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Hey, I agree Hydreigon changing their post styling would help with accessibility, but this and some of the things you said to VM have made me a little uncomfortable. :(don't fucking tell me what to do you font-changing scum
attn: @Boquisetbh I didn't think tbh seemed scummy at all tbh, but tbh I wanted to know if tbh was town for sure in case I was getting pocketed so that's why I targeted them last night tbh
doctor should kill kyeugh![]()
It occurs to me that I can probably trace my fear of this specific thing happening in any vaguely shenanigansy game to the wonderful Third-Party Party MFia from like two years ago.and won't like... kill him or something when he tries to use the ability again?
Collecting a loose end I forgot to - Mist, can you elaborate on whether you think this could still help given Jack's worlds laid out in #1316?If we want to go with the Potentially Boring Option we could always yeet Hydre and use my role to resolve the VM/kyeugh situation
I think my role PM might imply that aliens exist even if the alien conversion thing isn't real. We seem to be missing the n0 scum kill, and possibly multiple further kills assuming the existence of a vig, so I'm worried that VM's extremely bold claim might be an alien move?
VM being a terrorist would be like, snakes on a plane... snakewhistling on a plane... bro...If he's a terrorist,