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I also remember a few nicknames also. Redhead(used as an insult, though) and Carrottop(some creepy Gabe kid called me that a few times before). And some Twilight fan called me 'Little Victoria' just because of my hair color.
Twitney, a pun on my real name. CCR (which stands for Completely Clueless Retard), because it just sums me up that well. But more often than not, I'm just called Twit or a shortened version of my real name.
I was called Seanator by my friends beacuse i looked like the terminator. My name is Sean as you can tell, and my dad called me heat mister beacause my hair looks like him (the year without a santa claus). Just to tick me off my brother calls me bigfoot cause I wear Size 15 1/5 wide mens shoes. Other than that ive been called tiny by various people.
Well, in real life I don't have many nicknames - it's hard to find a nickname for "Hayley". My nana calls me Hayleykins.

And two of my friends very, very occasionally call me Halien - a splice between Hayley and alien. Long story.

Here, I'm just Blazie, although once somewhere else someone called me BA. 0_o
I freaking hate nicknames, but it's why people give me nicknames; they know it pisses me off. Everybody always shortens my name, but that doesn't really count.

My family calls me Moco, which is Spanish for booger, cause I've always got a runny nose at all times of the year (I use a lot of tissues...)

Nicknames by friends and teachers include:

The sledgehammer
Mr. Despair/Zetsubou-sensei
Guan Yu
Skinny Buddha
Tales of MegaTen guy

My girlfriend calls me her Narcoleptic Boyfriend, because I don't sleep like a normal person, and I'm always falling asleep or dozing off at random points of the day.

Yeah, I know I hate nicknames, but I have a lot... Most of them are good for when I want a laugh, especially when I think about how or why people started giving me these names.

Here over the internet, I've been called Aqua, cause my other internet alias, Aqua the Vaporeon is a mouthful to say or annoying to type in all the time. Most of my netfriends call me "Niko" or "Rufus", cause those are two characters I always RP with.

And here at TCoD, one or two people have referred to me as Blazing.
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Haha, my friend Kevin gets called Katy Perry, too. But he genuinely looks like a male version of her. It's great. :D
Haha, I've been told I look like her too. :o
And there's this kid at my school named Perry, so they naturally had a lot of fun with that. XD
Nicknames: Mysti (Shortened version), Taylor (by someone at camp because I look like Taylor Swift), Smart-mouth (by my mom), Missy (by people who confuse me with someone at church/for some reason can't say Mysti), Mr. E (because of my names pronounciation and my last name starts with "E"), Myst (by best friend and by her ONLY) Star (at church because of the Missy at church), Lilac (again, by friends)

And online, Darkarmour calls (or called, i never hear it any more) me Mewie.
Back in elementary school people called me "The Terminator," because I can punch stuff so freaking hard (in 3rd grade I knocked the tether ball clean off the pole. Everyone had that "O---M---G" face.)

Nowadays I get Vegas (play on my last name), Buttmunch (my best friend and my best friend ONLY has called me that, and I know he's just being the joker that he is), Gigantosaur (because I'm about 6 inches taller than everyone I know), and "That Tall Guy with the Long Hair" (which I got for obvious reasons).

Also, someone in my "introduction" thread called me "Proggy," because of my username. I know, I get weird nicknames, don't I?
Online I've been called Peaches a lot. :D

And one place where I changed my user name a lot, I've been called Dawn and Kishu. After all, Kishu is much shorter than Kishu-Para-Runa, or Kishupara-Runa, isn't it?

...I can't even remember how I got the name Kishu-Para-Runa in the first place. I just stopped playing Neopets for three years and then remembered my account. On it was a pet called Kishu-Para-Runa. And the mystery remains unsolved. But for some reason I get the idea it was from a dream.
Online I'm often called Scooter.

But on some other places I'm called Larch (short for Larch x Bracken) or Evening (short for EveningCicada.) I haven't yet gotten a name for some other aliases.
Oh yeah, there's another nickname I go by as well (not the one I refuse to mention). You see, there's this group of friends I sometimes play cards with and we give each other nicknames to keep track of score. Apparently, my nickname is JerK (capital K intended). I would've like to have been called "JerAWESOME" but no, there had to be a "JoAWESOME" already.

Then again, the name suits her; she is awesome after all. ^w^
THE FUCKING BEAST - self title but amazing nickname~

Burger King- Because I'm fat and it makes me sound awesome.

Mr. Turducken - I don't know.
Reddhead and Mikey - my grlfriend's nicknames for me (and for no one else to use!)
Devil child - a kid in middle school started calling me this, and it sticks.
Pierce - on account of me having the most peircings of any of my guy friends. It's also my name among my bandmate.
That G0th Kid - just used by random people -_-
My name is Gina, so that's short enough already =P
But I earned a few nicknames and made some nicknames for myself which people I know in real life had adopted and used for me after a while.

Cherry, SnuggleBoo, Lola Bunny, Kit-Kat (was used only for about a month), and variations of those names like Cherry-Pop (which began the inspiration for my e-mail and AIM names) and Ladii KK.
Cherry because of a kid at school who always used to bring candy to school. I had the cherry lollipop reserved for me because it was my favorite flavor, so he started calling me Cherry and everyone else liked it too. His best friend decided to start calling me Cherry-Pop. He says it's because of the lollipop thing, but I doubt that's all that he meant 0_o
Oh, and I've also been called Gigi, I guess because of my first name...?

Online, most people refer to me as MH, Melodic, or Dawnwish. Though, they don't know that I actually prefer Harmony, which is my "last name" out of my username here. Dawnwish comes in second, because of a character in a fanfiction I'm writing.

I like nicknames~
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