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New Pokemon?

Some kind of worm - I'm thinking a Ragworm or Leech would be best, or maybe a Nematode of some kind.
A sea urchin or sea cucumber
A squid/cuttlefish

Also both of those above
I'd like to see another armadillo pokemon, if it was really adorable. Sandshrew/Sandslash are awesome but I want another.
Algae/seaweed of some type. Hard to believe that the most obvious candidate for a Water/Grass-type ever hasn't been made after four generations.

A mole that actually looks somewhat like a mole.

A non-venomous snake. (Yeah, there's Onix/Steelix and Dunsparce already... but Dunsparce is based on a mythical creature and Onix/Steelix are made of rocks and metal, so they're not exactly regular constrictor-type snakes.)

A centipede or millipede. We finally got scorpions in D/P (well, Drapion was kind of a mistake especially with the "RANDOMLY NOT BUG ANYMORE!" thing, but still...), but we're still missing the rest of the weird armored many-legged bugs.

A tubeworm (look 'em up. perfect opportunity to finally add in a Water/Fire type--they're deep-sea critters that live around superheated volcanic vents on the seafloor.)
Oh my god a tube worm yes.

That and some water bears.

I'm pretty sure this topic already exists, but I guess it might be old enough to justify starting over... I'm too lazy to go look, whatever.
yes yes animal are fine but we should have an pokemon based on a food or some sort

I would catch a Squash or Cheese Pokemon any day.
Vultures, pandas, POLAR BEARS, lemurs, kangaroos, dolphins...maybe another horse pokemon.

And RED squirels.
A tiger, I know I think some may be that already...
And a polar bear would be AWESOME Ruffledfeathers
A wolf pokemon. (Mightyena and Houndoom are NOT wolves)
As someone said, a non-poison type snake, I made up a fire type one ;D
A Fighting type Kangaroo.
Another water-fighting type would be lovely.
A dolphin~ Uhh... Can't think of anything else~
I second water bears and cuttlefish.

Rockfish, any type of civets (genets, linsangs, and the other one I forgot >w<;) tiger wolf, Tasmanian Devil, fruit bat, humming bird, artic fox, artic hare, more sheep, dik-dik, pangolin, blue ring octopus, another pika, dormouse, wyvern, anteater and others I can't recall.
I endorse the seaweed, kangaroo, red squirrel (in fact I'll go with any squirrel), centipede/millipede, water bear, non-poisonous snake, humming bird, dormouse, and tube worm.
I'd like any of the non-food ones though.

Arrow Worm
Sea Squirt/Sponge/Anemone

You know, come to think of it, I can't think of a lizard pokémon without any connection to a dragon - feel free to point it out.
...Kecleon? Pretty much pure chameleon there, unless you count the ability to learn Dragon Claw (at least, I think they can learn it, but then again so can just about any other reptillian Pokémon with clawed limbs.)
Ah yes Kelcon.
OK I add Gecko to my list.

Psyduck (and Golduck a little) is sort of a platypus - well it's more platypus-like than duck-like.
A bushfire pokemon! :) An excuse for a fire/grass type :) Oh wait, that's not an animal. But not all pokemon are animal like (I'm looking at you Voltorb and Magnemite evos). Btw, Khangaskan pretty much is a kangaroo.
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Tapeworm, tumour, cockroach, giant floating eyeball, coconut lantern, something made out of precious metals (since we already have precious stones for Sableye), Doppelganger, theropod that *actually* looks like a theropod, hermit crab (becuse Slowbros are pansies), that sort.
Btw, Khangaskan pretty much is a kangaroo.

If Kangaskhan is a kangaroo, then Qwilfish must be a sea urchin. (Speaking of that, we need a sea urchin Pokémon.)

Seriously, the only thing even vaguely kangaroo-like about them is the pouch, and all marsupials have that, not just kangaroos. If it wasn't for the "Kanga" in the English name, nobody would ever see Kangaskhan and think "kangaroo."
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