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Postcount opinion?

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I'm new compared to a lot of members (been here for just over a year) and I'm on most days, but I don't really know many people here. That makes me sad. I lurk a lot, it seems. So I would sort of consider myself a sort of regular in terms of how much I'm on, but not because people know me. Because I don't think anyone really does.

I don't think postcount matters at all. I don't post in forum games whatsoever, which is probably why I am not a Butterfree. If someone has been here for a while, and seems to belong, I think of them as old. Those who just post in forum games a lot... not so much.
Must be an browser error; are you using IE?
Yes. But I can swear that I was here when there was surskitty, and then surskitty changed their username to Twilight Sparkle. And she had the same avatar and usertitle as surskitty. And there's always Previous Usernames...
Nope, I'm afraid your web browser must just be mistaken. I've been Twilight Sparkle since I joined in July 2003! Honestly.
And i've read old threads where she posted with a different name and someone qouted her and it said Applejack.
Nope, complete fabrications and lies. I don't know where you're getting this from.
It makes perfect sense, silly! I need you might need to lie down and think about this in a dark room for a little while.
she was /born/ Twilight Sparkle, it's her real name. god you guys.

on the subject of being a regular and whatnot, I have been here practically every day since I joined. I just don't post much.
I honestly have no fricking idea why I'm still here at all. most people here make me want to bash my head in with frustration.
I'm not sure what other people consider me, but I think of myself almost on the bridge between newbie and regular (definitely not senior). I've been here since '09, even earlier if you count how long I lurked the main site before joining. However, if you take off my eleven month hiatus I've been here for less than a year and a half.

On the subject of post count, I try and stop myself from judging people by the number of posts they have, but it's hard sometimes, usually only if I don't know said member though. If I see someone with 2000+ posts and someone with <50, I naturally think that the member with the 2000 posts has more seniority.

Also, I share the same birthday as this incarnation of the forums! Totally haven't been waiting for an opportune moment to say that.
on the subject of being a regular and whatnot, I have been here practically every day since I joined. I just don't post much.
I honestly have no fricking idea why I'm still here at all. most people here make me want to bash my head in with frustration.

A day without you is like a day without sunshine. :c
Was that creepy?
I guess I'm a regular? IDK, I'm really more that awkward girl in the corner at a party. I'm always lurking (always) but I post like, once a day at most.
Yeah, Spunky, so does mine.

And i've read old threads where she posted with a different name and someone qouted her and it said Applejack.

That doesn't make any sense.

You're Dātura.

for the love of all that is good go along with it even if you don't agreeeeeeeeeeee

because as far as i'm concerned twilight sparkle has always been twilight sparkle and the fact that you think otherwise makes babies cry :( DO YOU WANT BABIES TO CRY
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