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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

The explanation is that through analyzing people's bank details, I can look for any suspicious transactions connected to the criminal underworld

I can also look at someone's bank statements to see if they sent or received money on a certain day (the motion detector power)
i was told that you can only use either one-shots or your normal night ability, yet you say you simultaneously got a greencheck on koko AND motion detected DM?
answer to that. flounder. try to wriggle out of your pathetic web of lies. say that yours is different, i dare you
The explanation is that through analyzing people's bank details, I can look for any suspicious transactions connected to the criminal underworld

I can also look at someone's bank statements to see if they sent or received money on a certain day (the motion detector power)
ok! here we go

my quote is
oh, i don’t think so. i’m not falling for the old “give a tcod person my bank information” trick again.

I thought since these quotes were riffing off each other in TVTMafia, they might be related to each other in this game. so I was trying to fish for whether your flavor/powers might be related to mine in some way, but that does not seem to be the case

however, my passive immunity (as I claimed yesterDay) is to being recruited by mafia, and my flavor specifically connects this with the fact that I have not given someone my bank information

if you're telling the truth about your flavor quote, my gutread is that either you're mafia (and thus Mawile chose to make our flavor quotes align by making me immune to being recruited by your faction [regardless of whether such a recruiting power exists at all]) OR our flavors were written completely independently and Mawile didn't think to link them
this was the case with me as well, i have to choose one OR the other. i'd be curious to hear if anyone else has the option to do both.
I do not have the option to do both, but that's natural as a result of the fact that mine are mutually exclusive, so I had not thought to consider whether other people did or did not have the option to do both simultaneously
hmmmmm. i want to say jack v for this.

i'm not sure i'm particularly convinced by the flavor association thing, just because i'm a bit uneasy about making reads based on that, but i don't fault jack for running with it.

i am somewhat more alarmed by rnp's observation about the one-shot action/regular action being mutually exclusive, because the only possibility in my mind that he's town is that he's an insane cop, but if he's lying about his check on someone i got a redcheck on, well... (for the record, i'm pretty sure that if one of us is insane here, it's him, because koko w/tbh² v makes much more sense to me than the other way around.)

as far as i can tell, koko is a wolf if vm is town (bc he's insane), and e's a wolf if he isn't (because my check is still real, and his was to cover for a partner), so i think my vote is exactly where it should be.
okay so this might be even more relevant now - I tracked hydreigon last night, but my result was. not hydreigon at all, but tbh² and I sure would like an explanation of what happened there!

(for what it's worth, they did not appear to target anyone)
if tbh and hydre were somehow swapped last night that is very relevant information.
I tracked despicable meme, who also didn't target anyone! this would have been very uneventful if not for getting results from someone completely different
ftr we didn't target anyone but i thought rnp's action would have made up untrackable n0?
@Despicable Meme @tbh² do either of you have a night action? if so, did you use it or abstain from using it on the night storm claims to have tracked you (n0 DM, n1 tbh)

I may be going somewhere with this depending on the replies I get, not sure yet
we do and we didn't use it

these vm vibes are atrocious (and rnp's note really tipped me over to vote here) and i'm pretty sure hydre and vm are w/w but i'm ok with just the vm yeet today
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