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Ninjas? Pirates? Ninja Pirates?


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Nah. Pirates aren't all that awesome. The 1st PoTC movie sucked.

now those ninja guys... they are something...
Mentally strange people don't have ninja training in martial arts etc.
What were you saying about Batman?

Pirates get to do what they want. Ninja work for people and are always trying to assassinate somebody.
Pirates get drunk and sail nowhere.

Ninjas kill people while wearing black suits.

Pirates have swrds.

Ninjas have everthing.

Ninjas win.
Actually they can. When they're off duty. ;P

And Ninja's can do what they want in their spare time. I also dodged your bullet, because you shot a clay pot. I am nowhere near you of course ^^

And Ninja's are great because of Ask a Ninja :3 But I don't mind pirates. Most of my friends are pirates so they help meh chill out when I'm not on ninja duty. Like Mike!
It's the whole 'free will' thing.
Pirates can do what ever they want
Ninja can only do what ever they want when they are off duty.
Pirates > Ninja
Also, it's pretty much impossible for ninja to kill their masters or employers so they don't have to work, cause they're 99% of the time not as skilled as they are. So if they try they die.

However, pirates have mutinies all the damn time and it works out fine for them.

Not to mention pirates have their own subsubgenre of music.

(Of course, vikings still win - they have an actual subgenre of music, they had sex with whoever they wanted in their home villages at any time [as long as the woman didn't have a mate], they basically owned anything that stood up against them, and they had one of the coolest languages ever... Old Norse.)
Ninjas = Pirates, as in an earlier post.

But personally I've never seen a TV show with pirates in it.
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