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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

Vote History (all non-valid/overwritten votes crossed out):
Seshas voted kokorico (#192)
kyeugh voted kokorico (#234)
Mist1422 voted Mawile (#313)
Seshas voted Mawile (#315)
Despicable Meme voted Mawile (#401)
storm voted Mawile (#409)
RedneckPhoenix voted RedneckPhoenix (#416)
RedneckPhoenix voted JackPK (#420)
tbh^2 voted Seshas (#436)

RedneckPhoenix voted tbh^2 (#437)
Despicable Meme voted Seshas (#550)
JackPK voted Seshas (#601)
Despicable Meme voted Hydreigon25 (#660)
Despicable Meme voted Seshas (#670)
Trebek voted Seshas (#679)

Vipera Magnifica voted Seshas (#686)
kokorico voted Seshas (#737)
Mist1422 voted kokorico (#794)
Vipera Magnifica voted Despicable Meme (#819)

Butterfree voted Despicable Meme (#873)
kyeugh voted RedneckPhoenix (#882)

Butterfree voted RedneckPhoenix (#900)
tbh^2 unvoted (#911)
kyeugh voted kokorico (#917)

Vote Count:

Seshas (4): JackPK, Despicable Meme, Trebek, kokorico
kokorico (3): Seshas, Mist1422, kyeugh
Despicable Meme (1): Vipera Magnifica
RedneckPhoenix (1): Butterfree
tbh^2 (1): RedneckPhoenix

If your most recent vote is incorrect, PM me in the next 15 minutes.
End of Day 1

The town comes together after a long night of nobody dying. Much debate occurs over the potential existence of a cult lurking in the town, but nobody has any truly conclusive evidence.

The debate continues over the full course of the day, and eventually a few groups of voters are formed. One group of people is exceptionally and vocally suspicious of the espurr Seshas, who can do little more than meow by the end of the day. The other main group of people is suspicious of the local chicken kokorico, but ultimately the town determines that they are ever-so-slightly more suspicious of poor Seshas.

The town unceremonously rifles through Seshas' pockets for a key to her house, before hoisting her up on their shoulders and tossing her straight into the Hell Pit. Her meows grow fainter and fainter, before a small splash is heard at the bottom.

One of the townspeople unlocks her house using the small golden key, revealing a plethora of ...burned and broken stuff? She must have been trying to cover her tracks. Almost everything on paper was burned, her cell phone smashed, and her computer's SSD gone.

What she forgot to burn at the last second, though, was a business card for the local Subway, with a note scribbled on the back: "Use the thumbprint scanner behind the framed poster to get into the mafia lounge room."

Seshas is dead. She was mafia.
Night 1 begins now, and will last 24 hours, until 5pm Pacific on July 23rd/midnight UTC on July 24th.

The sun slowly rises again over the quiet little town. As per usual, some people wake up earlier than others, and they slowly gather in the main square. A small sign featuring Seshas' face crossed out with a bright red X is hammered into the ground nearby. They quietly whisper among themselves about the events of yesterday, and how the first person to die in the town just happened to be someone hoping for their destruction.

Meanwhile, the mayor gazes proudly into the Hell Pit. Someone walks up to him and tries to ask how he managed to dig a hole that deep so quickly, and the mayor responds, "technology is incredible." That's, uh, not really a response, but okay. The mayor also goes on for a while about a "vote-counting script" or something like that, but nobody really listens and it doesn't really matter to the townspeople.

The townspeople begin to get antsy as one of their own doesn't show up. The mayor does a head count and figures out that, indeed, somebody is missing. Trebek isn't present.

The townspeople search his car first, and didn't find him there, but somebody pockets some spare change that he had in the cup holder. Someone busts open his door, and the townspeople rush to find him, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Upstairs, a scream rings out. More people rush upstairs, only to find his body practically torn to shreds. Knowing they've found him dead, people inspect the rest of his belongings, and nothing incriminating comes up.

Day 2 has begun. Trebek has died. He was not mafia.
Day 2 will end in 48 hours, at 5pm Pacific on July 25th and midnight UTC on July 26th.

N0 - Nobody died.
D1 - Seshas has died. She was mafia.
N1 - Trebek has died. He was not mafia.

prewritten longpost analyzing seshas interactions, apologies in advance if and when any part of this becomes irrelevant due to kills announced at the start of the Day

prefacing this to say when I was scum in Tarot I went out of my way to pepper my scummates at random points throughout my readlists, so I don't necessarily think there's any value in looking at who's grouped together as high TRs here. still, collecting them for reference's sake

[RedneckPhoenix/Despicable Meme]

[tbh²] (note: aaaaaaaaaaa)

[Everyone else probably}
[tbh²] (note: aaaaaaaaaaa)
i thought you were reading him as cultist or something?
and is wooloo tier like, extra vibing, or is it just about you thinking that rnp/hmf are aligned
I'm reading Trebek as cultist but I don't think he's a wolf pending some mechanics working the way I think they do
Wooloo tier is: I townread these and I'm moderately confident
I have an aligned read on RNP/HMF and HMF has been moderately towny thus far
[Trebek] - Cool

[kyeugh/Hydreigon25] - Wooloo
[Despicable Meme/RedneckPhoenix]

[tbh²] - Weh

[Butterfree/storm] - Noot
[Keldeo/Vipera Magnifica/IndigoEmmy]

I wouldn't go too deep into the wolf tracker/watcher mechspec
sometimes hosts (read: me) put roles like that in just to be pure negative utility
just noting this for now, idk whether it's worth thinking hard about or not

what if I harclaimed wolf right now, but said that you shouldn't vote me because it will give more time for the cult to grow.
I guess I gotta retract that wolfclaim then
lmao the openwolfing

(also sorry for tarot mafia, seshas! it was very much a guilty victory. being scum was hard)
This is me to every townie in every wolf game tbh

ok so for my analysis of Seshas' interactions with other folks, let me structure it like a tier list


the past 2 games I talked to mewt in they were wolf
the past 1 game I talked to rari in they were wolf
so now I'm scared of pocket
NAI but leaving it here for amusement

can you guys explain your seshas read?
our seshas reads are very similar – so similar, in fact, that i am going to quote what mewt sent me about her seshasthoughts and work from there:
mewtini said:
on seshas, i'm oscillating a bit because there are a few posts of hers that i liked/struck me as being vaguely towny / being in her tarot meta ... like her starting out being afraid to read us/getting pocketed by us in 23 but later getting off of the hedge in 245, somewhat. also her voicing that she was afraid of getting storm pocketed again in 154 felt good in the moment

on the other hand i think that that's all pretty much fakeable as any alignment (especially for seshas, who iirc has said that she channels town as wolf, and is also just a good enough player to make any of these comments 'offhand'). it bothers me a lot that she seems so handwavey about the cultspec - i think it's one thing to feel like the cult thing is a hoax (mist said as much and i actually liked that comment) but it's another to acknowledge it and be like, shrug, when aiui it would actually be worthwhile to at least /think/ about it if you are town and find it a possibility. i think it's not really a great look for seshas to be so nonchalant about it, especially when mafia likely have less reason to care about a cult since the existence of such would fuck up the town wincon and when mafia passively kill cult recruiters. relatedly, her attitude wrt trebek kind of threw me a bit as well (in that she was actively reading him as a cultist, but was all but happy to let him vibe, before later actively TRing him)

also i was initially fine with her vote on koko because i think tcodf could stand to start the voting phase a bit earlier, but on reread i'm like. kind of eh about it and think it was a potentially-agendaed vote. iirc koko wasn't really the only, or even the main, person pushing cultspec and seshas pointing out koko "rushing" a stance on things ... felt like seshas rushing a stance/vote in and of itself

besides everything that mewt addressed above, there are also a couple of posts of hers that can definitely be read as LAMIST; the first being 21, where she talks about randing town five times in a row (the fifth would be this present game – this is admittedly a bit of a weak evidence, but it adds to the picture) and the second being 305, quoted here fully:
I am immune to any actions that would cause me to be unable to target any players on the same team as me, which would be >rand a mafia role because the vast majority of mafia roles don't benefit from targeting their teammates
if it is not clear, our point is that making a post solely to talk about how wolfy one’s role is is nothing but LAMIST.

what i differ in my seshasread is that i don’t give much credit to the towntells that mewt pointed out in the first paragraph because i believe that wouldn’t be hard for seshas to fake – the tier title was very accurate this time when i named it marked for deletion. still, we both agree that seshas is a very decent counterwagon and a good place to put a bit of pressure on at this time of the Day.

- rari
for context, this was the very first vote on Seshas. I like this a lot and I think it looks very good for tbh2. this doesn't feel like a wolf-distancing-from-wolf to me at all. this clinches tbh as part of my towncore

seshas v, she's still trying to solve i think?!
unvote and maybe i'll figure out where to go in a min
seshas fuck it
- rari
(that last one made it in just after the cutoff)

these seem fine, like villager having last-minute doubts/regrets. honestly in character

tfw you have a passive that would would be great if your role wasn't total crap
hmm, from this I can I infer you also have a bizarre non-action trait in addition to your "normal" role?
maybe so but at least imo ... i don't really see the benefit in talking too much about PRs, shenanigans or not, tbqh
eh, fair enough. tbh I wasn't planning to say anything in the first place, just got overexcited and jumped on what seshas said in a pattern-matchy sort of way!

(though I see that since I started replying to this everyone else has started talking about PRs too, so, uh. sorry.)
this is probably not too much of an indicator but feels somewhat towny to me; I can more easily believe koko as townie eagerly jumping aboard a pattern-matching train, rather than koko as scum working together with Seshas to try to set up a pattern to bait town to reply (especially when this is not a pattern that would be helpful for scum to find out whether it exists among town)

koko and jack are in the tier where I'm vibing with them but I don't know why so probably actually more likely to be wolves
citation: the tier containing literally [Trebek/Jack/Stryke] in Tarot
and this post just oozes "trying to seed doubt in town's mind so they don't trust their townreads" lmao

I feel like he's rushing a stance on the cultist thing for the purpose of taking one, instead of proceeding in good faith
and I think this pretty close to clears koko? I don't see a world in which Seshas/koko are w/w and do a wolf theater fight that ends with both of them being the primary wagons of the day

(this is also the first vote of the game, and I don't generally believe wolves are likely to start the game's first wagon on fellow wolves and leave their vote there for the entire day)

I'm going to back of from koko because I found myself unable to reevaluate properly which is probably a bad thing
not as in I'm going to stop wolf-reading him but as in I'm going to stop mentally pointing out why every post he makes is wolfy because it's probably wrong
feels to me like backpedaling to avoid getting sussed if koko dies and flips inno, but still trying to seed doubt in town's mind

as far as the votes go, to nobody's surprise, I guess I'm going for Seshas

the discussion about her cult opinions went a bit over my head, but I get the gist where mewt and H&M&F are coming from and I still don't think we ever found out why she wanted to vote for me in the first place. plus it's not as if there are any other wagons anyway.

i am probably around until eod if anyone has questions for me.
at this point the wagons were 5 Seshas-2 koko-1 tbh so this is not really indicative one way or the other, just including it for posterity

RNP/HMF is w/w theater if and only if RNP is falsifying his role, which seems unlikely unless he put a large amount of foresight into it or something
v/w would resolve at EoD
w/v just
doesn't make sense, can't you wait until later then yoink someone's full role

so RNP and HMF are probably aligned for now
noting this but not sure what (if anything) is worth gleaning from it

seshas is... acting really weird? it's hard to say what that means alignment-wise, especially being that we notoriously haven't seen seshas' wolfgame yet. maybe we should keep seshas alive for science
I think this is the first time someone sussed Seshas' tone, so this helps me townread DM

mmmmmmmm i don't like this post
this is probably a direct response to tbh2's critique of him, but tbh2 made that critique in the same longpost as their critique/vote on Seshas, so I'm including it here for prudence's sake even though it may not necessarily be relevant

the seshas read, right? I apologize for not following up on the aforementioned suspicion earlier, I just completely forgot I'd mentioned it in public- but ahem. while I don't think her tone is much any different from previous games, I do think that, back in tarot where I last engaged with non-tvt-seshas, what she'd say was like, about half explained and sometimes too eager to read some things as scummy, but all made sense if thought was given. here, though, all of her cultspec (and subsequent mobspec based on other people's cultspec) came across at best like someone who's never played against a cult in their entire life, and I have a linger suspicion that seshas isn't such a person. willful ignorance is, to me, a fair bit more damning than this mystical change of tone with alignment that everyone expects and not all players will have. that said, there are quite a few more posts to work with now, so, I believe I will ISO and see if I come out of it with anything more firmly built
this looks good for DM, I don't think this is a read they make on their scumpartner if they're scum

roly mose, EoD is so close

welp, parking on Seshas; I feel like it's both a solid wagon for scumread reasons and for science reasons (which, lbr, is about as good as it gets on D1)
also looks good for DM; this vote brought the wagons to a tie at 2 koko-2 Seshas-1 tbh

(for clarity, to sum up and cap off my reads in this folder, I see Despicable Meme as towncore and my read on RNP is mostly just towny-by-association working off the premise that DM and RNP are aligned)

somewhat towny

Trebek gives off severe cultist vibes
maybe not mafia? depends on if claims shake out the way I'm thinking
honestly my hot take is that like

every role has some like "immune to cultification" type thing like RNP's has

but then none of those actually exist in the game and we're all just like umm wheres the cult
This just
feels like the exact thing a cultist would say
[tbh²] (note: aaaaaaaaaaa)
i thought you were reading him as cultist or something?
I'm reading Trebek as cultist but I don't think he's a wolf pending some mechanics working the way I think they do
All this cultist talk (which Seshas was kind of singlehandedly pushing and no one else was biting) kinda just feels to me like randomly throwing shade at the wall to see what sticks and what doesn't? So this makes me lightly townread Trebek

also that last one in retrospect feels like it might have been backpedaling, like "oh I forgot I was trying to get town to suss him"

Trebek villager tbh
His tone just feels villagery, and unlike Tarot
This extends to probably not cult leader?
maybe feels like an attempt to subtly backpedal after cult leader accusations didn't stick

@Seshas can you elaborate on your Trebek progression for me, and how you're viewing the possibility of cult at this time?
I think the cults at this point in time are probably not real, since we found that our singular piece of evidence for a cult existing is untrustworthy anyways
Trebek I thought originally that "this is something a cultist would totally do, and it seems slightly awkward" and not that "town is unlikely to do this" and then I liked their tone and how they talked about the ability format in an uninformed way
again, feels like a backpedal

i think after mulling over it i am going to side with the seshas wagon? idk how much i like how HMF has been acting about it, as skylar has mentioned earlier, but i think i still want to vote here? idk. i just sorta have weird vibes regarding seshas’s progression on me tbh
at this point the wagons were 3 Seshas-2 koko-1 tbh so this is not really indicative one way or the other, just including it for posterity

no thoughts/NAI

also I swear I'm not going to be pocketed by storm again
I think storm is lightly wolfy if kokorico is town
I have an obligation to not explain this read
Soft townread on storm for tone?
I feel like this is exactly what I did in Tarot
I'm still really uncertain about reads in general, but what's been said about seshas seeming more confused than is warranted given her experience strikes me as the most... valid? firm? seeming reason for a vote, so I suppose that's what I'm leaning towards?

tho also my brain is currently kind of mush as weather is still Ongoing and I bet out of spite it won't abate and take my headache with it until past end of day, and the like. Greater Seshas Meta Read going on rn is essentially a vortex that eats my thoughts whenever I try to look at it
leaving these here, not sure how to read them yet

Butterfree is slightly vibing I guess? Wouldn't go there on D1
tough to read but included for posterity

I continue to be keldeo-paranoid
I haven't picked up a good vibe from them but that's probably because I haven't been paying attention to thread
tough to read but included for posterity


Partial miller claim is probably NAI, I'm not sure what the first would be other than a straight anonymous message?
I have decided that a mindmeld with mist on the RNP read is a bad reason to TR him
I'm kind of eh on VM tbh
maybe NAI but leaving these here anyway for posterity

I might as well claim now?
I am RNP's sandwich quote, can give a sandwich each night to a player which provides a notification
and once per game I can protect someone and die in their place if they're attacked
N0 Mist
I might as well claim now?
I am RNP's sandwich quote, can give a sandwich each night to a player which provides a notification
and once per game I can protect someone and die in their place if they're attacked
confirming the sandwich tbh

not letting seshas go over sorry
either Seshas/Mist are w/w or Seshas is telling the truth about her sandwich thing and using it to pocket Mist

(at the time of that vote, wagons were 6 Seshas-2 koko-1 tbh)

prefacing this by saying I really don't know how to read kyeugh, all of her interactions with Seshas seem really teammatey/scummy, but outside of Seshas interactions she feels really towny to me? so this section is mostly gonna be me dumping quotes of her Seshas interactions and being unable to analyze them

the biggest piece of evidence that makes me doubt my read and think kyeugh may be town after all is that she was the first one to quote the town wincon, but as others have said, that's not foolproof. also I think I've seen softs from her that she's an important power role (which I won't ID here so as not to give it away to the mafia if she's not mafia), but which could be equally easily read as her openwolfing. so, shrug, she is the most difficult for me to read. I don't want to yeet her immediately but if some of my other scumreads turn out accurate, I will trust myself more and be more inclined to want to yeet her
Oh yeah, kyeugh has posted a significant amount and I don't remember anything they said?
lean villa
inb4 randed alien
seshas is... acting really weird? it's hard to say what that means alignment-wise, especially being that we notoriously haven't seen seshas' wolfgame yet. maybe we should keep seshas alive for science
I'm fairly sure this has been brought up in every game except TvT
now all that's left is for mewt and kyeugh to start a wagon on me
ah, tempting...

i disagree that seshas is acting weird. in fact, i’m vibing. kokorico
hmmm, ok. i like those thoughts even if i don’t quite agree.

i kind of like the idea of competing seshas/koko wagons because i believe they’re probably anti-aligned. do you think they could be v/v or w/w?
(this is a response to tbh2's longpost sussing/voting against Seshas)
If tbh is V, I trust them on this read
if tbh is W, this isn't the type of read they'd make on a teammate
conclusion: kyeugh is V
based on my own experience as scum in Tarot, leaning on other people's reads is an excellent way to look solvey without having to come up with villa!yourself's ideas. this could be either Seshas taking advantage of an easy way to clear teammate!kyeugh or just seeing villager!kyeugh as a reasonable towncore person to help make their reads more plausible. so unfortunately it's probably not indicative

i'm not really sure i see what the problem with seshas's cult spec is. can you guys point to specific posts?
yeah. (to be clear, my issue is that i think she seems really unbothered or disengaged about it / i think that total ambivalence doesn't read town to me)
genuine q. is cultspec like. important? i'm assuming so considering that a cursory google implies that recruited cultists lose town powers lol ...
my strategy w/r/t cultists is hide in a corner and hope they go away
I feel like he's rushing a stance on the cultist thing for the purpose of taking one, instead of proceeding in good faith
when koko was exercising like, ~understandable cult paranoia, while imo proceeding in 'good faith' on what e thought was an early trebek read (even if i disagreed)
I kinda get the thing of sussing Trebek for what he said about cultification, but it seems a tad weak to me. It's exactly the sort of joking around that several people, me included, have already been doing about the setup. If you're going to read him as a cultist for that, why not also read me as someone who causes eight nightkills at once and then brings two and a half of them back to life over the course of the day? Hell, I could equally say that Seshas seems culty for trying to pin the blame on Trebek.

If there is a cult (and despite the joking, I do think it's more likely than not - useless roles can be amusing but I'm sure Mawile has better ways to troll us) I agree with kyeugh that getting rid of them should be our first priority, as they're only going to get more powerful over the course of the game.
I think my stance on cults is that I'm salty I can no longer lean on my townbloc
while seeming loosely concerned about the cult vs. mafia thing and not really doing anything about it?
There's seriously a chance that there's no mafia and just a cult this game
that would explain the lack of a N0 kill
i'm having trouble seeing this stuff as scummy. i guess i don't really understand what your bar for sufficiently "bothered" or "engaged" is—these posts read to me like seshas is actually quite open to and concerned about the prospect of a cult. what would you have rather seen them post? you say seshas is concerned about the cult vs. mafia thing but don't like that she didn't do anything about it—what is she supposed to do? none of us know for sure that a cult exists. her posting about it seems apt to me, and i strongly disagree that it looks like it's coming from someone who has "never played against a cult in their entire life"
however i don’t see the wagons moving off koko/seshas, though, and until they do i think koko is where i’m going to have to stay. i might be open to a third wagon if anyone has any ideas.
i'm vibing personally. i don't think a seshas lynch will give us that much useful information to go on unless she flips wolf (doubt), and koko isn't getting yeeted today. at least this way we get a clear on a living player at minimum. redneckphoenix sorry bro don't flame i feel guilty
np if it's too late to do this but meh, if not gonna go back to kokorico.

I sort of vaguely liked Hydreigon's entrance but I don't think it's a thing to put too much stock into
I also vaguely liked Hydreigon's mindset, they feel like they're trying to solve noturally and not propped up by teammates
context: these had no real context in thread and many other folks pointed out how weird they seemed. feels like wolf trying to make fellow wolf look towny IMO

I think the chances of an alien or other bulletproof role being hit are lower than doctor purely because there are some players, like hydreigon, that probably aren't ever going to get N0'd
99% chance this is NAI but the other 1% is like, why does Hydreigon happen to be the person Seshas first thinks of here :unsure:

I think that this is solidly Town!Vipera, based of play in Cats and TvT
which is cool because Town!Hydreigon
seems like more wolf trying to make wolf look good

this vote attempt was right after the day-end cutoff, and would have flipped the wagons from Seshas majority to rand Seshas/koko. looks very bad IMO

(for posterity I should disclaim that I have tried very hard not to allow Hydreigon's baffling push on me and Trebek at EOD to factor into my thinking, but I can't necessarily ensure it's not subconsciously there)

I have decided that a mindmeld with mist on the RNP read is a bad reason to TR him
I'm kind of eh on VM tbh
what is everyone's thoughts about VM up to now ?
kind of a solid null, don't feel what I think rari said about the solving in that one post?
NAI on their own but in light of their later interactions, perhaps w/w attempt at distancing?

Alright @Hydreigon25 thanks for answering my questions

The lie detector was bullshit, I don't have any kind of role like that. But now I am reasonably certain that Hydreigon is town!

Gonna park my vote on Seshas
at this point the wagons were 4 Seshas-2 koko-1 tbh so this is not really indicative one way or the other, just including it for posterity

I think that this is solidly Town!Vipera, based of play in Cats and TvT
which is cool because Town!Hydreigon
I don't know if a Seshas yeet right now is the best idea, so unless we hop on board with Despicable Meme that's what will happen? Seshas can maybe give a sandwich to tbh or Hydreigon or someone else who is very likely town
:unsure: at Seshas and VM both acting like each other and Hydreigon are strong towncore

ah well i tried

did not interact with Seshas



ultimately I'm thinking that {Mist/kyeugh/Hydreigon/VM} probably includes at least a couple of Seshas' scummates and at least one villager whom I'm either misreading or whom Seshas intentionally seeded as a distraction?

I feel strongest about Hydreigon and that's where I'm placing my vote. If they flip wolf I think that reflects really badly on VM because of all the Seshas-VM-Hydreigon "we all three look towny!" TMI posts; if they don't flip wolf, I'll have to re-evaluate
well that nightkill definitely did happen so we probably have scum
oh and fwiw

my townread on RNP was entirely posturing I just wanted to get my n1 action off on him because it's always +ev

I also propose we let him survive today unconditionally for the same reasons
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