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I barely recognize that name. But it might be my brain saying "oh there's a name better remember it, oh wait I did know that right?".

I also remember a Ho-oh/Ashlee person... Is that someone still here?
Joined at Invisionfree in November 2005 as rock-ground, and wasn't very active at first, but eventually became more active. Older members will remember me as the guy who made five accounts to cheat at ASB. :P Newer members will probably know me as... one of those guys with an MLP avvie, I think.
I also remember a Ho-oh/Ashlee person... Is that someone still here?

I remember her too but I don't believe she's still here. That name and Mewkaza are two members-not-still-here that have stuck with me for a long time for God knows what reason
Joined at Invisionfree in November 2005 as rock-ground, and wasn't very active at first, but eventually became more active. Older members will remember me as the guy who made five accounts to cheat at ASB. :P Newer members will probably know me as... one of those guys with an MLP avvie, I think.

Were you the person that nominated yourself for ASB'er of the year as well? Or is that someone else?
I also remember her (and mewkaza), but unless they've gone undercover I doubt they're here now!
Man this is bringing back memories. ... Ok, who was Kmew... something involving a mew and a 'k'... maybe I am thinking g-mew... Crap... I remember... crap what was her name... she made amazing wolf pictures. I wanna say Zu Wolf? Something like that? They lead the Wolf Clan way back when... I miss the Wolf Clan.

I also miss the terrible trolls we had when we had that... "Guest" section back at IF, any oldies remember that? Good times. It was like the guest book invading the forums. And insanity was... insane... I think we had a thread that was huge that involved what was in one's pockets at the current time... and some people had some strange items in their pockets.
Serious? Is it archived? I think I started one here on the new vb... Man I gotta go through IF again to find stuff now.
No, a guest was reading it, it wasn't archived. I find a lot of interesting old threads that way...
Man this is bringing back memories. ... Ok, who was Kmew... something involving a mew and a 'k'... maybe I am thinking g-mew... Crap... I remember... crap what was her name... she made amazing wolf pictures. I wanna say Zu Wolf? Something like that? They lead the Wolf Clan way back when... I miss the Wolf Clan.

I think K-Mew (or was Kairyu-Mew?) was a moderator or something at one point. Oh, I'm pretty sure that it was Zyn-Wolf who ran it. Haven't seen her username in ages, though.
KMew is existent. She posted one of the first posts in the Business Approval Office in the ASB Central forums, if you want to see her account.

(unsure of pronouns uh)
Aaaaand then there's the absolute non posting been-here-for-years user.

Where would that fit in, guys?
Never! I've always been Twilight Sparkle, right from the beginning of time.
Running over your username with my cursor, I see about five different usernames. And I was here when you were surskitty.
Dātura;552865 said:
I've been here on and off (not always of my own accord) since July 8, 2004.
Um...your join date doesn't seem to think that.
Um...your join date doesn't seem to think that.

you do realize that there have been four different incarnations of these forums, correct? i've been around since november of 2005 but that was the second incarnation, this particular incarnation has only existed since... well right around what my join date currently reads.
you do realize that there have been four different incarnations of these forums, correct? i've been around since november of 2005 but that was the second incarnation, this particular incarnation has only existed since... well right around what my join date currently reads.

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