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[OOC + Signup] Flight of the Dragon Kyn (Open)

I assume I can confirm your guy's reserves as moony told me I am co-DM, so reserved. Moonsy will add you to the first post soon.

And I'll be getting my form for the blue dragon and rider in once the computer with it saved on it gets it's internet back.

ETA: also you other guys, get your riders in so we can start!
I edited in the Black Rev.

Also. Listen to FMC.

Note to FMC: I need my latest poke approved.
Name: Rise
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: Rise is tall dark and handsome well, he is pretty tall – he's about six foot one – and he has dark brown hair, but 'handsome' is objective. He keeps his hair slicked back and out of his face (his fringe is pretty long but cutting it would, apparently, be a waste of his time) which leaves his square-shaped face on show. He has pale green eyes and tends to look slightly irritated at all times. Except when he's having an argument with his dragon Rame, of course; then he just looks slightly mental. It happens a lot. He doesn't wear anything particularly eye-catching, a tan-coloured shirt and black trouser... things with no shoes (typical of a copper dragon rider, all that being-closer-to-the-earth junk), but he has a dragon's tooth – one of Rame's old ones, of course -- through a cord around his neck. But that's pretty much it.

Personality: Rise tries to keep up a serious, mature persona at all times; he rarely smiles and doesn't seem to have the mental capacity to experience joy or love or anything weird like that. He is dedicated to whatever cause he happens to be on at the moment and is very hard-working and intelligent. Unfortunately, being stuck with his eccentric and extremely trying dragon partner, he regularly displays his short, violent temper and impatience for anything. When he gets angry or frustrated – which is a lot – he reverts back to being a nine-year-old who can't handle the word 'no', albeit with a drop of adult common sense mixed it. He actually acts quite Rame in this respect; under his grumpy, pessimistic, 'adult' demeanour, he's actually very immature and bratty. Together him and Rame make, uh, quite an interesting team, to say the least.

History: Rise grew up in a small village built into a rocky mountain crag where nothing interesting ever really happened. He was an only child and was thus spoiled quite a bit by his mother, because god only knows where his dad went, he was sort of never in the picture and wasn't mentioned by anybody ever. All little boys from tiny villages want to be a dragon rider when they grow up and of course, Rise was no exception – just when he did grow up, he hadn't abandoned that dream at all. He ventured out onto the mountain, valiantly climbing until he found a very sleepy copper dragon. Their exchange went something like 'hey, you' 'huh what' '... I'm going to be your rider now' 'will you feed me' '... sure' 'okay!'. Probably the least interesting agreement story ever, but not everyone had a tragic accident leading to their dragon saving them, you know!

Actually I'm lying; Rame did rescue Rise a lot! Mostly from him sliding off his back the first million times they tried flying properly together. Not that he ever tipped him off because it was funny or anything, nope. No funny business.

Name: Rame
Age: 109
Gender: Male
Species: Copper
Appearance: Rame is a typical copper dragon, if leaning more towards the larger side of the scale (height and wingspan-wise, at least). He's about fifteen feet tall and fourteen & a half thousand pounds, which makes him a bit lighter and skinnier-looking than most dragons but he doesn't really care so much. His scales are a gleaming rusty colour, tinged from red to deep green at the tips of his wings and just underneath his scales. The fringes and wickedly spiked horns surrounding his face along with his naturally narrowed, jade green eyes make him look pretty terrifying, but after about ten seconds in Rame's company you'll realise that this is so not the case. In fact, he's probably one of the least scary dragons you'll ever meet.

Personality: Looking at how Rise and Rame act around each other, you'd wonder why one of them hasn't died violently yet. Rame is Rise's complete polar opposite; he rarely takes anything seriously and would much rather sit around and drop his rider into the ocean for fun than do anything considered 'too much of an effort'. He prefers sleeping to flying and is generally pretty childish; most of his arguments with Rise end with 'I'M NOT LISTENING~' or the usual 'did not!' 'did so!' routine. He regularly announces that one of his true purposes in life is to drive Rise either completely insane or to his grave, but underneath all that he does actually care about his rider. Mostly. Well, he wouldn't let him die! Because that would leave life totally boring (because who else would put up with him being incredibly irritating?), you know?

Like most metallic dragons, Rame also doesn't really like getting violent, quite like how he doesn't like doing anything that requires skill. If the situation happens to get serious enough then he'll probably cause a mudslide to try and end it as quickly as possible. It's pretty effective, actually!

History: Rame was born at the peak of the mountain that Rise grew up on, and didn't really leave it very much. He wasn't really interested in human company and besides, he had a lot of other copper dragons hanging around the same area that he could go and bug! As such he never took an interest in anything happening below him until some vaguely amusing human boy found him and told him that he'd feed him as long as he could train him to be his dragon partner... for something. Rame's stomach immediately agreed and for the past three years he's been quite happily being an extremely useless fighting dragon while his rider has almost completely given up on him being any use whatsoever. Well, if he'd only ask politely for once maybe he would do all those weird things Rise insists are really important! If he feeds him first, that is.


Name: Nava
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Elf

Appearance: Nava is a tall willowy girl with a thin, delicate face. Her skin is a rich shade of chocolate brown, and her hair is very long, falling to her waist, and the colour of corn silk. Her eyes are wide and sky blue. While most humans would describe her as ‘beautiful’, Nava is quite plain to her own kind. She usually wears sturdy brown cloth pants, a long-sleeved white blouse and black bodice, laced in the front, and well-made black leather boots. She also has a leather belt wound around her waist. She carries a long pike for combat, which she binds with a chain to Rasvim’s saddle while in flight.

Personality: Nava is very proud, refusing to admit fault in herself or Rasvim, blaming others if anything goes wrong. She hates ugly things, not thinking twice about killing one if given a chance. She holds herself with a great elvish pride and grace, looking down on most other species. She tends to charge headfirst into danger, showing no fear at all. But under the outer layer of her personality, Nava is rather nervous when by herself, and is terrified of insects of most kinds (mostly the ones with too many legs).

History: Born in a forest village, Nava had a normal and rather drab and boring life for an Elf until her early teen years. It was then that she set out for the desert far away, where she had heard tell of a blue monster that was lurking. Her family tried to make her stay, but the headstrong girl insisted upon going. The journey was hard on her, but she made it, barely. After a day or two of wandering (she had thought enough ahead to bring a lot of supplies), she came across the lair of the Blue dragon, Rasvim. He found the young elf’s spunk amusing, and took her under his wing, so to speak. They have been inseparable to this day.


Name: Rasvim Miirik
Age: 523
Gender: Male
Species: Blue

Appearance: Rasvim is a massive creature, standing at nearly sixteen feet and weighing over 100, 000 pounds. His scales are a deep sapphire blue like all of his kind, but his belly is a dull yellow-colour, as are the insides of his wings. The blue parts of his body are mottled with a darker blue in spots. A long, thick, jagged horn sticks upwards from his forehead, and is the same yellow as his belly. His limbs are thick and strong, ending in four-fingered paws tipped with long black claws. His tail is thick and segmented, like a caterpillar. His wings span 80 feet and are very strong. Large groups of black spines protrude from his elbows. His neck is long and his head is thick and covered in small, stubby, but sharp spines. A large group of spines sticks out from his chin and the corners of his jaws. His ears are large and shaped like lilies, and can fold up to seal out sand and dirt while digging. His eyes are yellow, and the right eye has a long thin scar over it. His saddle is made of wood, and covered with a soft leather and silk and adorned with small jewels and gold. The straps are sturdy Wyvernleather, which holds the saddle fast to his large body in flight. He wears a tail ring wrought of silver by the finest faerie silversmith, said to grant good luck.

Personality: Rasvim is quiet most of the time, preferring to keep to himself or stay with Nava. He likes to use his large size and intimidating appearance to get his way with others, rarely resorting to his Lightning breath weapon unless provoked. He dislikes water, since he hails from a desert homeland, and will be reluctant to even fly over it. He’s bitter towards Metallic dragons most of all, but also dislikes Reds and Greens (he finds them too violent and quick to kill). He likes to mess with others with his illusions, his favourite trick casting the illusion of a river flowing in the middle of the desert and watching a hapless human drink the sand.

History: Hatched in a blazing hot desert, Rasvim was raised by his mother for his fist few years of life, until his breath weapon and ability to cast illusion fully set in. Then he was driven out of the nest, along with his nestmates that he does not remember. He was a young adult when the War of Drakenkeep started, and he was part of the Blue Dragon army, albeit not very high ranked as he wasn’t very strong. When the war ended, the now wiser Rasvim returned to his desert home. There he lived for a few hundred years, until he met little Nava. He felt a strong sense of attraction to the elf, and consented to become her mount.
Oh yeah, riders >_>

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Appearance: Valkyrie stands at around six feet and three inches, with the traditional pointed ears. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, and her eyes are a lighter brown. Usually, Valkyrie wear a black cloak over a dark red top, and brown pants.
Personality: Valkyrie has a similar personality to Storm, letting the two work together rather easily. She is quick to act, rather curious and often gets into fights, and keeps her daggers sharp. However, she would rather sneak up behind someone and slit their throat, rather then openly challenge them. She is cynical most of the time, and can be found with a smirk on her face.
History: For the most, Valkyrie has led the average life of an elf. An elf who ended up meeting a White dragon and staying alive long enough to become relatively friendly with her. Valkyrie left her hometown at eighteen years of age, going out to see the world. Her town was near a ring-like mountain range, which dipped into the sea. Naturally, this was the first place Valkyrie went, and quickly came across Storm's den. Being a dragon, Storm toyed with her for a while, and Valkyrie kept her amused. This went on for a while until Valkyrie tried to leave, and Storm.. stormed. Valkyrie escaped, but her curiosity brought her back again.
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Name: Sophisyr Navatis [Soff-iss-eer Nav-at-iss]

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Sophisyr is relatively tall and well-built, with loose, shoulder-length hair the colour of wheat. He has dark green eyes, matching those of his Dragon, Krynemu. He usually wears a red shirt, storm grey trousers and brown leather boots, as well as a long, dark brown cloak and, around his neck, one of Krynemu's shed scales as a sort of a charm.

Personality: At first, Sophisyr seems rather lonely and thoughtful - well, to be honest he is. He never had any real friends other than his Dragon, Krynemu, and is rather... awkward around other humans and elves. Despite this, he is very wise and logical, solving problems with his mind rather than brute force. He is generally very calm, and rarely gets angry at others, and also very modest, preferring to divert praise to his dragon rather than himself.

History: Sophisyr was an orphan from birth. His father was killed for absolutely no reason by a Draconian a few weeks before his birth, and his mother died giving birth to him. He has been with Krynemu as long as he can remember, but the dragon says that she found the infant Sophisyr somewhere in the forest she lived in at the time. She, being overly kind, raised him, collected food for him - mostly just berries and other fruits - and taught him many things, but always under her human disguise. However, one day, when Sophisyr was about the age of twelve, he saw her in her true form as she slept, and almost immediately he vowed to be her rider. Having such a strong bond with the boy after so many years, Krynemu accepted, and since then they have been partners.


Name: Krynemu Meyaterga [Kree-nem-oo May-ah-tehr-gah]

Age: 498

Gender: Female

Species: Gold

Appearance: Krynemu stands at approximately 21 feet in height, towering over all but the tallest dragons. She is covered all over in tiny, shimmering golden scales which glitter day and night, creating a warm, glowing aura around her at all times. She has a long, arched neck with a tall, leathery, spiked ridge running down it, and her serpentine head is horned and many-whiskered. Her eyes, protected by thick, dark eyelids, are emerald green, creating quite a contrast to the rest of her body.

Krynemu's wings are hardly recognisable as that. They are huge, leathery and spiked, running all the way down her body, from her shoulders to the tip of her tail, which is longer than all the rest of her body. These wings, when spread out as far as possible, span 135 feet at their widest part, and due to their odd shape, from below or above would give her a vaguely triangular appearance. The underside of her body is a lighter, whitish gold, and composed of several wide, smooth plates. Krynemu dislikes fighting, and as such the claws on her feet are not particularly long or sharp, but can do a bit of damage if need be.

Personality: Krynemu is an extremely wise dragon. She loves spreading knowledge of the world to nearly everybody she meets, and sometimes even tells others of their future due to her supernatural power to see things which have not yet happened. She detests nothing more than those who kill, torture and destroy for personal gain, and has devoted the majority of her long life to fighting the forces of evil, but vows never to kill unless there is no other way.

She lives in a cave somewhere deep in a forest, and has carefully arranged several extremely reflective rocks and crystals in such a way that every dawn and dusk the sunlight shines all the way down to the deepest part of her cave, where she usually sleeps. She likes to collect works of art, and as such her home is some sort of gallery, full of beautiful paintings and interesting sculptures. Her favourite foods are rubies and emeralds, but she doesn't say no to a nice pearl or two.
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Name: Wolf.
Age: 22.
Gender: Male.
Race: Elven.
Appearance: Wolf is of an average height for his race. Aside from his fringe, he ties his long, golden-blonde hair back into a loose ponytail which falls down to the middle of his back. He sports a typically angular and elegant face. Of his own facial features, he considers his bright blue eyes his most atractive feature. He normally has what would be considered to be good posture and isn't at all unattractive, with a friendly, alluring smile.

Unlike most Elves, Wolf prefers to wear black clothing to camoflague himself against his dragon whilst riding. Tattered, fur-lined boots are his preferred footwear, especially whilst flying; he will walk bare foot if these become unwearable, however.

Personality: On the surface, Wolf is well mannered, friendly and enticing. He behaves well and it seems to take a lot to anger him. In reality, he's sly and demonic as a result of his childhood. He finds it difficult to relate to others; a loner. He's manipulative, dark and intelligent; a combination which is bad news for anyone who crosses his path as they end up being used and thrown away in the end. He's normally calm and collected but talks to people as though he is superior and can be pretty hostile.

When angry, he loses his usual sly attitude becoming animalistic in his rage. Once driven into this state, he tends to go beserk, making a blind rush at his opponent with only one intent, to hurt them.

He was born in a forest but was abandoned by his parents not long into his childhood due to several problems and complications. Being too young to fend for himself at the time, he nearly died. He was discovered by a pack of wolves; cunning, sly and majestic. Most of his personality comes from this. He abandoned his Elven name, instead taking the name of the animal that raised him. He is almost oblivious about the Draconians.

After meeting his dragon, he adopted some of their personality traits.

(If you're going to eat me for Mary-Sueishness I did put this through "The Universal Mary-Sue Limitus Test" and it came up as non-Mary-Sue.)

Name: Cil.
Age: 112.
Gender: Male.
Species: Black Dragon.
Appearance: Cil is nothing special when compared to another dragon of the same species. At 15 feet, he isn't dwarfed however, he is quite small in appearance, though this is because he is thin rather than short. He boasts an impressively large wingspan, almost reaching the maximum wingspan of a black dragon, enabling him to do impressive manouvers whilst in flight. He is constantly practising aerial tricks so as not to be caught off-guard in aerial combat.

He has extremely thick horns which border his head and draw attention to his head which bears fearsome, glaring eyesu. These are primarily used for scaring off attackers and for cleaning off tough bits of muck as opposed to impaling opponents. Despite this, they can still be used to injusre opponents as they extend way beyond his snout. He has particularly solid scales, which account for most of his weight, especially his extremely armoured underbelly. As his name would suggest, his scales are black. The ones on his underside are more of a black-silver colour though, due to being a different type.

He has a sail-like crest which extends right the way down his back, used for streamlining in both marshy environments and in the air. He has large, webbed feet with padded undersides, each armed with blade-like claws, which are used for traversing the swamplands. The large surface area and padding prevents immediate sinking in the thick, murky soup of the swamp.

Cil is a merciless fighter. He likes to use his acidic breath to weaken the protective coverings of creatures before slashing away brutally with his large feet. After killing prey and taking whatever he wanted from his victims, he will summon a plague of insects to consume the remainder of the body so as to leave no trace of even being in the area. Being able to create darkness, he can hide very well, often concealing his rider against his dark scales. Like his rider, he is sly, devious and cunning.

Much to his annoyance, his rider prefers to ride bareback, reducing the ammount of aerial stunts he can perform without beinging risk upon the rider.

A sarcastic and also manipulative individual, Cil and Wolf make a perfect team. In actuality, it was the dragon's idea that the pair joined together. Both are so scheming that whenever one tries to doublecross the other, the one doing the doublecrossing almost always seems to get outsmarted. Wolf is of particular interest to Cil, particularly his Elven background. Cil always wonders why Wolf isn't so namby-pamby and giggly as most other Elves. It is seemingly only the Elf's dark nature which keeps the dragon captivated but the pair, no matter how much they bicker, currently co-depend on each other.

Raised in a swamp, Cil was always a skinny individual. He was taught to be vicious and savage by his kin, and lived with them before going to travel the world briefly. He encountered Wolf whilst venturing through dense woodland and immediately tried to get away from the Elf. They went through a game of cat-and-mouse before Cil thought about using the Elf to attack humans from inside their own villages. He found Wolf stupid at first; completely abnormal. They eventually took to each other's ways. Cil hasn't returned to his Swamp since meeting Wolf as a rider would immediately be killed by the other Black Dragons.

(Yesyes, it's a lame application. Sorry. ;;)
Name: Achuak the not
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Life in a forest hasn't been easy on Achuak. He is short and has wiry muscle that doesn't help make him any more intimidating. He is heavily scarred around his legs and forearms, with a few marks from injuries all over his body. His feet, in particular, have been cut open and healed so much that they're more suitable for walking than shoes, but far from pretty.

Achuak is rather tanned from being outdoors so often, even in a forest, with a significantly lighter shade under his surprisingly well-made but worn clothing of various sizes. He has dark eyes and hair, and a short nose that nonetheless looks like it has been broken in the past and never properly fixed. He wears a smile that looks legitimately cheerful, but close-lipped so that his rather imperfect teeth aren't visible, though that's mainly because he's learned that tooth-showing is a sign of aggression. When angered, he does bare his teeth, revealing crooked and chipped and yellowed teeth that probably help him achieve the effect he's looking for.

He wears enchanted goggles made of glass and leather that keeps the chlorine from his eyes, sometimes wears a cloth over his mouth and nose, and always smells of urine.

Personality: Naturally, Achuak has little regard for anyone other than himself or his dragon. Or perhaps "his dragon" is inaccurate, seeing as she's the one who gives him commands rather than the other way around, and she's the one who sees him more as a pet or child than a master. He sees no problem lying or sweet-talking to get himself out of trouble or get what he wants, and disregards those he might betray. In turn, he doesn't fully trust anyone, not even the dragon that raised him, and keeps to himself unless he wants something from someone else.

He considers his treasures and his territory very important, not wanting anyone to even get near anything of his without his permission. This includes his only friend Kothar, unless he knows Kothar is using or hurting them. He can be very aggressive if people don't get away from his territory or belongings or if sweet-talking isn't working, and violently so. He doesn't really care about fighting, but when he gets angry, he really can't help it.

History: Named Growan upon birth for the vast forests the seers and diviners foresaw in his future, Achuak was never expected to be a normal child. He was often brought out to the forests even before he could walk, as the villagers knew that he would become something great, growing up in the forest. What they did not know was that Growan was going to grow up in the forest away from humans, or that they would be the ones to leave him there. They didn't realise they were intruding on a fierce green dragon's territory. They still didn't quite expect to die when the green dragon revealed itself and attacked them, thinking that Growan would definitely become great so naturally nothing would attack them.

The dragon Kothar Aryte, having slaughtered Growan's family and many of the other villagers, eyed the sole survivor with amusement. At the age of two, Growan was dressed in fine green cloths and had been valiantly protected with the villagers' lives, and she found this interesting. And when her eyes fell on the child, she decided to keep him. Amused by his clothing, she named him Achuak the not.

She raised him, teaching him the human language and all of the necessary skills for the forest. She taught him archery and dagger-fighting solely through verbal instruction, and in turn he discovered a defence against her deadly breath - pee. This was naturally not the easiest to use while fighting, but he got used to it - except for the blindness part, since he had to protect his eyes from the chlorine gas.

Occasionally killing humans to get their clothes and weapons and money proved immensely beneficial to Achuak, especially since he didn't need to buy anything. He was able to save up a hoard of gold coins with Kothar's help, and at sixteen years of age, he bought his prized possession - enchanted goggles that would protect his eyes from chlorine or any other kind of gas, and was impervious to any damage whatsoever.

Name: Kothar Aryte
Age: 94
Gender: Female
Species: Green Dragon

Appearance: Kothar is a massive dragon with dark green scales the colour of leaves, with a pale green underbelly and neck protected by smaller scales than her thick plates of green armour all over the rest of her body. Her long neck and tail are powerful and can greatly extend her reach, but neither are as deadly as her wicked claws or the fangs that line her jaws. Long, bony spines grow on her back, with a thin membrane between each. She has wings longer than she is tall, powered by nigh-unbreakable bones and thick muscles around her chest and wing-arm. Her wing membrane is surprisingly tough, and on the back there are small green scales like the one on her chest, protecting and strengthening them somewhat without reducing their mobility.

Her wings reveal many scars when one looks closely, the only place they are visible without interference of her scales. Had wing membranes not been so easy to heal compared to the rest of her skin, there would be even more and she'd likely be unable to fly.

Though not always clean, Kothar isn't plagued by any insects or other pests crawling around on or under her scales. The faint scent of chlorine often coming from all over her body explains this to the observant ones.

Personality: Like most green dragons, Kothar would probably be hated if anyone knew what she really was like. She hides it well, however, seeming polite and pleasant at all times, unlike Achuak, who only tries to be charming when he wants something. She lies easily without showing any outward signs of it. This is all made a little difficult by her cruel streak, which most don't know of that well.

Kothar loves the feeling she gets when she betrays someone, as if she's in power over them, and sometimes (though rarely) will do it for no good reason whatsoever. She has the same feeling when fighting, especially when winning, and when she can use dirty tricks that the other didn't expect to gain the upper hand. She won't sneakily steal something, but that's one of the few things she won't do. She will be willing to walk in, defeat everyone around a treasure, and take it, however. It's not stealing in that case - it's taking a prize.

History: Born nearly a century ago in a vast forest, Kothar quickly learned from her mother to become deceitful simply through example. She learned what was considered polite and kind in various societies and naturally took that to the next step. She also learned to love the rush of hunting and fighting, both verbally and physically, and she could make up stories to explain why she had done it, often portraying herself as the victim. She always took a trophy, though, and guarded it jealously. When she was no longer content with living in a portion of her mother's forest, she took all of her trophies and left, finding another forest and quickly marking out her territory. The only creatures not permitted there were other dragons and humanoids.

Kothar came across a group of humans travelling through her territory, all of them unaware of danger and disregarding their effects on the creatures that lived there. Among them was a little boy dressed in green, whom they all seemed dead set on protecting with their lives. She killed them, naturally, not even needing to use her chlorine breath to weaken them before lazily slaughtering them. She could easily have killed the child, too, but decided against it - she could use him, and he was young enough to be impressionable. She named him Achuak the not, inwardly snickering at her cleverness, and brought him back to her lair.

As Kothar did, Achuak learned from her example rather than what Kothar was trying to teach him. She'd hoped for someone she could use easily, but he learned to use others instead - though, somehow, he still thought of her as an authority figure and obeyed her. Most of the time, minus a phase he went through in his teenage years. He learned the essential survival skills well, even killing, though he was never interested in physically fighting her. He ran away from her a few times, to the human village, but always returned. Eventually they became good fighting partners - or at least, he became capable of not getting in her way, since she really didn't need him or any other human. He even found a way of surviving her chlorine breath, when they were outnumbered or lazy - he peed on a cloth and stuck it over his face. Apparently he could breathe through it but the chlorine wouldn't burn his insides when he did.

If we assume humans might be around five feet or more, the dragons shouldn't be too far from twice their height (or three times for some of the larger dragons). In the picture, the green dragon's leg is probably ten feet long. :| Unless the person's supposed to be maybe two feet tall?
Out of interest, what happens if we can't get other people to fill in the remaining roles? Will you cut the roles or cancel the whole roleplay?
You'll see when it comes to that. If it does, then someone already offered to play one of the other dragon/Rider pairs.
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