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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

assuming one of these cops is either lying scum or insane, and the other is sane (bc I don't want to believe in a world where both sets of results are not to be trusted):

kyeugh claims red on koko, vm claims green on koko and red on tbh


if koko yeeted and flips red -> kyeugh cleared+sane, vm implicated or insane, tbh cleared by extension of vm
if koko yeeted and flips green -> kyeugh implicated or insane, vm cleared+sane, tbh mafia by extension of vm
if vm yeeted and flips red -> tbh cleared, koko implicated, kyeugh cleared (sanity tbd based on koko's subsequent flip)
if vm yeeted and flips green -> nothing known (depends heavily on vm's sanity)
if kyeugh yeeted and flips red -> koko cleared, vm cleared+sane, tbh mafia by vm's check
if kyeugh yeeted and flips green -> nothing known (depends heavily on kyeugh's sanity)
if tbh yeeted and flips red -> vm cleared+sane, koko cleared by vm's check, kyeugh implicated or insane
if tbh yeeted and flips green -> vm implicated or insane, koko mafia by vm's check, kyeugh cleared+sane by extension of koko

if nobody's insane then koko/vm are aligned, kyeugh/tbh are aligned, and these pairs are anti-aligned
if somebody's insane then my brain hurts and I don't know how to solve the gordian knot so I'm ignoring this world for now

if koko is scum -> kyeugh is truthful, vm is lying or insane
if koko is villager -> kyeugh is lying or insane AND vm is probably still lying about being able to use two actions at once

I doubt the "both are lying" universe more so I'd rather yeet one of the koko/vm pair first to try to solve these four. and if we yeet the inforole-claiming member of either pair we risk learning nothing bc sanities if they flip green, so I'd rather yeet the non-inforole-claiming one of the pair

therefore, kokorico

(I was gonna wait for tbh's answer to my question about storm's claim, but then I thought it through and realized it's not relevant to this particular interaction. I would still like to hear it bc it is relevant to other interactions that I'm interested in)
last thoughts before bed

wolf!koko universe means at least one of koko/seshas was outgroup, OR seshas was willing to start a wagon on fellow ingroup scum as the Very First Wagon of the game

wolf!tbh universe means at least one of tbh/seshas was outgroup, OR tbh was willing to derail a wagon on a villager by starting a wagon on fellow ingroup scum

neither-are-wolves universe means either 1) vm is scum and picked a random real villager to claim green to seem plausible, and kyeugh is insane, OR 2) vm is the kind of insane that gets randomized results instead of inverted ones, and kyeugh is insane or scum

I think I have to make myself believe that at least one of seshas/{koko or tbh} was/is outgroup, because every other scenario is either too implausible or too bastard
wolf!koko universe means at least one of koko/seshas was outgroup, OR seshas was willing to start a wagon on fellow ingroup scum as the Very First Wagon of the game
meh, tbf seshas didn’t really make much of a case against koko. it could’ve been distancing that she was forced to stick with once she became the leading wagon and no other competition developed/her buddies bussed. i think she may have expected that the thread would move on; she wouldn’t have had much reason to anticipate someone else strongly advocating a koko wagon at that point. most of the argument about them being anti-aligned was from me, because i was leaning into the “seshas is v, therefore koko is w” angle since i couldn’t say that i had a red check. not impossible that one is outgroup, and maybe it’s even likely, but i don’t think it HAS to be the case.
lol i haven't read anything but i see that a lot has occurred?! sorry, have only just stopped my stream, hoping to get through a bit here before going to sleep

first thing:
@Despicable Meme @tbh² do either of you have a night action? if so, did you use it or abstain from using it on the night storm claims to have tracked you (n0 DM, n1 tbh)
yes we have a night action, yes we used it both nights, but it wouldn't come up in a tracking result - it's targetless tbh!
Hey gamers, Mewtini Griffin here, to catch up on ... (cough)
oh i never shared my role name huh. 's called sensei.
because ... you make ... ninjas ... HAHAHAHA omg. love
big hmmm at kyeugh's role and mine existing in the same setup
why tbh? if you have a bastard / insane cop role i think that it would make perfect sense.
as an aside i think that, on flavor, this quote sounds like it could very well be bastard tbh
Joking? You think I'm joking? My claim was 100% serious, and you know what? Having just consulted my role PM again... I see now that I also get the irl bank account details of all players in the mafia, starting on N1! Can't believe I missed that...
sidenote that i really like jack's inquisitiveness through all this, esp that flavor catch (like skylar, kind of nervous of putting too much stock into it, but i think it's a really good look for jack to have been thinking that way)
my latest read is VM seems town to me at least for now, unless VM is faking and is actually a vig which would making him a wildcard ( not mafiia nor pure town )
why do you think he would be vig??
I am a cop with an immunity to cult recruitment (I didn't want to say this because I'd rather the cult waste an action trying to recruit me)
is this the first time we've seen a repeated immunity tbh (rnp also claimed this in #39)
maybe this is a weird thing to be 🤔 about but it is interesting tbh
do you think it's possible that koko is town?
urgh, maybe? i'm not really following this mech stuff hahaha but
rari and i were like, really townreading koko on tone yesterDay because (i think i said this already but) the paranoia e had felt ~towny and i liked that e mentioned feeling anxious post acnh, that like. sort of earnest reflectiveness out of em reads town as opposed to the quieter meticulous/sort of detached persona e had in cats that made me SR em early on.
we also believe in the w/v read from the way seshas voted em ... there are two possibilities, right (btw, this spec is independent from the Revelations reached)
a) w/w, seshas was distancing from koko
b) w/v, seshas was feeling out the wagon/wanted to shade a villa
we (and especially rari) think that option a makes a lot less sense than option b just because of how out of the blue seshas' vote on koko came. like ... it definitely isn't impossible that they're w/w, but i think assuming that seshas thought that it wouldn't pick up speed / go unnoticed is a bit more out of the way than "seshas just wanted to fuck with a villager." especially considering that it came early in d1, before anyone would've known what thread climate looked like

tbh we're TRing em to the point that we're like. throwing around the idea of em being a miller or something :'D

anyway, i think we figured something out that explains the storm/skylar redirection circus.
also hi! missed SoD bc was busy drivin
jk i followed all laws of the road
quickthoughts about the Situation before i sleep (lol 5am): as keith/everyone else has pointed out, the fact that we can't multitask night actions does not look great at all for vm lol. and of course, from our pov, he's only town if he's insane cop - which is a possibility, but see the prev sentence. we wanna wait for koko to claim/talk so we have that information as well.

keeping our vote where it is because we think some pressure on hydreigon is ideal/don't want that discourse to get entirely washed away lmfao. feelsbad that we didn't get to the case today but ... tomorrow is another day ... !

ok here are my abridged thoughts

kyeugh's explanation of why she was tunnelling so hard on me certainly makes a good deal of sense in hindsight. so either she is telling the truth about her role, or it's a lie she's been masterfully planning from the beginning of the game

VM's claims certainly pinged me as weird as soon as I saw them, for exactly the same reason as everyone else - I also have both a main ability and a oneshot ability that I'm not allowed to use on the same night. the thing is, if that applies to everyone, I don't see how scum!VM could fail to have known it? which is... also weird

obviously I maintain that I am town and don't know how kyeugh got her redcheck on me, if that is what happened. but I mean, if we're assuming one or more people are insane, might as well also consider the possibility that I'm an undeclared miller. would not be overly surprised given the degree of bastardry in this game tbh

considering these two pieces of information in combination
* kyeugh claims her n0 check on raritini redirected to me
* VM claims his n0 check on me was not redirected
if both kyeugh + VM are telling the truth, Trebek's bus driver soft cannot explain what happened

i think of all the checks claimed so far (other than the ones on me), the one I believe least is red on raritini. she was my top townread yesterDay and hasn't really done anything to shake that. I also don't get why VM would have chosen to target a person near the top of several people's townpiles, rather than someone in more need of sorting (e.g. storm, jack, hydreigon)

I'm starting to forget stuff and my spreadsheet was really not designed to deal with redirectors (a mistake in hindsight) so I'm going to try to get it into a more intelligible format and see if I can divine anything else. back soon
i think of all the checks claimed so far (other than the ones on me), the one I believe least is red on raritini.
actually, scratch that, I don't think there have been any other checks claimed so far (although I still don't really believe the one on raritini)

@kyeugh who did you check n1?
assume VM is town

then the scumteam must be exactly seshas+rnp+h&m&f+{me or raritini depending on VM's sanity}+potentially one more

which I guess can't be fully disproven, but even if I were looking at it from outside I think it would be far from the most likely solution

for this reason I think I'm going VM for now
tbh we're TRing em to the point that we're like. throwing around the idea of em being a miller or something :'D
hmmmm. i think it’s actually impossible for koko to be town from your pov unless i’m insane. i won’t push on you too hard but i think you should really try and wrap your head around the mech stuff if you can.
considering these two pieces of information in combination
* kyeugh claims her n0 check on raritini redirected to me
* VM claims his n0 check on me was not redirected
if both kyeugh + VM are telling the truth, Trebek's bus driver soft cannot explain what happened
i’m not convinced vm actually checked you, but strictly speaking, i’m not sure i follow this. if the redirector rerouted actions on mewtini into you, then this is the expected outcome.
@kyeugh who did you check n1?
jack, but i was blocked.
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