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Postcount opinion?

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Okay, back up. All we said was what our computer said and that we were confused by it, but people keep saying stuff that insinuates we're dumb and/or lying.

I am not dumb, and I won't put up wth this.
Spunky, it's a joke. Nobody is actually accusing you of being dumb or lying; they're playing along with the joke.

[/party pooper]

Er-hem. Yes, Twilight Sparkle has been named Twilight Sparkle since 2003. Lauren Faust stole her name. Obviously.
I am just laughing at this Twilight Sparkle/Surskitty thing on the previous page...

To get back onto topic, I think I am.....new, in comparison to all the elder members. =\
*Sees entire argument about Twilight Sparkle... *facepalm**

All of you rolled a one, I am sorry.

I kind of wish Butterfree didn't stop it... That was sort of entertaining.
Butterfree you're such a butt. You KNOW I was always Twilight Sparkle........
Twilight Sparkle? Wasn't that some book about vampires or something?


Anyway, I'd suggest neither post count nor join date are effective indications seniority. I've been here off and on since some time in 2004 (under a variety of names, none of which i feel like repeating here), and I wouldn't consider myself a newbie, senior, or regular member. Over those seven years some people have had positive or negative experiences with me and some know me by other names, but by and large I'm not a prominent member of this community.

To me, seniority isn't something that can be quantified. You'd have to determine who is a senior member by seeing how the members interact with one another. It's one of those "you'll know it when you see it" things.
Twilight Sparkle is the main character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, thus the Twilight Sparkle avatar.
I am just laughing at this Twilight Sparkle/Surskitty thing on the previous page...

To get back onto topic, I think I am.....new, in comparison to all the elder members. =\
I don't think I would sleep with Twilight Sparkle. I don't think she likes humans that way.
I don't think I would sleep with Twilight Sparkle. I don't think she likes humans that way.

Either I'm misreading something or you were misreading something, because while that's pretty hilarious I don't get how that relates to DarkAura's post? You did quote her and all. I can be an idiot though, that happens sometimes.

EDIT: I am officially an idiot and at the same time no longer one. Maybe I should just... try to think things through sometimes that would help.
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Hmm? When I scroll over Twilight's username, it says that one of her past username was Surskitty, and one of your's, Viki, is also Surskitty, which i did not notice until now. Holy Shit, You are Twilight in disguise! =O
I've been around since 2006 ... february, I think, ifree era, though sporadically and using various nyms. settled on sreservoir in 2007 september, apparently?

I do remember getting a 30-pt infraction in the first vb for posting something starting with "YOU IDIOT! No offense, but" which is somewhat funny in retrospect. maybe?

I think of a lot of the less-young using their older names, although I can't find any sort of pattern in them ... I don't think there was any time period where floop and zigzag and altmer and meganstaek and vixie were in use at the same time? yeah. hm, and I found the drama associated with opal's "confession" amusing.

okay, so not quite GET OFF MY LAWN, but just about old enough to be embarrassing. how old do I seem?
I don't think I would sleep with Twilight Sparkle. I don't think she likes humans that way.
I believe you misunderstood that phrase.

Clearly, the idea is some literal slashing. Who wouldn't want to see a moderator swordfight?
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