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Clearly, the idea is some literal slashing. Who wouldn't want to see a moderator swordfight?

Oooo I'll get the popcorn!!!!

Where's the fight going to be? Serious Business? Ooooo how about RP to make it dramatic!

I'm taking bets! We'll bet... crap... well we'll find something to wager.
Either roleplaying or insanity.
This very conversation is crazy, so i'm thinking insanity.

And we could bet....ASB stuff if you have an asb account? Edit: I'm psychic...^
Spunky, No, you's not psychic, you only have the same mind as me. That makes muuuuch more sense than being psychic.

No, I know where we can put it! Let's get all of the threads topics and categories, and push them into something huge!
Hmm? When I scroll over Twilight's username, it says that one of her past username was Surskitty, and one of your's, Viki, is also Surskitty, which i did not notice until now. Holy Shit, You are Twilight in disguise! =O

Whatever are you talking about? It says no such thing.

Also, I win because I always win!
Except when Viki flops on me :^(
Hmm? When I scroll over Twilight's username, it says that one of her past username was Surskitty, and one of your's, Viki, is also Surskitty, which i did not notice until now. Holy Shit, You are Twilight in disguise! =O
It's funny because I'm surskitty.
Ohmygod, we have three surskitties! Have a three way!

I'll wager my Gyarados Litwick ot whoever wins.



Mmm...I think it got lost. I don't know, Abra? How tackle is now more effective than cut? Soup?

Any of these.

(Wow, not good at this)
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