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[OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

This looks pretty damn awesome.

And I'd just like to say that FFTA2 is probably my most favorite game that I own.

Name: Ottoran
Gender: Male
Race: Moogle
Job: Thief / Black Mage / Time Mage

Appearance: Ottoran looks the same as most moogles, except with a few minor differences. The tip of his right ear is missing because of a run in with a wolf that Ottoran had recently. His fur is brown, which is unusual for moogles. His wings are much larger than the average moogle, being about twice the ordinary size. Because of this, it is easier for him to fly up into the air, except he can only do this for very short periods of time.

He wears a dark green and purple striped bandana around his head, and it occasionally blocks his eyes. He wears a purple coat that is rather big for him, and it reaches down to his feet. Underneath the coat is a plain white shirt, however, due to many fights and the tests of time, the shirt is barely recognizable as white anymore, and is moreso an orange cream color. He wears soft black boots.


Personality: Ottoran has an incredibly care-free personality. He is an incredibly optimistic person, and often enjoys making people laugh or trying to bring cheer to people who are sad. Unfortunately, this occasionally ends with him saying something terribly wrong and making the other people worse off. Due to his optimism and happiness, he is incredibly naive and gullible. He is of average intelligence, even though he can come off as being incredibly stupid. He has a very limited attention span, which sometimes causes him to lose track of thought in the middle of a conversation. Another effect of his limited attention span is his job range. Although he sticks to using his Black Magic, Time Magic, and thievery abilities, he has at many times attempted to try other jobs, often ending in complete failure.

Bio (Optional): Ottoran was born in Camoa to, of course, two Moogle parents, and a slightly older brother named Jydn. When he was young, only being the equivalent of 10 human years old, he and his brother got lost from their parents during an excursion out to Targ Woods. Despite their best efforts, Ottoran and Jydn failed to find their parents, and were lost in the woods. After a few weeks of being forced to fend for themselves, they were found by a Gria, who they mistook for a moogle with oversized wings. The Gria, named Alisha, took them in to her house in Targ Wood for a few days, before going with them out to bring them back to Camoa. Unfortunately, on their way back to Camoa, Ottoran and Jydn were kidnapped by a mysterious clan.

The reason for the kidnapping was unknown to them at the time. Ottoran and Jydn were treated nicely by these strange men, however this nice behavior confused them after all they had been told about kidnappers. When Ottoran was the equivalent of 12 human years old, he and his brother were brought out to fight by this mysterious clan. The two had never fought against other sentient beings before, and they were told that these people they were fighting against were bad men, and they got a thrill out of fighting them. Soon, they were brought into more and more fights, and became less and less suspicious of the clan and Ottoran and Jydn grew to love fighting.

However, when Ottoran was the equivalent of 15 human years old, the clan had to fight a group of people that had a surprising member in it - Alisha, the Gria that saved them. Ottoran, suspicious of what was going on, was pulled aside by Alisha, who told Ottoran a shocking truth. His parents had been targeted by various evil clans due to a large sum of money that they had. The clan that had kidnapped Ottoran and Jydn held them for ransom, so that they would hand over money to get their children back. The parents of course, did not send the money, but only sent a few clans to get them back, but eventually they had stopped sending clans. Shocked by this piece of information, Ottoran told Jydn about this later. After approaching the head clansman about this, he admitted that it was the reason for why they were kidnapped. Ottoran and Jydn were deeply affected by this, realizing that their parents chose not to get their children back. Jydn began to grow darker and darker in his personality after this, and became more and more ruthless in battle. Ottoran, unable to stand being around his kidnappers, left the clan to search through the land on his own.

On his own, he began to bottle up his emotions about the entire ordeal, and began to take on a care-free personality instead. He became a thief throughout the woods, taking what he wanted, and helping whoever he wanted to help. He was his own man.

When Ottoran was the equivalent of 18 human years old, he received word that everyone in his old clan had been murdered, and that his brother was missing, Ottoran grew deep with worry, and set off to find his brother.
Male viera?
That'll be interesting... Apparently they're like the Mithra from FFXI in that, males aren't depicted but they exist, just not somewhere you can see them. (actually there is a male mithra NPC but he's apparently a real pansy and pale from not going out much. He's only in the most recent expansion and I haven't done those missions yet.)
I was waiting until someone did this~

Once you feel this is finished, you can join in the game. Since we seem to still be eating, you can find us that way.
I'm going to go on a limb here and think Avan doesn't know that Ming is part of Clan Virtue and the fact that he is not aware that she is the leader. That just makes this even more fun for me to play out in my head.

*smirks evilly, tapping her fingers together*
I'm going to go on a limb here and think Avan doesn't know that Ming is part of Clan Virtue and the fact that he is not aware that she is the leader. That just makes this even more fun for me to play out in my head.

*smirks evilly, tapping her fingers together*

Nah, he's an idiot. I might just have try to hit on Kate or Thalia for laughs.
I can think of at least two bad ends each for poor Avan no matter which of those two he hits on... ಠuಠ

so for something completely different

This is what I do while I stalk the RP thread and nothing's going on


this sort of thing ties in with this weird obsession I have with making OCs as canon-like as possible so I try to depict them that way too. Thalia got roped into it because I friggin' love Nu Mous.

Also, has FMC really posted a reply? >:I It's not showing up for some reason. On the forum it says that's the newest reply but when I go into the actual topic I can't see it. I've tried refreshing the browser, clearing the cache... I even found it under "all posts by Full Metal Cookies" but when I click on the post to view it on its own, it takes me to the top post of page 2 of the topic instead. I hope it's just some weird lag. I still can't see it after a full hour, though...
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Every time you you post Avan, it just makes my day. He makes me laugh so much right now (Which can be a downside when I'm in the middle of computer science~ But I digress.)

Also. Neat pictures~
Also, has FMC really posted a reply? >:I It's not showing up for some reason. On the forum it says that's the newest reply but when I go into the actual topic I can't see it. I've tried refreshing the browser, clearing the cache... I even found it under "all posts by Full Metal Cookies" but when I click on the post to view it on its own, it takes me to the top post of page 2 of the topic instead. I hope it's just some weird lag. I still can't see it after a full hour, though...

When this happens, you'll be able to see it by hitting the "Post Reply" or "Go Advanced" buttons.

More importantly,

Name: Deus
Gender: Male
Race: Viera
Job: Assassin / White Mage

Appearance: Deus is a tall, slender creature covered in brown fur. He has long feet and ears similar to a rabbit's, and his limbs and fingers are long and thin. However, he is much stronger than he looks, as shown by his skill with the greatbow.

Deus has a few scars usually covered by clothing or fur, so he does not look particularly menacing. His face, to a hume, would look rather feminine, with delicate features and apparently soft, warm brown eyes. He has short white hair, but otherwise does not display physical aesthetic alterations.

Not particularly eager to disclose his status as an assassin, Deus wears the white robes of a white mage. His sleeves are a little shorter so they don't get in the way, though they're long enough so he can hide a blade on each arm. Underneath the open robe, he wears a tunic and trousers, both of which are loose enough to allow movement but not loose enough to get caught on protrusions. He wears high-heeled shoes like most female viera when travelling, as it reduces the risk of having his feet trampled, but he removes them when he particularly needs stealth or balance. It also makes him taller, which is Important.

Deus's main weapon seems to be his bow, and he carries a quiver at his hip which is generally closed unless he is prepared to battle. He also has two short swords on his belt, although he does not often use them except when practising. Although his accuracy with the bow and skill with the sword are both impressive, his real talent lies in his healing magic. With anatomical knowledge gained from being an assassin, he can direct his white magic to the most important tissues or organs, so he can do more with less magical energy.

Home-area: Rupie Mountains

Personality: Deus views himself as the master of dealing and repealing death, and therefore he thinks he is the master of death itself. Death is almost casual for him, since he can deal fatal blows from a distance or at melee range, and he can cure them almost as easily. This total power over death, and therefore life, has given him a bit of a god complex, and he is prone to evil laughter.

When not acting like a stock villain, Deus is normal enough, though he still casually hits others as a form of affection, annoyance, or anger. He is, generally, casual about risks and eager to battle, although he prefers dealing death from afar. He's not particularly trusting, and he presents a rather flat character to the world so that none of his weaknesses are revealed. However, he isn't paranoid, and he knows how to have fun - within safe limits, where he's always able to fight, of course.

White Mage abilities: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Raise, Arise, Reraise, Refresh
Assassin abilities: Shadowbind, Last breath, Nightmare, Aphonia, Ague, Rockseal, Oblivion, Ultima masher, Return fire
Elementalist abilities: Shining air, Evil gaze
Sniper abilities: Doubleshot, Beso toxico, Vanish, Armor shot
Archer abilities: Leg shot, Arm shot, Lightning strike
Soldier abilities: Mug gil
Red mage abilities: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard
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Very impressive. Accepted. you can show up when you feel ready too. Be it in the woods or travelling down the street.
Oh, I hope I'm not too late. I love FFT.

Name: Saul
Race: Hume
Class: Rouge(When mastered, Ninja, high level of mastery. Say, adept.)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Average in just about every way, Saul is really easy to forget, even when you happen to be looking for him. In fact, most of his marks don't even realize they've been robbed for some time, and the few who realize it immediately can only very rarely actually remember what his face looks like. An average sized nose, average brown eyes, average brown hair, average skin tone... really, just completely average.
Personality: Tricky, he has a tendency to lie about even the smallest things, and he considers Paul to be his twin bother, although anyone can tell they aren't related.

Name: Paul
Race: Moogle
Class: Black Mage/White Mage(Note, not a Red Mage. Reds learn both Black and White magic at a much slower pace than either mage type respectively. He multiclasses.)
Gender: Male. As above.
Age: 15.
Appearance: At first glance, nothing about Paul really stands out. When you look again, though, you notice the fact that both of his eyes are different colours, one blue, one black.
Personality: Often exasperated at Saul's escapades, Paul heals Saul whenever he is injured by someone else... or injures himself, which is much more common. He plays the part of the concerned older brother, often following Saul around, preventing him from getting into trouble.

Bio: (Note, the bio is for both. Because it just ties in so very well.) On the night Paul was born, a knock was heard on the door, and a baby was revealed on the doorstep. A Hume baby. Taking the baby, Paul's father adopted him, and Saul and Paul grew up as twins, until Saul was four and already taller than his parents. Then, a dreadful accident occurred, killing their parents. Kicked out on the street by the bank, they were found by a gang of thieves, who taught Saul all the 'tricks of the trade', and got Paul a tuition at a Magic academy. When Saul turned fourteen, the troop cast him out on his own, by leaving very suddenly, and Saul and Paul teamed up. Paul is now wanted by the Judges for Grand Larceny, since everyone notices the Moogle long before they notice Saul.
Name: Lucis
Gender: Female
Race: Hume
Job: Primarily Illusionist; recently certified as a Paravir; has the Blue Mage's Learn ability and so has several Blue Mage abilities

Appearance: Lucis is a young adult, with the body shape of an experienced fighter. Her skin is rough and tanned, though it sports few scars thanks to white magic. She is fairly muscular though not bulky, as she has more agility than power. She is of average height for her age. She has fairly long black hair and brown eyes. Her facial features make her fairly average-looking, though the general impression would be one of confidence and perhaps slight mischief.

Rather like her travelling companion Deus, Lucis likes to trick potential opponents. She shows no sign that she has any real magical ability, and instead of robes she sports the typical paravir Japanese attire and a katana. However, she wears proper shoes. She wears no armour, as she expects any wounds to be healed; since she has Deus cast reraise on her before every fight, this has yet to be revealed as a fatal mistake.

Home-area: Sant D'alsa Bluff

Personality: Lucis likes deceiving people just for the sake of deceiving them, and she is good at storytelling, acting, and lying. She is mischievous and fairly playful, though she is quite capable of hurting others in the name of fun. She is quite active and generally fairly cheerful, but not to an extreme level. She sometimes seems to go into a stupor, when she decides to mentally cast an illusion over herself and let herself daydream, but she is more alert than others realise. Lucis doesn't really seem to have any moral or personal boundaries, but she has yet to ever actually betray anyone, and she does not torture without cause.

Lucis is genuinely proud of her achievements as a physical fighter, because in this she managed to surpass the rest of her illusionist family, but she plays it up by being overly enthusiastic about sparring and training. She generally pretends to only dabble in magic, and when using spells in battle, she uses black magic to supplement her physical fights. It is only when her party is outnumbered or losing that she would cast illusions, and even then she will try and act like she was not the person to use them.

Blue Mage abilities: Learn, Magick hammer, Night, Screech, Sandstorm, Cornered, Matra magick, Unction, Self-destruct
Illusionist abilities: Prominence, Tempest, Freezeblink, Deluge, Wild tornado
Black Mage abilities: Fire, Fira, Thunder, Thundara, Blizzard, Blizzara
White Mage abilities: Cure, Raise
Paravir abilities: Death strike
Fighter abilities: Rush, Aurablast, Air blast
Soldier abilities: Rend MP, Mug gil, Provoke
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