the silliest of words.

So you're asking us if we'd prefer to be someone like that over a nerd? o_0;

I don't really get this question. Seems like an Introverted vrs. Extroverted, where neither are 'better', except... for two stereotypes that are both used in derogatory ways.
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