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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Other Forums

Go go gadget long list!

Serebiiforums: Umbreon-dana
Project: New World Forums: Ninjabait [Owner, it's about Pokemon, surprisingly]
Smogon: Ninjabait
RPG Maker VX: Ninjabait
Tales of the Drunken Paladin: Ninjabait [Account has not been used at all]
The Hax League: Ninjabait
TCoD: Umbreon-dana
deviantArt: KumoSenpuu
KoL: Ninjabait/Sealbait [Eh, I just play the game]
Kongregate: Ninjabait [Just play the games]
My Anime List: Ninjabait
Last.FM: Ninjabait
Pokerus: Ninjabait

Accounts that hath Died:
GTS+: UmbreonDana
Magivolve (Dead Forums): IceMage

And thousands of other accounts on miscellaneous forums that haven't even been validated yet. I think I have like twelve unvalidated GameFAQs accounts.

Yes, I do realize that I have no life.
I am registered on about 100 forums but only lurk on most of them, I post lots at a time dissapear for a few months then come back.
I'm not much of a forum person. The only forum where I'm anywhere near an "active poster" is Slime Salad, a game-making forum which mainly focuses on the OHRRPGCE (though a couple people have uploaded non-OHR games before, too.)

I also have an account on GameFAQs (rarely used anymore because I can't stand being on the GameFAQs forums for more than ten minutes or so at a time), Serebii forums (also rarely used), and Castle Paradox (another OHR forum, but unlike the other one I'm very inactive there; also, the site's down right now.)

I have accounts on a few more forums, too, but I don't remember them well enough to actually list them here, and most of them haven't been touched in years... so they're about as far from "active" as you can get.
I only go to one forum really other than this one (an RP forum) and I barely even check it because I forget. I've registered on a few others, but am inactive due to losing interest and not posting ever again.

These are pretty much the only forums I remember the existence often, and like to post in. I'm usually too lazy to go through the whole "getting to know the community" thing in other forums, but I know a lot of people here, so I just don't really bother with most. I don't really like to divide my attention between a lot of things, so I just stick with what I know.
I'm probably literally registered on more than 50 forums, but that's because I used to join every forum I ran into when I was just starting to spend more time on the Internet. I'm only active on four currently.

Here, durr hurr. :B
Nintendo City, which is getting lamer by the minute.
The Manly Party Forum, a forum made by people from Nintendo City so it would be less lame.
Muse Messageboards, for the band, which is probably where I'm most active at the moment.

And that's my life.
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