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Ninjas? Pirates? Ninja Pirates?


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Pirates FTW. Post ninjas are just plain annoying. Owning words and rum and ships is way better than having to work all day. And pirates get to do whatever they want.

I agree that Vikings pwns all though.

They could use ninjuutsu(did I spell that right?) that pirates dont have. Pirates just have weapons and such but not awesome skillz.
Ninjas! Senkro is a ninja!


Ninjas are overrated. And they have this whole superiority complex, what with all the 'silent death' mantra. They're also too formal and whatnot. They're not allowed to have fun, like nuns. And they just have to be so just and honorable.

Whereas pirates just do whatever the hell they want, and have fun while doing so. Plus rum, guns, swords, and pissed off sailors can lead to interesting (read: bloody) situations.

EDIT: Awesome animation, by the way.
Ninjas are overrated. And they have this whole superiority complex, what with all the 'silent death' mantra. They're also too formal and whatnot. They're not allowed to have fun, like nuns. And they just have to be so just and honorable.

Whereas pirates just do whatever the hell they want, and have fun while doing so. Plus rum, guns, swords, and pissed off sailors can lead to interesting (read: bloody) situations.

EDIT: Awesome animation, by the way.

NUNS. Yesss.

Nuns > Pirates > Ninjas.
I keep seeing a picture of a nun throwing a snowball at another.... I'm too lazy to go find it XD

I think that's the reason.
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