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Opinions on Clowns

Professor Wesker

Fesh Pince of Blair
Seriously, am I the only person in the world who likes clowns? Lots of people think they're scary and annoying, and I partially agree with the annoying part at times, but I think they're entertaining and funny.

As a kid, I went to the circus quite a few times. There were all sorts of cool stuff, trained animals, stunt people, magicians, acrobats, but nothing really grabbed my attention like clowns did. I loved their silly, goofy antics and funny make-up. And this admiration carried on through my life: I loved eating at McDonalds because of Ronald McDonald. Kefka ranks in my list of favorite Final Fantasy characters (surpassed only by Garland, Auron, and Jehct). And Pennywise from It is one of my favorite fictional villains ever: he loves to screw around with the children native to Derry, and doesn't regret it at all, and had quite a few disturbing moments. And Tim Curry was hilarious as Pennywise in the semi-bad film. And Buggy the Clown from One Piece never fails to make me laugh. And Insane Clown Posse ranks as one of my absolute favorite bands of all time.

So, what opinions on clowns do you guys have?
I like clowns!
I have many wannabe-clown friends too... but I haven't seen too many professional clowns -- both times I've been to the circus have been really enjoyable though.
Being afraid of clowns is such a, er, thing, but I'm not sure how many people are really scared of (or just hate) clowns. ): Those poor clowns.
Clowns are okay, but I just don't like them myself. I'm not afraid of them, I just don't like them very much. Probably because I think their antics and such are somewhat stupid. That's probably why I don't enjoy the circus very much.
I like clowns!

I do have a friend, however, who is deadly afraid of them because she read Stephen King's It when she was like seven.

Your opinion is invalid.
I do have a friend, however, who is deadly afraid of them because she read Stephen King's It when she was like seven.

I got into a conversation with my mom a couple of months back, and somehow the subject of clowns came up and I told her that they didn't scare me. So, she went out and bought It for me to read. I haven't actually gotten around to it though.

Clowns are okay. I find creepy clowns to be more cool than anything.
Um. I watched the movie It (based on the book) when I was seven.

I haven't been able to stand being within sight of a clown ever since. I almost threw up from fear because there was a clown at my cousin's 3rd birthday party.

I no liek clowns. :[
I like clowns, but not because of the clowns themselves: the fact that so many people are scared of them is endlessly fascinating to me and when watching a good clown there's always the reaction of "This is all so bizarre and amusing..."

I guess the short way to put it would be I think clowns are funny because so many people think they're not.
as one who has never been to the circus because my mother is afraid of clowns, i'm not scared of them, i just see them the same since things like dark-woods-circus and the circus arc of kuroshitsuji. i also don't like the fixed grins. i like the sad looking ones.
It made me love clowns even more.

Clowns are hilarious, and I think its awesome that in Left 4 Dead 2 theres an achievement for honking clown's noses.
I don't think clowns are scary, but they are creepy if that makes any sense. I'm not worried some clown is going to stalk me with a chainsaw or anything laughing as they stalk with a unnatural smile on their face.... oh fuck....

Clowns are terrifying.
I don't think clowns are scary, but they are creepy if that makes any sense. I'm not worried some clown is going to stalk me with a chainsaw or anything laughing as they stalk with a unnatural smile on their face.... oh fuck....

Clowns are terrifying.

Like the clown from Stephen King's 'IT'? I liked him, he was awesome and funny :D (I'm just strange...) Clowns in general aren't funny though...they're just retarded people dressed in costumes. WHY DO YOU THINK THEY SPRAY THEMSELVES?
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