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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

so I am unfortunately not an expert also what vm/hydre thing I'm stupid
iso hydreigon's most recent posts. there was some talk about how vm/hydreigon are likely aligned since hydreigon has been devoting most of their posting to townreading vm for ?reasons? (i will add that this comes after they found him 'suspect' d1, for a post in d2, and then flipped)
eg this post
i was really straining myself to give hydreigon the benefit of the doubt up until now, but i feel like these recent posts align them with vm pretty much for sure, and i'm getting the impression they've got some kind of out-of-thread communication since their talking points seem to be somewhat in line.

do you think that this is valid, and what would you read into it given however you feel about vm

that was just me saying that i think they're w/w and vm orchestrated the lie detector thing as scum theatre right as hydre was getting heat. and came in w a redcheck on tbh too
oh lmfao! skylar and i already sort of implied that as well tbh, i didn't think that's what you were hinting at because i'd mentioned it in here a bit earlier
i'll shut up about vm after this probably but i was thinking that big-gambit play seemed ~town for him because of the vig thing in cats but now i'm thinking that maybe it's NAI because he did make some level of big plays in tvt even though he was lurkier on the whole, i'll have to rethink about the ramifications though because i do think it's sort of ?! for mafia to come out of the gate with fakechecks - one of them on someone getting townread - when his flip would immediately implicate his greencheck

i am interested in hearing from him on what about a (skylar/me w/w team making an insane cop gambit, in the process entertaining that he could be town, and willingly voting away from VM despite being able to just coast on the counterclaim) makes him view us as scum, or why he thinks that's "exactly something" that i would do given my wolf games and meta. i know that maybe i'm biased since i am me, but i really don't see it in my scum appearances so far


I'll read over it in a little bit
lmk what you think, i'm sort of afraid of tunneling hydreigon but i think i'll actually get the chance to start looking at them in a few hours now that This Thing has blown over a bit for now. definitely want to talk about it with you then

Vote History:
JackPK voted Hydreigon25 (#933)
tbh^2 voted Hydreigon25 (#941)
Despicable Meme voted Hydreigon25 (#970)
kyeugh voted Hydreigon25 (#979)
RedneckPhoenix voted Hydreigon25 (#981)
Vipera Magnifica voted tbh^2 (#999)
Mist1422 voted tbh^2 (#1004)
JackPK voted tbh^2 (#1006)
JackPK voted Hydreigon25 (#1022)
kyeugh voted Vipera Magnifica (#1025)
Mist1422 voted nobody (#1027)
kyeugh voted kokorico (#1036)
RedneckPhoenix voted kokorico (#1038)
JackPK voted nobody (#1041)
RedneckPhoenix voted Vipera Magnifica (#1071)
Despicable Meme voted Vipera Magnifica (#1076)
JackPK voted kokorico (#1102)
Despicable Meme voted kokorico (#1103)
RedneckPhoenix voted kokorico (#1104)
kokorico voted Vipera Magnifica (#1119)
Mist1422 voted Vipera Magnifica (#1121)
Vipera Magnifica voted kyeugh (#1125)
RedneckPhoenix voted Vipera Magnifica (#1129)
kyeugh voted Vipera Magnifica (#1132)
Mist1422 voted Vipera Magnifica (#1135)
Despicable Meme voted Vipera Magnifica (#1190)
tbh^2 voted Vipera Magnifica (#1210)
kyeugh voted kokorico (#1246)
tbh^2 voted kokorico (#1250)
RedneckPhoenix voted Vipera Magnifica (#1253)

Active Votes (+ post numbers):
JackPK voted kokorico (#1102)
kokorico voted Vipera Magnifica (#1119)
Vipera Magnifica voted kyeugh (#1125)
Mist1422 voted Vipera Magnifica (#1135)
Despicable Meme voted Vipera Magnifica (#1190)
kyeugh voted kokorico (#1246)
tbh^2 voted kokorico (#1250)
RedneckPhoenix voted Vipera Magnifica (#1253)

Vote Count:
Vipera Magnifica (4): kokorico (#1119), Mist1422 (#1135), Despicable Meme (#1190), RedneckPhoenix (#1253)
kokorico (3): JackPK (#1102), kyeugh (#1246), tbh^2 (#1250)
kyeugh (1): Vipera Magnifica (#1125)
(Nonvoters: Keldeo, storm, IndigoEmmy, Trebek, Butterfree, Seshas, Hydreigon25)
whoops forgot to cross off Trebek and Seshas from nonvoters cause they're dead
jack i am v curious to hear about your thoughts on everything too
ty for cranking up raritini's reaction score tbh
For what it's worth i didn't write VM off completely ( i still suspect him but I've been taking a wait & see approach ) before determine if VM was actually town or mafia )
jack i am v curious to hear about your thoughts on everything too
ty for cranking up raritini's reaction score tbh
my thoughts basically haven't changed from what I've said earlier? koko is the yeet that gets us the most guaranteed info, vm is probably fakeclaiming mafia but possibly insane cop, hydreigon probably w/w with vm

if koko flips red -> vig should kill hydreigon; doctor should heal kyeugh; kyeugh should witness vm; this gives us the best information to judge whether vm is mafia or insane cop for purposes of the next day's yeet

if koko flips green -> vig should kill tbh; doctor should heal vm; vm should inspect kyeugh; this gives us the best information to judge whether kyeugh is mafia or insane witness for purposes of the next day's yeet

if vm flips red -> vig should kill koko; doctor should kill kyeugh; koko's flip should allow us to judge kyeugh's sanity

if vm flips green -> no immediate useful information, but then IF vig kills tbh, this should in theory determine kyeugh's sanity, but that's two dead villagers where every other scenario gets us only one dead villager
if vm flips green -> no immediate useful information, but then IF vig kills tbh, this should in theory determine kyeugh's sanity, but that's two dead villagers where every other scenario gets us only one dead villager
*potentially two dead villagers, rather
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