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New years resolutions?

Fuck resolutions. If you need to resolve to do something now, you suck, and should have done it 10 years ago.
Fuck resolutions. If you need to resolve to do something now, you suck, and should have done it 10 years ago.

i agree with this, even if i come up with resolutions every year. i attempt to make amends to my life year round.

i'm going to try to get a driver's license next year. i'll also pledge to read twenty-five books, something i normally do before the year's half over.
Fuck resolutions. If you need to resolve to do something now, you suck, and should have done it 10 years ago.

Usually this is true, but when it comes to some things you want to resolve it's possible to decide to do them "later". So yes, should have done them ten years ago but it might have been something that only came up in the past year. But although if is has been ten years, you don't stand a chance at resolving it as there have been ten new years since then. So I agree with you but I think having this tradition, even if you're someone who doesn't even make resolutions, is better than not having it at all.

I don't think I have any resolutions. They annoy me, since the TV gets loads of "10% off nicotine patches!" or "free dieting pamphlets!" ads, and then come that statistically 'most depressing day of the year', that seems to be the only thing people on the radio talk about for the most part.
NYRs SUCK! Basically nobody does them, and if you do, by the time you get the whole god-foresaken list finished, it's new years eve AGAIN!
by the time you get the whole god-foresaken list finished, it's new years eve AGAIN!

i don't see how this is a bad thing. i pledged two years ago after some awful stuff i'd inadvertently done to become a better person. it didn't happen overnight; in fact, it took much longer than a year. no matter how long it took, i did become a better person, and that's what matters to me.
Don't think I'll bother this year. I say that because I kind of did last year, if only to resolve to record every cup of tea I drink during 2009 and I can't think of any similarly pointless task for 2010. I'll be quite glad to stop doing that to be honest.
I'm planning on shaving my hair off and becoming a lesbian.

With shaved hair.
I need to stop slacking and procrastinating on stuff, especially school work. It isn't exactly a New Year's Resolution, however.
Eh, no one does these things anyways, but heres mine:

Collect all Godzilla films between the 60's to the 70's and also Godzilla vs Biollante, if I can find it.

Once I do that, I figure my collection will be just about complete. I've seen them all, but some it's been so many years that I have little memory of them.
My resolution is to not make any resolutions.

oh wait

Anyway, Zora basically said what I intended to. Any resolutions I needed to make were made once they came up. No one should need to wait until the last day of the year in order to do something.
One thing I need to work on is procrastination. Doesn't waiting till the end of the year just make that worse? Besides, I never follow through with resolutions anyway. New Years is just an excuse to get drunk and stay up all night...and you can do that anytime.

Well, I need a fucking social life. I'll work on that I guess (riiiight...).
I have two (one serious, one pointless and silly), but they're not so much life improvement as they are things I want to do;

Serious: Go to a concert.

Silly: Ride on a train and take a picture of my little sis wearing her red coat. And if the windows are foggy, write 343 on them and see how many high-fives or weird looks I get.

Uh, there's totally a reason for that last one.
I have two (one serious, one pointless and silly), but they're not so much life improvement as they are things I want to do;

Serious: Go to a concert.

Silly: Ride on a train and take a picture of my little sis wearing her red coat. And if the windows are foggy, write 343 on them and see how many high-fives or weird looks I get.

Uh, there's totally a reason for that last one.
Eh, I don't make new year's resolutions ever because I never do them. Instead of resolutions, I pretty much make goals for years. Usually it's stuff that might not happen but I try to aim for it, not something specific that I -must- do. For 2010, I already have some goals. For example:

  • See my sister graduate
  • Be in the Top 10 in the Sophomore class
  • Become a Junior (That's already going to happen anyway, but I could fail 10th grade, I guess.)
  • And last but not least, volunteer at the hospital. :]
Some of you guys really need to untwist your knickers.

Anyway, my resolutions are to:
  • Read more
  • Get out more
  • Learn to cook
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