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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Nintendo sued AGAIN.

Hey, dumbass companies. How about you show your competance by -at least- suing at the appropiate time. It's been nearly two f*cking years.
your precious nintendo is just fine

your precious nintendo controllers are just fine

find something better to complain about
I know none of these lawsuits are ever going to have any effect, but could you, y'know, lose that condescending tone? Nobody likes to be talked down to. :(
Because of some company that made generic patents and then sued people when they came up with a generic game controller, or something I think. I'm probably not right though. XP
your precious nintendo is just fine

your precious nintendo controllers are just fine

find something better to complain about

I personally complain about this due to how the companies are getting sue happy

Heck, the whole of North America is sue happy

I could probably SUCCESSFULLY sue a random person for looking at me the wrong way >.>

Also, I don't have anything better to complain about...
It's pathetic, really. Like many of the poeple at this thread (Probably), I've never heard of Hillcrest. It's probably just some random company desperate enough for money to try and sue Nintendo. It's not only pathetic, it's ridiculous. Like Ice said, they've had two years to realzie that the Wii has motion-controls. If they're figuring it out jsut now... I don't even know where to begin
Guys, you do realize that waiting for 2 years was intentional? They have more to gain from the lawsuit this time since Nintendo has made, you know, more money?

Also, who's to say they haven't been living under a rock for some time while they made their things?
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