In the land of Okarthel, the balance between civilization and nature is a delicate thing. Stretches of vast wilderness stand between the pinpoints of light of the cities, deadly beasts and bandits wandering these wild forests, sweeping plains, and sucking swamps. But still civilization holds fast, slowly strengthening and spreading into the wilds. The two forces exist in fragile harmony, and have for as long as any can remember. This is thanks to six great God-Beasts, almost as old as the world itself, birthed from the primordial goddess Concordia as she died after creating the world, so say the old legends. Each of the God-Beasts represents an element of the world, set to protect that aspect.
The God of the Dogwood is the element of Wood, and the guardian of forests and plants. He is the patron of farmers and those who live a simple country life, and his festivals occur in fall, asking for a bountiful harvest. He is responsible for keeping the sky-touchingly tall trees of the ancient forests alive. He is known as a gentle, giving God-Beast, helping crops grow.
The Aspect of the Tide is the element of Water, and the guardian of the deepest seas and smallest ponds. She is prayed to and given offerings by sailors and fishermen, but also those wishing for rains. She is a temperamental God-Beast at times, and under her serene surface lies some of the most crushingly powerful forces on earth, but also capable of much kindness.
The Vixen of Embers is the element of Fire, and the trickster God-Beast. She is a flickering, laughing, mercurial God-Beast, incredibly playful, but also powerful when wronged. She represents the force of fire itself, but also the warmth of the sun. Her festivals occur in summer.
The Drumbeat of the Prairie is the element of Earth, and the most level of the God-Beasts. She hides nothing, always open and honest. She is mostly calm, but occasional upsets are said to cause earthquakes. She is the fertile earth, and also highly revered among farmers and mothers.
The Will of Iron is the element of Metal, and a great font of physical strength as well as intense loyalty to a cause. She is patron of those of battle for a cause, and those with a vow to not give up. She is also prayed to by those wishing to temper their bodies. Her image can be found in armouries and dojos all over.
The Spirit of Unity is the element of Spirit, most versatile of all elements and the very source of magic. She is a shy God-Beast, almost never appearing, be it in her physical form or in visions, only speaking when necessary. She is the patron of sorcerers and wizards, as well as scholars and writers.
But now, things are...changing. Crops won't grow, droughts are rampant, small earthquakes and forest fires springing up. There is word of a far-away forest growing dark and twisted, ancient trees warping and dying. Whispers speak a rumour that whatever is causing the corruption is located there, in the ancient Forest of Ardwin, which is not labelled on any map. The common people don't know what to do, and fear for their lives and cities.
But one voice speaks out with a way - calm and cure the God-Beasts, who must be corrupted or hurt if their powers are not working anymore. The woman who speaks this message seeks assistance, aiming to seek out the God-Beasts. She needs protectors and fighters, after all.
Dare you travel the dangerous wilds in search of a cure for the plagues of the land? It will be a most dangerous task, and not all will return alive...
-This is an RP 101 group. Look at it.
-You can apply as any humanoid non-immortal race, but I can veto it for any reason, so don't do anything dumb.
-I don't expect essays but a moderate length would be appreciated. As well as good spelling and so on.
-Keep the form as is. don't change, unbold, or modify it. Just add your info.
[B]Age:[/B] No kids. Whatever is a kid for your species. In fact, no young teens. If you're under whatever the equivalent of a human's 18 years is for you, then no.
[B]Species:[/B] See the rules.
[B]Job/"Class":[/B] Like if you were in D&D/a fantasy game. Fighter? Ranger? Wizard? etc. Also include other 'mundane' jobs you may have, like farmer or baker.
Magic-using characters will have ONE specialty normally. Usually this stems from one of the six God-Beasts, though disciples of Spirit are prone to more randomness in their magic. Older characters may have mastered more than one kind, as it takes a while to learn.
[B]Appearance:[/B] If a picture is not specifically of your character, then no. And link it, not post directly. If examples of your species's general appearance are needed, use "Other".
[B]Personality:[/B] May be PO, but please provide at least a few basic words about them.
-High Moon [Reva Miirik]
-Zora [reserve]
-Black Yoshi [Waylon Brom]
-Coroxn [Aollux Paldebaran]
-Windragon [Iosephus Raptis/reserve]
The God of the Dogwood is the element of Wood, and the guardian of forests and plants. He is the patron of farmers and those who live a simple country life, and his festivals occur in fall, asking for a bountiful harvest. He is responsible for keeping the sky-touchingly tall trees of the ancient forests alive. He is known as a gentle, giving God-Beast, helping crops grow.
The Aspect of the Tide is the element of Water, and the guardian of the deepest seas and smallest ponds. She is prayed to and given offerings by sailors and fishermen, but also those wishing for rains. She is a temperamental God-Beast at times, and under her serene surface lies some of the most crushingly powerful forces on earth, but also capable of much kindness.
The Vixen of Embers is the element of Fire, and the trickster God-Beast. She is a flickering, laughing, mercurial God-Beast, incredibly playful, but also powerful when wronged. She represents the force of fire itself, but also the warmth of the sun. Her festivals occur in summer.
The Drumbeat of the Prairie is the element of Earth, and the most level of the God-Beasts. She hides nothing, always open and honest. She is mostly calm, but occasional upsets are said to cause earthquakes. She is the fertile earth, and also highly revered among farmers and mothers.
The Will of Iron is the element of Metal, and a great font of physical strength as well as intense loyalty to a cause. She is patron of those of battle for a cause, and those with a vow to not give up. She is also prayed to by those wishing to temper their bodies. Her image can be found in armouries and dojos all over.
The Spirit of Unity is the element of Spirit, most versatile of all elements and the very source of magic. She is a shy God-Beast, almost never appearing, be it in her physical form or in visions, only speaking when necessary. She is the patron of sorcerers and wizards, as well as scholars and writers.
But now, things are...changing. Crops won't grow, droughts are rampant, small earthquakes and forest fires springing up. There is word of a far-away forest growing dark and twisted, ancient trees warping and dying. Whispers speak a rumour that whatever is causing the corruption is located there, in the ancient Forest of Ardwin, which is not labelled on any map. The common people don't know what to do, and fear for their lives and cities.
But one voice speaks out with a way - calm and cure the God-Beasts, who must be corrupted or hurt if their powers are not working anymore. The woman who speaks this message seeks assistance, aiming to seek out the God-Beasts. She needs protectors and fighters, after all.
Dare you travel the dangerous wilds in search of a cure for the plagues of the land? It will be a most dangerous task, and not all will return alive...
-This is an RP 101 group. Look at it.
-You can apply as any humanoid non-immortal race, but I can veto it for any reason, so don't do anything dumb.
-I don't expect essays but a moderate length would be appreciated. As well as good spelling and so on.
-Keep the form as is. don't change, unbold, or modify it. Just add your info.
[B]Age:[/B] No kids. Whatever is a kid for your species. In fact, no young teens. If you're under whatever the equivalent of a human's 18 years is for you, then no.
[B]Species:[/B] See the rules.
[B]Job/"Class":[/B] Like if you were in D&D/a fantasy game. Fighter? Ranger? Wizard? etc. Also include other 'mundane' jobs you may have, like farmer or baker.
Magic-using characters will have ONE specialty normally. Usually this stems from one of the six God-Beasts, though disciples of Spirit are prone to more randomness in their magic. Older characters may have mastered more than one kind, as it takes a while to learn.
[B]Appearance:[/B] If a picture is not specifically of your character, then no. And link it, not post directly. If examples of your species's general appearance are needed, use "Other".
[B]Personality:[/B] May be PO, but please provide at least a few basic words about them.
-High Moon [Reva Miirik]
-Zora [reserve]
-Black Yoshi [Waylon Brom]
-Coroxn [Aollux Paldebaran]
-Windragon [Iosephus Raptis/reserve]
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