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Postcount opinion?

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Yes. But not the "Passionate" kind, nor the "getting laid" kind. The "fight to the fucking death" kind.

Place your bets here on who you think will win, Surskitty or Surskitty!
Of course, someone would need to create it, gaining permission from the gods of course.
I beg to differ (SEE I A Boob; Randomness is not Funny. Incidentally, they were both some of the most amazing threads in the history of TCoDf)
they were nowt compared to the mass exodus/shitstorm started by Hari Nezumi and Freeziepop, AuroraKing's rugrats fanfic, the thread where CreepyKecleon said homosexuality is like calling a tv a tree and other such hilarious things.
Spunky.......Go to Memebase.....so you can be normal.

U Jelly?

(I will use this too often in the future, i just know it.)
No, uneeded ripoffs are very annoying and cliche. If you want to use a meme, use the original to do it right!
hey guys just fyi

just 'cos a thread's derailed doesn't mean you post the same overused meme again and again

thanks ♥
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